fister2 wrote:Gipsy girls are very rarely seen in porn. I bet the reason is their culture.
fister2 wrote:Gipsy girls are very rarely seen in porn. I bet the reason is their culture.
feltrough wrote:fister2 wrote:Gipsy girls are very rarely seen in porn. I bet the reason is their culture.
yes too busy making babies
TheVulture wrote:Do any of you ever think that your attitude towards porn girls (and women in general) might be the reason the industry is on its knees?
Maybe your demand for unpleasant porn that portrays the girls as "victims"/"prey" etc. isn't a viable long-term economic model?
Just a couple of thoughts.
latina-girls-yes wrote:fister2 wrote:Gipsy girls are very rarely seen in porn. I bet the reason is their culture.
the roma have a rich culture, a set of time-honoured traditions and a system of values that goes back centuiries and gives real meaning to their lives. and they have fought hard for centuries (and against all odds, as a perpetually marginalised community) to preserve their way of life from the attempts of racists like you to eliminate them from existance, via your constant crusades, your pogroms and (most recently) your nazi extermination camps
so tell us what life-affirming culture gives your life meaning and that you would fight centuries to preserve, fister2? macdonalds, walmart and netflix?? happy like a pig in shit, and welcome to it
marcimilan wrote:In Románia, Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria there a lot of hot gipsy girls.
I bet they Will do everything for almost half price.
latina-girls-yes wrote:fister2 wrote:Gipsy girls are very rarely seen in porn. I bet the reason is their culture.
the roma have a rich culture, a set of time-honoured traditions and a system of values that goes back centuiries and gives real meaning to their lives. and they have fought hard for centuries (and against all odds, as a perpetually marginalised community) to preserve their way of life from the attempts of racists like you to eliminate them from existance, via your constant crusades, your pogroms and (most recently) your nazi extermination camps
so tell us what life-affirming culture gives your life meaning and that you would fight centuries to preserve, fister2? macdonalds, walmart and netflix?? happy like a pig in shit, and welcome to it
dap-addict wrote:True, but it's culturally difficult to scout them and keep their careers afloat.
fister2 wrote:latina-girls-yes wrote:fister2 wrote:Gipsy girls are very rarely seen in porn. I bet the reason is their culture.
the roma have a rich culture, a set of time-honoured traditions and a system of values that goes back centuiries and gives real meaning to their lives. and they have fought hard for centuries (and against all odds, as a perpetually marginalised community) to preserve their way of life from the attempts of racists like you to eliminate them from existance, via your constant crusades, your pogroms and (most recently) your nazi extermination camps
so tell us what life-affirming culture gives your life meaning and that you would fight centuries to preserve, fister2? macdonalds, walmart and netflix?? happy like a pig in shit, and welcome to it
No need to get personal. It's the truth, you never see roma people in porn, because in their culture such behavior is not accepted. I was not giving racist comments. I'm partially roma myself.
TheVulture wrote:dap-addict wrote:True, but it's culturally difficult to scout them and keep their careers afloat.
Wow. You really are a chameleon, dap-addict.
In another thread you give a +1 to my suggestion for porn to clean its act up with better overall standards with regard to the treatment of porn girls. Here, you give a dispassionate, reportage-type account of the difficulties the porn industry might face trying to exploit a specific group of women.
dap-addict wrote:It's not about exploitation but giving chances for job options they can live out their natural passion and often wilder sex drive. And fact that they work on set for more realistic fees just adds. But scouting Roma girls is more difficult than scouting white caucasian girls from OP suggested places, but also Czech and Hungary. I know this from own past experience.
dap-addict wrote:It's not about exploitation but giving chances for job options...
Anselm_Weinberg wrote:No, you prefer engaging in positive racism instead. When you attribute some wholesome quality to a group of people. Taken straight out of the post-colonial playbook.
latina-girls-yes wrote:sincere and public apologies on my part, fister2.
i read the first three comments in this thread together, as a set. and as a set they paint a damning picture. but isolating your comment from the other two and taking it on its own terms, i totally accept that i read you unfairly and lashed out when - giving you the benefit of the doubt (and no reason to suppose otherwise) - you said nothing wrong and didn't deserve the reply i made
all due respect to you as roma. and as roma you probably already know that there are some extremly ugly pockets of medieval style (pitchforks and flaming torches) anti-roma hatred still operating in certain dark corners of eastern europe (ukraine and romania come to mind) ... ing-terror
so hopefully you will understand why i pursue a zero-tolerance for anti-roma racism whenever i encounter it. and history is there to remind us what happens when we don't
TheVulture wrote:Wow. You really are a chameleon, dap-addict.
