Transgender? Serious?

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Re: Transgender? Serious?

Postby drevokocur66 » Thu Dec 26, 2019 6:49 am

visigoth2020111 wrote:wthf.....
it was supposed for the girls to be fuck by the shemales.
it was supposed for the shemales to replace the guys.
but GG turn it into a fucking gay shit, and now the guys that fuck the shemales, are gay.
very sad day for GG work. did we lost him ?
and certainly we lost some of the guys. as they are branded.
now, make another studio for man on shemales, bisexual stuff. and use different guys for it
depraved whores are good to all
depraved stud are good to certain audiences.

I am curious if GIO will release two TS dominating a guy. That, would be HOT. Especially if they piss down his throat.
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Re: Transgender? Serious?

Postby neeoproud » Thu Dec 26, 2019 10:44 am

Ralph_Anal_Spinelli wrote:]Bring in Ella Hollywood PLLZZ Next. She has the hottest face and smile than any gender female I've ever seen :eek: :)

Totally agree. Gio's anal gangbang squad would absolutely love teaming up on her.
Giorgio Grandi is God!

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Re: Transgender? Serious?

Postby RedBaron » Thu Dec 26, 2019 11:29 am

dap-addict wrote:
RedBaron wrote:
biZZler wrote:I think all the 0%pussy crap and DAP only shit should be shot with TS models from now on. It makes complete sense! They have no pussy to be ignored!

Yes, that's what some people need around here: "no accidental pussy fucking" is possible
You know who I am talking about?!

Talking about morons or posters with limited possibilities to understand others.... oh, well! :mad:

Are you angry, Little Boy? Please behave!
Don't waste water! Drink piss and swallow cum!

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Re: Transgender? Serious?

Postby davebowman » Thu Dec 26, 2019 11:38 am

vvvv84335 wrote:Bottom line is, just download what you want and skip what you don't want... Have fun :)

That's generally my view. My only slight disappointment here is that scenes featuring three girls have become increasingly rare around these parts, and from the female side of things this looks like one of the best scenes of the year. Unfortunately, if you are not also into transsexuals taking it up the butt, then the scene is essentially unwatchable.

I have absolutely no issue with Legap Porno pumping out scenes with guys fucking transsexuals on a daily basis, as I can just happily skip them in favour of stuff that interests me - but this one does feel slightly like a great scene has been pulled out from under me. Looking at the sales figures, I guess this will become the new norm shortly. Same thing happenned a few years back when Jay Sin stopped producing female ass videos and switched to TS stuff. It's a shame for me, but hey - there's always more female porn out there.

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Re: Transgender? Serious?

Postby TheVulture » Sat Dec 28, 2019 7:04 pm

siobhancraig90 wrote:You call a transgender person by their preferred pronouns, or legal pronouns depending on the country. Or just be an douchebag unnecessarily, whatever.

Natalie defines as a woman

I agree that some of the language here is out of turn and unnecessarily aggressive but at the same time I don't think the situation is quite as cut-and-dried as you suggest. I'm a left leaning guy (a socialist, in fact) and consider myself to be pretty liberal but I'm uncomfortable with the idea of someone self-identifying as the opposite sex of birth and using the toilet and changing room facilities of their choice. Just recently as part of some left wing canvassing I spoke to a young woman who was very troubled by the imposition of transgender rights on her work as a counselor dealing with young girls who have been sexually abused. Specifically these changes have meant that these girls are often denied what they perceive to be safe female spaces when they obviously require them even more than most women. This young lady was very angry and disillusioned with the left in our country (England) and felt that it was in danger of becoming a victim of liberal identity politics and ignoring the needs of ordinary people. I told her that I completely agreed with these sentiments (because I do) and her specific example was very powerful.

More generally, the feminist movement here is very split on these issues and those surrounding access of trans women to women-only institutions such as universities. The argument is that someone who has lived as a male for, say, the first 18 years of their life can't possibly know what it feels like to be a woman regardless of what has been going on with them internally. Many female-only institutions are designed purely to address these issues. It is thus a valid case to suggest that these (and other areas of public life) should be trans-exclusionary.

