Newest "group" scene I purchased from Giorgio was GIO906 with Stacy Bloom
which I thought was freaking awesome. But it was directed by Giorgio,
not his main director, who I don't know his name
Giorgio is not recording the movies anymore, he is producing them, whatever.
It's like putting "producer James Cameron" and expect a freaking terminator movie, lol
it's just not gonna happen again unless James Cameron is actually directing it, same thing here. lol
Whoever is filling his shoes, he just hit a brick wall, lol
it's gonna take who knows how long for him to develop a comparable refinement.
All the other scenes I have gotten from Giorgio since, have been 1 on 1 and one 2 on 1 scene,
which were not directed by Giorgio, and all suffer from camera hyperactivity.
Which left a sour taste in my mouth, lol
Which now makes me extra wary, and now I pay attention to the trailer.
And Giorgio trailers are unwatchable for me. There is just not enough time for me to soak it up.
So I'm at a point that I can't trust what I gathered from the trailer,
and what I remember from his recent movies was not good, I just can't buy newer movies. lol