zeusanalfreak299 wrote:Yes bring more of them. We need to make the middle east great again.![]()
xxxVIPERxxx wrote:Getting Shafia Love back for some more GIO scenes would be a great step in the right direction for your desires/wishes/requests.
Kslvt wrote:The unique purpose of this topic is to promote the magnificent Middle Eastern beauties that are just waiting to be deflowered![]()
Certainly not to spew hatred or give our opinions on a religion ... thank you to remain in the subject and courteous![]()
Kslvt wrote:thank you to remain in the subject
Kslvt wrote:The unique purpose of this topic is to promote the magnificent Middle Eastern beauties that are just waiting to be deflowered![]()
Certainly not to spew hatred or give our opinions on a religion ... thank you to remain in the subject and courteous![]()
Muslim countries are what they are, here we're talking mostly about women who live in Western countries and who are for many very sexually open![]()
But for different reasons, are not much represented in porn, which, at my scale, I would like to change with the help of other admirers of Arabic beauties![]()
Let's celebrate these beautiful oriental sluts and promote them so that things can change!
kookaburra wrote:Facialabuse has Arab girls in two episode.
(1) Safe House
(2) Arab Anal cream pie
ayrtight wrote:Hoping for Roxie´s first Dp
isis666xxx wrote:i personally dont like muslims
isis666xxx wrote:i dont like arabs
isis666xxx wrote:they are intolerant
latina-girls-yes wrote:isis666xxx wrote:i personally dont like muslimsisis666xxx wrote:i dont like arabsisis666xxx wrote:they are intolerant
and nothing says 'tolerance' like hating an entire race of people
if you don't like a particular person (who happens to be of arab heritage, or who happens to be muslim) for whatever reason you chose, then fine. no one likes everyone and you're perfectly entitled to hold that view (but why bother trolling a pro arab model thread to tell us all about it?)
but to extend your dislike beyond that individual to condemning an entire race or religion makes you a racist expressing a racist opinion
it's sad to have to explain that fundamental distinction to a grown adult, but there we are. this is what racism is and how the definition works
furthermore, there are several performers of arab heritage (women and men) who regularly release scenes here and it's a certanty that they will, from time to time, visit the forum to see what members are saying about them and saying in general
do you really want to be the one telling them that you don't like them purely because of the ethinicity they were born into (regardless of whatever personal opinions, beliefs and values they may hold)?
islamophobia in the present day has become what antisemitism was in the 1920s-1940s. don't be part of that
latina-girls-yes wrote:i think the elegant french star Candy Scott may be of arab heritage, based on her rich colouring and refined features. her thread is here (if you don't already pay close attention to her work)
as to the french arab population, there's a HUGE arab community in marseille (which also has the best arab cuisine outside of lebanon, which has the best in west asia), many of whom are first, second, third generation french-arab citizens from the former french colonies of algeria, lebanon etc. and there are also strong french arab communities in regions of paris too (Candy has a 'Paris' tattoo on her neck so she could well be parisienne)
i don't think it's polite or respectful for anyone to ask Candy directly if she is arab (on social media etc), because she may well regard such a question as a) as none of you damn business (and it isn't), b) the kind of challenge racists open with before following up with an insult, and c) she probably wants to be celebrated for who she is as a woman and for the quality of her xxx work (and considers questions about her heritage irrelevant to that)
but it wouldn't surprise me if she did make it known at some point that she was french arab and very proud of that, because africa and the levant are literally the cradle of civillisation (humanity emerged in africa, emigrated from there to the levant, and then spread out to populate the rest of the globe), and the contributions the people of those regions have brought to humanity over the millennia (huge contributions to writing, music, art, maths. science and much more) are something to be intensely proud of
anyway, Candy is gorgeous for all to see, so celebrate and support the girl and her work if her glamorous look and style appeal to your tastes
Kslvt wrote:Guys ... new pearl in the business !!!
I present to you the beautiful whore : Sensuous Samara !!!
I discovered her a week ago after seeing her scene on FacialAbuse and man ... this bitch is hot !!!!
I had such a hard time finding her X profile but now I have a name ...
Super hot arab milf, destroyed anus, wet throat, big tanned ass, anal whore ... OH SHIT I LOVE IT !!!
Let's hope for a round 2 for facialabuse and a pro career soon !!!!
Kslvt wrote:" They like to be crucified " ???
But yeah ... middle eastern babes are the hottest whore on the earth for me ... wanna promote them but it's so f.cking difficult ... so f.cking rare ...
kookaburra wrote:Another smokin hot natural titty middle East babe.
Glad to see in FacialAbuse..
kookaburra wrote:Another smokin hot natural titty middle East babe.
Glad to see in FacialAbuse..
francoxamorreu69 wrote:kookaburra wrote:Another smokin hot natural titty middle East babe.
Glad to see in FacialAbuse..
Don't you know the name of this FacialAbuse woman?
Or is this her first scene and nobody knows her?
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