Evil_Del wrote:well in these posts all i see is that Woodman is totally dominating and humiliating you verbally, and all you can do is having your usual verbal diarheaa that nobody has the time nor the bravery to read till the end.
Learn to use punctuation and put a few space in your texts once in a while dear Gromerdo it could help

bye the way Woodman invites you for a rendez-vous, you must be very excited like the little teenager brat you are, why declining his offer are you shy? Maybe afraid to blush and shivers when you meet your hero and his impressive wooden 4 inches baseball bat? Don't worry i'm sure he'll be sweet with you when he'll offer you a taste of his sweet chinese technique
But hey we know the serbians, big mouth and impolite peasant manners, but their balls are the size of little greek olives...No wonder they get their ass kisked out of their own country every 10 or 15 years

Smelly Delly, I thought you're just a retarded mongoloid.But, you're blind too or at least your vision is super poor.Your reading reading comprehension is terrible which is logical for a braindead fucktard like you.
It's so natural that one retarded illiterate faggot(you) is licking ass of other illiterate faggot(Pee Wee).Pee Wee can't spell, neither can you, you dumb fuck.Let me(intellectually superior alpha male) educate illiterate limp dick virgin beta(you) for free:It's not diarheaa, it's diarrhea , it's not serbians, it's Serbians, it's not greek, It's Greek, it's not kisked out, it's kicked out.So, while you're licking your master's ass, you both should practice spelling, you fucking amoeba.
Pee Wee barely speaks English, therefore he can't dominate a first grader, yet alone me.If you could see, you fucking blind bitch, than you would see that I use punctuation and space in a perfect way.It'll be my pleasure to fuck your empty skull, so now praknis maxxximum bitch, for a proper skull fuck.
WoodyTheSmallPecker is a notorious liar.That CUNT is lying 24/7, so nobody gives a fuck what he says-writes.That pussy never had balls to meet me 1 on 1 in Budapest or any other city.Maybe you can join him, maybe you two CUNTS will grow some balls, face me and end up with broken jaws?Do you have balls to meet me, you fucking pussy?
You're an ignorant peasant.Therefore you know nothing about Serbs.Emperor of the Serbs, Tsar Dusan The Mighty was ruler of Serbs and Greeks in 14th century.Serbian empire was a major power in that part of the Europe from 1346 till 1371, Thessaloniki was Serbia.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqh4QrqvKxMWe are freedom fighters with a nice tradition of killing the tyrants.Serbian knight Milos Obilic killed Ottoman-Turkish sultan Murad I, he opened him like a pig-opening the bastard from his belly to his throat(Ottoman empire was the greatest military force at the time).Young Serbian hero Gavrilo Princip at the age of 19 killed the Austro-Hungarian Empire tyrant Archduke Franz Ferdinand(Austro-Hungarian Empire was the greatest military force at the time). Serbian army kicked asses of Austro-Hungarian army in the WWI.The famous victory of that war between small outnumberd Serbia and mighty Austro-Hungarian Empire was the battle of Kolubara.Austro-Hungarian general Oskar Potiorek was humiliated-outsmarted by brilliant Serbian general Zivojin Misic.That famous victory of Serbian army(the brilliant tactics of Serbian general Zivojin Misic) is being studied at all major military academies like West Point, for example.
Serbian duke-military officer Vojislav Tankosic bitchslapped Winston Churchill, that overweight English pig, in 1903 in Belgrade.English pig was a journalist at the time and was writing shit about the Serbs.Serbian Duke Vojislav Taknosic put that cunt in his place.Bu the way, Churchill is a Serbian bastard as Serbian King Milan Obrenovic fucked whore of his mother American slut "Lady" Jennie Jerome(later to become Churchill).King Milan Obrenovic was famous for fucking royal whores of the West.One of them was that slut Jennie.So, Winnie was actually a Serbian bastard.
It's strange that a small country like Serbia has its embassy in a luxurious building at the most exclusive location in the capital of Hungary(its address is Dózsa György út 92, 1068 Budapest).In 1930s Serbian poet and diplomat Jovan Ducic was ambassador in Budapest.Wealthy Hungarian countess fell in love with him, willingly spreading legs for her lover, Serbian fucker, many times and because he fucked her so good she gifted that luxurious building to him, of course Jovan Ducic gave it to his country.You should never underestimate Serbian cock.
Dusan Popov Serbian triple agent was a real life James Bond.Popov is considered one of Ian Fleming's primary inspirations for the character of James Bond. He has been the subject of a number of non-fiction books and documentaries.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Du%C5%A1ko_PopovHe also fucked lots of Western whores.
The greatest genius that ever lived was a son of an Ortodox Serbian priest, Nikola Tesla the Serb, the man who gave electricity to the world so that shit maggots like you can pollute internet.
English football hooligans are famous for being violent.Still, they have been acting like little girls every time some English club played Serbian club.I wonder why they never had balls to try something in Belgrade.So, Pierre thinks he can come to Belgrade and act tough?Supporter of Toulose, Brice Taton thought the same in 2009 when he came to Belgrade, he paid the ultimate price for that.
Supporters of Olympique Marseille got their asses kicked by Red Star supporters in Bari, Italy 1991 when Red Star became Champions of Europe.Olympique Marseille supporters are in white and blue, Red Star supporters are in red and white.Watch closely at 0:58 how 1 Red Star supporter walks among 20 French supporter shouting Avanti Stella Rossa and pushing them, they did not do anything, like pussies they are.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrnKRanKJJ0When "heros" of nato(19 countries) attacked Serbia in 1999 they were humiliated and outsmarted.Serbs took down F-117 stealth("invisible) aircraft.They used advantage in the air to bomb and kill civilians-kids.They had no balls to send land troops.Instead they were cowardly bombing civilian infrastructure and killing civilians-kids.
The terrorists, Albanians from Serbian territory Kosovo tried invasion with land troops, with support of official army of Albania, UK SAS, USA Green Berets, they tried and suffered great losses, they failed.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtjXfop64d8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRcUil6VqZISo, Serbian balls are big.I can give you chance to find that out in real life, but I know you won't come because instead of balls you have raisins, you disgusting piece of shit, mongoloid cunt faggot.