By all means make your case using persuasive arguments but I don't think it is helpful to state something fairly subjective so matter-of-factly and certainly not to resort to abuse of those who don't comply (admittedly your adversary may have been abusive initially but 2 wrongs don't make a right etc.) Clearly not everyone is comfortable with referring to transgendered people by their own defined choice of label and in my opinion that is a battle that transgenderism will struggle to win on a wide basis. The likelihood is that some people will comply and some won't. This really is a large part of the terrain of the debate and I think will ultimately determine how far transgenderism can go to achieve widespread acceptance.
More non-manhandle scenes please. Hands away from face/neck/shoulders. Keep the girls loose, free and expressive. Don't overpower them - let them sizzle! Keep the heels on. More panties pulled to one side. More skirts/tight dresses. More 0% pussy scenes.

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Re: Transgender? Serious?

Postby DarkEden » Sat Dec 28, 2019 8:49 pm

I'm uncomfortable with the idea of someone self-identifying as the opposite sex of birth and using the toilet and changing room facilities of their choice

That's good. Hence why the majority here have significant therapy before being allowed to take hormones or have any kind of surgery - I'm in the UK also.

However, they've been able to in law for over a decade now. This new 'battle' that's being fought is over regressing a minority group's rights, not stopping them gaining new ones. Self-ID or not, transgender people (classified in law as covered under 'Gender Reassignment') have been allowed to use toilets that match their gender since 2005. In fact, there are literally no laws covering excluding people from toilets in the UK at all.

More generally, the feminist movement here is very split on these issues and those surrounding access of trans women to women-only institutions such as universities. The argument is that someone who has lived as a male for, say, the first 18 years of their life can't possibly know what it feels like to be a woman regardless of what has been going on with them internally. Many female-only institutions are designed purely to address these issues. It is thus a valid case to suggest that these (and other areas of public life) should be trans-exclusionary.

It's significantly less 'split' than you make out.

The feminist movement IS split here, between a group of radical feminists who're actively transphobic in their statements and speech, masquerading under 'oh no our safety' nonsense, and the majority of Liberal/other radical feminists, who see Transpeople as our brothers and sisters. The law DOES allow for some trans-exclusionary practice - for example, it specifically mentions a rape counselling centre is allowed under the law to not give a job as a rape counsellor to a transwoman. That's fine. However, it does not permit the mass-trans-exclusionary the 'split' feminists you mention earlier are demanding (such as repealing the GRA/passing laws forbidding transwomen of any kind from accessing 'female' spaces). Currently it's on a case by case basis and down to each institution to decide, IF it's a significant need to make it a biological female only service.

Clearly not everyone is comfortable with referring to transgendered people by their own defined choice of label and in my opinion that is a battle that transgenderism will struggle to win on a wide basis. The likelihood is that some people will comply and some won't. This really is a large part of the terrain of the debate and I think will ultimately determine how far transgenderism can go to achieve widespread acceptance

That's honestly ridiculous. I know no one in the area where I live who wouldn't at least use a person's preferred pronouns, and I have a wide social circle, have a professional career, and live in one of the largest cities in the UK. Being uncomfortable with transgendered people is fine, you can't help that. Denying them their pronouns, however, is a straight up disgusting move. Thinking they're actually biological women? Thinking they are different to natal women? Sure, that's up for debate, that's fine and normal to have thoughts about. But to call them men (or women if they're transmen) and deny them their pronouns? Very hard to justify.

Specifically these changes have meant that these girls are often denied what they perceive to be safe female spaces when they obviously require them even more than most women.

But they haven't. Rape centres/counsellors don't employ trans people, unless they choose to. They have an opt out under the law. The 'powerful anecdote' you relayed was literally one where nothing has changed since 2010, no laws have changed since 2010, and unless you're implying that transwomen shouldn't be able to access rape counselling, I don't get your point. There have been no legal changes since 2010. They've been discussing 'Self-ID', but that doesn't look like it's going to happen.

By all means make your case using persuasive arguments but I don't think it is helpful to state something fairly subjective so matter-of-factly and certainly not to resort to abuse of those who don't comply (admittedly your adversary may have been abusive initially but 2 wrongs don't make a right etc.)

This is clouding the water stuff. It's not subjective that Natalie goes by 'she/her' pronouns. And yes, the first guy called me a moron - I retorted back in kind. So your point is that it's absolutely fine for rampant transphobes to be as offensive as they like, but I have to make reasoned arguments and never stoop to their level.

