evil-pineapples wrote:Look, I'm a foot guy. It's what I want to see. I don't expect it to be in every LP scene, but I like to see this stuff and I'll always ask for more of it. Having said that, I don't expect any full-on foot fetish content from LP.
evil-pineapples wrote:So basically, no change at all from the way they're currently doing things.
evil-pineapples wrote:I totally understand that they aren't going to have bare feet in every scene, I just want to see them show those feet off when they do have them.
Shotgun00 wrote:Looks hot but out of curiosity was that you spamming feetanal.tmblr![]()
dap-addict wrote:Nice tumlrs, but its still 15 vs. 11 vs. 8.
More heels, but barefoot is strong, too.
33 : 33 : 33 production of stockinged feet - barefeet - heels would be still way ok. But it looks that barefeet fans are relly over-catered for at LP these days.
dap-addict wrote:Nice tumlrs, but its still 15 vs. 11 vs. 8.
More heels, but barefoot is strong, too.
33 : 33 : 33 production of stockinged feet - barefeet - heels would be still way ok. But it looks that barefeet fans are relly over-catered for at LP these days.
dap-addict wrote:A variety, yes.
But clearly more variety than the about 80% barefeet sex scenes they shoot now.
Poll shows that its 4-5 more barefeet sex endings than consumers want. Go figure!
eknbb2 wrote:For some weird reason bare feet are grossing me off, I consider myself to be the ultimate anti foot fetishistI do have a huge thing for all kinds of high heels though, they add so much beauty to the otherwise bland anatomy of feet and greatly increase the sexyness of both standing and kneeling poses because they are forcing the chicks to bend their spines accentuating their butts.
evil-pineapples wrote:They don't produce 80% barefeet scenes. You are definitely exaggerating about that.
At any rate, you can almost never see the girls' feet in the shot, so it doesn't matter. The camera guy seldom ever shows them, bare or stockinged or heeled. To me, THAT is the real issue.
jorge311 wrote:I nice barefoot footjob.. maybe even reverse to get started
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