marcimilan wrote:And they cant pull a proper Romanian gipsy...
hyapet wrote:The way that Nick operated NRX, which was extremely smart, was he brought girls in for a 10 scene contract. He also paid them extremely well, and by that I mean, extremely well.
NRX was also the frontier of hardcore porn on pretty much the entire internet. And, the sales showed for that as well. Not just this - but the style - the shots - the routines they were required to do - they were essentially the hottest girls in all of porn... Like, these girls were at the top, and they were getting paid like they were as well.
hyapet wrote:when you're a pristine 19-year-old beauty who was the prettiest girl in your entire high school, and you were likewise shooting with other girls who hit that same benchmark, are you really going to be interested in joining a studio whose other performers look like they drink gasoline in their spare time?
hyapet wrote:And you have to remember - European girls aren't like Russian girls.
hyapet wrote:European girls have degrees, and high paying jobs, and are treated like they are men.
hyapet wrote:And for good reason - 'cause they all ugly as fuck. If there was ever anyone you would just naturally want to stick behind a desk in a building that didn't have any windows - European women would be the prime candidates.
latina-girls-yes wrote:were models paid more than the rates Giorgio or Gonzo paid, which i am guessing were standard eu rates?
i never followed NRX closely (no disrespect to the studio and its aims, i just prefer latina studios and models) but i can't recall ever seeing anything from NRX studio that compared with Giorgio's various 'extreme' series (waka waka, basined, beer festival, and so on).
my abiding memory of NRX releases (during the covid years anyway) was scenes shot in the front rooms of residential flats with often poor lighting and understyled (though often attractive) models.
as russian xxx has to be shot under different circumstances to eu xxx (due to more restrictive russian laws on xxx production) such limitations need to be accepted by fans as an inevitable part of the equation (russsian studio and models need and deserve our support as all good xxx creators do).
but world beating? each to their own, and you are entitled to your opinion.
latina-girls-yes wrote:if that's your honest opinion then why - now that NRX is no longer a going concern - are you still here (other than to openly denigrate models you don't consider up to your standards)?
latina-girls-yes wrote:a fundamental point to clarify here:
russia is so big that it has a european side, an atlantic side, an arctic side and an asian side. as such, russians in the west of the country are *every bit* as european as any of the populations of bordering eu member states. frau von der pustula and her third-rate puppetshow in brussels may not like to admit that, but that's the geographic reality
note that in previous centuries western europe and russia often had excellent relations (catherine the great - founder of the russian port city of odessa - was particularly fond of of and allied with france, and greatly inspired by the art and ideas of the enlightenment).
it's only very recently (in historical terms) that european populations have been misled by governments with nefarious agendas to view russians as 'other' and non-european. it's a dangerous lie (eg. the nazis considered those of slavic lineage as untermensch to be ethnically-cleansed and/or destroyed) so essential to address
we can say 'russians' to distinguish between 'eastern europeans indigenous to russia' and 'western europeans who live outside the borders of russia', but beware falling into the trap of considering them a different species. so if i say 'russian' that doesn't mean i don't also consider them absolutely as 'european' as any other european
latina-girls-yes wrote:some facts:
russian women and european women are (more or less) equally represented in higher education (russian women ~ 35%-40%, western european women 20%-45%)
russian women are not paid as well as their male counterparts doing the same job, which is something to be addressed as a matter of urgency
on the ideological front, gender equality in the education/employment sphere is generally to be aspired to, because why shouldn't women and men have the same educational opportunities? why shouldn't women be payed as much as men for doing the same job? why do you bear a grudge against women being treated as equal to men?
an important related fact you fail to mention on this subject, is that male achivement in higher education consistenetly lags behind female educational achievment in russia, europe and the US by around 10%. so statistically-speaking, women in russia and the west are all 'slumming it' intellectually when/if they choose to speak with you
latina-girls-yes wrote:are you referencing your mother, your partner or your daughter in making this statment?
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