I say all this as a feminist, as someone who has supported the LGBT movement since it became that in 2004, and someone who has trans colleagues, friends, as well as the obvious huge majority of non-trans colleagues and friends. In another thread, you mentioned that LGB protections were enshrined in law here, so Trans had to fight their own battles. It was an absolutely bollocks point to make, as the SAME act that protected Transpeople protected LGB people. Transpeople actually had an act to protect them put in place six years before the Equality Act. The battle was already fought, and won, regarding Gender Reassignment being a protected category. There is a loud minority of people here in the tolerant UK who are trying to muddy the water, pretend that it's a battle to be fought, and denying individuals their legal rights.

The exact arguments being made now by people like yourself were the exact arguments being made against the LGB community in the 90s and early 00s. Literally. Even to the whole 'Don't compare it to race, it's nothing like race, it's a choice' aspect. Even to the 'we have to protect children/women from these perverts. It's pure concern trolling to attack a vulnerable minority. I saw it in the 90s, I saw it in the 00s, I'm seeing it now.

I also have to point out the utter irony of you taking the hardline mumsnet style radical feminist position on this - considering they're not only trans-exclusionary, but sex-worker exclusionary as well. And yet you're posting on a forum dedicated to the degradation of women through extreme pornographic acts. Do me a favour - before arguing in favour for transphobia, why not share with those who agree with you your position on sites like this. As a woman, as a feminist, and as both a trans-inclusionary and sex-worker inclusionary person, I am fine with this website. It seems odd that you'd even be here.

You don't have to accept transwomen as women. No one does. However, to misgender them, to deny them their rights under the law (as you're in the UK), to make out like Self-ID (i.e. a man in a beard saying they're a woman and suddenly accessing all female areas) has already happened, and to seek to actively roll-back their legally enshrined rights is, in my opinion, completely immoral. I feel you're attempting to come from a good place, sure, but the fact that you replied to me purely based on the misgendering point (which is actually illegal here in the UK if you do it to an individual multiple times - it's classed as harassment and people have lost their jobs over it) really makes me upset.

Denying someone's identity is a terrible thing. Especially someone like Natalie who has had surgery, hormones, and made every effort to change herself into who she feels she is inside. But oh, I'm too 'matter of fact' by suggesting someone is a douchebag for not honouring her personal pronouns.

You might want to post a link to this thread on mumsnet where the entirety of this anti-trans campaign in the UK is orchestrated and stems from. I wonder what they'd think about you being a patron here.

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Re: Transgender? Serious?

Postby TheVulture » Sat Dec 28, 2019 11:16 pm

There's a lot of passive-aggressive stuff in there but this bit stands out as quite alarming:

"you're posting on a forum dedicated to the degradation of women through extreme pornographic acts." I'm not. I'm posting on a forum that celebrates hard sex acts between consenting adults who (in the main) love what they are doing and provide people like me with vicarious pleasure. You're probably not familiar with my posting but I get a lot of grief from other males on here because I speak out about rough stuff like manhandling, throat-grabbing etc. particularly when it seems to be a default kind of setting (and especially with new girls) rather than an obvious preference of an experienced porn girl. I'm not really a typical LP forum poster - more of a sensitive soul you might say. But it's a little disturbing that you essentially seem to be condescending towards female porn stars and view them as defenceless, unwilling and/or abused parties per se. Clearly that can happen but it's something I recoil from and also call out on here. Championing trans porn whilst essentially denigrating porn (or at least hetero porn) strikes me as somewhat odd and merely fuels my belief that yours is perhaps more of a socio-political crusade than anything. I did of course widen the discussion around transgenderism to include social and political aspects but that is because I don't think that they can be separated from a discussion on transgender porn. However, I'm unsure where the porn element even comes in with you. Do you watch and enjoy porn? Are you happy to accept that when done properly it can be liberating and empowering for its performers? Or is it just another area of life where you want to see transgenderism make its mark and be treated on an equal footing?

You do certainly make good points about existing law about which I am largely ignorant. But this is kind of the point. My own view is that these laws have moved faster than public opinion and as such the whole issue isn't even close to being settled. Only time will really tell on that front.