In another thread you give a +1 to my suggestion for porn to clean its act up with better overall standards with regard to the treatment of porn girls. Here, you give a dispassionate, reportage-type account of the difficulties the porn industry might face trying to exploit a specific group of women.
latina-girls-yes wrote:fister2 wrote:Gipsy girls are very rarely seen in porn. I bet the reason is their culture.
the roma have a rich culture, a set of time-honoured traditions and a system of values that goes back centuiries and gives real meaning to their lives. and they have fought hard for centuries (and against all odds, as a perpetually marginalised community) to preserve their way of life from the attempts of racists like you to eliminate them from existance, via your constant crusades, your pogroms and (most recently) your nazi extermination camps
so tell us what life-affirming culture gives your life meaning and that you would fight centuries to preserve, fister2? macdonalds, walmart and netflix?? happy like a pig in shit, and welcome to it
Anselm_Weinberg wrote:Funny coming from the trash who by their own admission would not only like to fuck their own daughter but also relish in seeing them get passed around as a sex slave. Sergio is the ultimate trash
Anselm_Weinberg wrote:I am not defending anyone, just realising that these moralistic judgements along racist or nationalists or tribalistic lines are missing the deeper point about why a society/culture functions as it does and does nothing to resolve these issues but even further replicates them.
Also, you're deflecting, I wasn't calling you trash because you like porn, but rather pointing out how funny it is with you being such a vigilant protetor of the integrity of Western civilisation that you flat out argue it's cool to fuck one's own daughter and that ideally she should go through what amounts to quasi sex slavery as a training exercise. It's clear you're pretty serious about this and it's way beyond just being a fantasy.
Sergio8317 wrote:...gypsies who not only kill for any manifestation of sexuality, but also forcibly marry off girls at the age of 12.
Reality is often worse than the sickest fantasy.
dap-addict wrote:They have another culture, but fact is also that porn can actually help Roma/gipsy girls to emancipate from repressive society, free themselves and their sexuality. On top of that they work for lower fees usually than their white peers in Hungary, Czech and Romanian. Therefore it's a win-win situation for studios and the gipsy girls.
However, as I already said, scouting for porn in gipsy communities is a more difficult task than scouting as such in EU already is.
dap-addict wrote:On top of that they work for lower fees usually than their white peers in Hungary, Czech and Romanian
dap-addict wrote:as I already said, scouting for porn in gipsy communities is a more difficult task than scouting as such in EU already is.
Anselm_Weinberg wrote:Take the Roma woman who doesn't want to be given away in an arranged marriage. It's not a matter of individual bad apples that's coercing her to do this but it's a ingrained part of her culture itself which she cannot rely on to help her in this predicament.
Now I wouldn't argue to impose Western culture on these communities but to help the forward-thinking people like that woman there to subvert the oppressive parts that constitute a sizable part of her culture and found their own universalism. Help them find their own voice and don't obfuscate it with some reference to how awesome this tradition is. Their culture is just as contradictory and hypocritical as our own and shouldn't be put on pedestal
Anselm_Weinberg wrote:to help the forward-thinking people like that woman there to subvert the oppressive parts that constitute a sizable part of her culture
latina-girls-yes wrote:dap-addict wrote:On top of that they work for lower fees usually than their white peers in Hungary, Czech and Romanian
is it that they *want to* work for less than their hungarian, czech and romanian peers, DAPaddict?
or is it actually more the case that they are simply not offered as much to work as their peers because shitty racist employers think they can get away with not renumerating them fairly (i.e. at same rate as other eu girls) purely because they are roma/sinti?
there's a moral dilemma for you and your conscience there, DAPaddict. do you want to perpetuate racist oppressive behaviour, or push back against it when you have the opportunity?
Anselm_Weinberg wrote:And you really shouldn't use the term fascism lightly, not every genuine or supposed foreign imposition is fascist. Funnily enough it is often fascists who would even readily exclaim "each to their own" and every culture and nation should return to its fabulous original roots (itself an illusion of authenticity which in the form fascists conceive it has never existed) but even that is hardly relevant, because even these things can exist independently of fascism and without being such
Anselm_Weinberg wrote:You're just incapable of accepting that not everything that is "bad" is fascism and your holy brand of liberalism only exist in your head.
isis111 wrote:I think that in the above-mentioned countries there are people who would like to star in porn, they just need to throw in a line, write/offer
malvarezlaw wrote:Are Russian girls who have left Russia since shooting for NRX and EK, no longer interested in extreme scenes? I see that Sofa Weber is back. Is it just a money issue?
What's the main problem recruiting attractive causasian girls in Eastern Europe?
I look forward to your replies.
malvarezlaw wrote:I've been away from this board for a while. I always enjoyed dap-addict and hyapet's perspectives. I have a few basic questions (maybe they've already been answered).
Why is EK shooting in Brazil and not Romania or Poland?
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