I also completely refute the notion that transgenderism acceptance (or otherwise) is following the same trajectory that race and sexual orientation acceptance took many decades ago. Both racism and homophobia are much less instinctive than opposition to transgenderism for the simple reason that the latter clashes more directly not only with many practical social conventions (eg toilets, changing facilities etc.) but also - in many cases - our base human instincts. There was no more reason to display hostility to someone based on their skin colour or sexual orientation in 1950 (or even 1850) than there is today. Neither has any practical impact on the day-to-day existence of the mass of ordinary people and only took root due to a lack of education and awareness (and in many cases fuelled by poverty). But transgenderism does (and always will) impact directly on people's day-to-day existence wherever it exists, even if this only amounts to a slightly confused (and entirely human) reaction to someone who walks past on the street when their appearance challenges our internal perception of how males and females "should" look and thus disables our radar. Furthermore, this confusion/disorientation cannot be eradicated through education and awareness any more than can any other base human instinct. It is much more complicated and opaque than that. We will always want to determine a man from a woman in the same way as a dog from a cat or whatever. It's essentially vital to our existence and trying to "flatten" such needs and instincts is IMHO an impossible task. We can probably disagree on this and in essence there isn't a right or wrong answer except to say that time will tell. But I know a lot of young people who wouldn't dream of doing or saying anything homophobic or racist who nonetheless feel confused and disorientated about transgenderism in the same way that I do. Maybe it is our problem. Or maybe it isn't. Again I think that only time will tell.

Finally, whilst I have heard of mumsnet I have never visited it and certainly don't know about its involvement in the transgender debate. My views are entirely my own and based on my own observances. Mine isn't a crusade by any means and I certainly don't wish anyone who has been impacted by transgenderism any ill will but it is a topic that fascinates me (as you can probably tell) and one which often seems to me to be dominated by liberals without a great understanding of popular perception of the issue outside of their own (generally very liberal) social circles. I just don't think that "the masses" are ready to accept transgenderism in the same way that you are. But that is just my own view and again the answer will ultimately be borne out by real events as opposed to intellectual debate.
More non-manhandle scenes please. Hands away from face/neck/shoulders. Keep the girls loose, free and expressive. Don't overpower them - let them sizzle! Keep the heels on. More panties pulled to one side. More skirts/tight dresses. More 0% pussy scenes.

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Re: Transgender? Serious?

Postby Sir Noel » Sat Dec 28, 2019 11:53 pm

TERF's ought to be renamed TEF's.

Most feminists are not radfems and whilst some of the outspoken anti-trans feminists like Bindel, Greer and Meghan Murphy certainly are (and their stance on trans women is just an extension of their hatred of men, except suddenly now the hatred doesn't get a free pass), TERF has become a term for any feminist who expresses negative or skeptical views towards trans women.

Re: The Vulture
A deeper issue with one of your examples is that there exists female only colleges AT ALL at UK universities (isn't it only Cambridge?).
The toilets issue I firmly side with the trans acceptance lobby. Otherwise you would have trans men with their proud luxurious beards and lumberjack shirts striding into the ladies toilets. That doesn't seem a sensible solution.

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Re: Transgender? Serious?

Postby DarkEden » Sun Dec 29, 2019 12:06 am

TheVulture wrote:There's a lot of passive-aggressive stuff in there but this bit stands out as quite alarming:

"you're posting on a forum dedicated to the degradation of women through extreme pornographic acts." I'm not. I'm posting on a forum that celebrates hard sex acts between consenting adults who (in the main) love what they are doing and provide people like me with vicarious pleasure. You're probably not familiar with my posting but I get a lot of grief from other males on here because I speak out about rough stuff like manhandling, throat-grabbing etc. particularly when it seems to be a default kind of setting (and especially with new girls) rather than an obvious preference of an experienced porn girl. I'm not really a typical LP forum poster - more of a sensitive soul you might say. But it's a little disturbing that you essentially seem to be condescending towards female porn stars and view them as defenceless, unwilling and/or abused parties per se. Clearly that can happen but it's something I recoil from and also call out on here. Championing trans porn whilst essentially denigrating porn (or at least hetero porn) strikes me as somewhat odd and merely fuels my belief that yours is perhaps more of a socio-political crusade than anything. I did of course widen the discussion around transgenderism to include social and political aspects but that is because I don't think that they can be separated from a discussion on transgender porn. However, I'm unsure where the porn element even comes in with you. Do you watch and enjoy porn? Are you happy to accept that when done properly it can be liberating and empowering for its performers? Or is it just another area of life where you want to see transgenderism make its mark and be treated on an equal footing?

You do certainly make good points about existing law about which I am largely ignorant. But this is kind of the point. My own view is that these laws have moved faster than public opinion and as such the whole issue isn't even close to being settled. Only time will really tell on that front.

I also completely refute the notion that transgenderism acceptance (or otherwise) is following the same trajectory that race and sexual orientation acceptance took many decades ago. Both racism and homophobia are much less instinctive than opposition to transgenderism for the simple reason that the latter clashes more directly not only with many practical social conventions (eg toilets, changing facilities etc.) but also - in many cases - our base human instincts. There was no more reason to display hostility to someone based on their skin colour or sexual orientation in 1950 (or even 1850) than there is today. Neither has any practical impact on the day-to-day existence of the mass of ordinary people and only took root due to a lack of education and awareness (and in many cases fuelled by poverty). But transgenderism does (and always will) impact directly on people's day-to-day existence wherever it exists, even if this only amounts to a slightly confused (and entirely human) reaction to someone who walks past on the street when their appearance challenges our internal perception of how males and females "should" look and thus disables our radar. Furthermore, this confusion/disorientation cannot be eradicated through education and awareness any more than can any other base human instinct. It is much more complicated and opaque than that. We will always want to determine a man from a woman in the same way as a dog from a cat or whatever. It's essentially vital to our existence and trying to "flatten" such needs and instincts is IMHO an impossible task. We can probably disagree on this and in essence there isn't a right or wrong answer except to say that time will tell. But I know a lot of young people who wouldn't dream of doing or saying anything homophobic or racist who nonetheless feel confused and disorientated about transgenderism in the same way that I do. Maybe it is our problem. Or maybe it isn't. Again I think that only time will tell.

Finally, whilst I have heard of mumsnet I have never visited it and certainly don't know about its involvement in the transgender debate. My views are entirely my own and based on my own observances. Mine isn't a crusade by any means and I certainly don't wish anyone who has been impacted by transgenderism any ill will but it is a topic that fascinates me (as you can probably tell) and one which often seems to me to be dominated by liberals without a great understanding of popular perception of the issue outside of their own (generally very liberal) social circles. I just don't think that "the masses" are ready to accept transgenderism in the same way that you are. But that is just my own view and again the answer will ultimately be borne out by real events as opposed to intellectual debate.

I'm not going to do a huge response as we're talking on a number of threads about this. However, I appreciate that you're aware of lack of understanding of the law etc. However, as someone who lived through the struggles of the 90s/00s as part of the LGB community, I personally see the parallels perfectly.

The late 90s/early 00s were full of articles from the black community in the US and UK saying how angry they were regarding the comparison between black rights and LGB rights, and how dare we make that comparison when LGB rights were morality based. To me, this period is the same, and between 2004 until 2016 there wasn't even a peep until mumsnet started organising.

I do appreciate that you are arguing in good faith however and I know there are definitely some things to discuss regarding trans rights. But misgendering them purposefully is a very, very low bar to set for civility.

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Re: Transgender? Serious?

Postby avanfurwet » Sun Dec 29, 2019 12:43 pm

Giorgio actually wrote "I read several message with the word "disgusting" regarding a t-girl, but at the same time you want "puke porn, drink piss and girl sucking shitted dick". With all respect I find very homophobic the issue with t-girls and very disgusting all the rest"

The guy speaks at least 4 languages which is 3 more than me, and I don't think it's cool for a native English speaker to denigrate his choice of words as dubious and ugly.

I don't know if Giorgio exactly meant homophobic or transphobic but it's obviously irrelevant. He clearly wanted to call out those who were and still are posting hateful nonsense all over the place.

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Re: Transgender? Serious?

Postby Jake_Maverick » Mon Dec 30, 2019 6:47 pm

i'm totally with Gio on this.


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