Dear Ria, I guess you are reading this, your topic on pornbox forum. The point of this post and all other of my posts is not to say anything ugly and bad about you. Never wanted to sound rude and to offend you.
Also, I will copy this post in another topic, here, as my contribution to the subject as this post is not gonna be just about you but wider picture about the thing that porn industry doesn't care about.
viewtopic.php?f=96&t=83123Whatever is the subject, Ria dear, your scenes overall, oufits, performance, acts, piss, sperm, or the weight and "pregnancy".
You are the most beautiful pornstar on the world and pretty much I'm sure that you are aware of that.
Also, I'm pretty much sure that because of that awareness of your beauty and your acting talent, you are trying to always do your best on the stage and look the best possible.
Because, avarage or even below the avarage scenes quality, in any aspect is simply not for you, it doesn't go and doesn't match with you.
As and old GGG fan of your work and a long time Premium Bukkake fan and swallowing fetish fan in overall, I was happy to see you here making lot of stuff.
We, cum swallowing fans are pretty much limited with good stuff these days, months, years with situation on the market, in industry. It's so bad, so difficult to find something good.
By nature, cum shot is the most "sensitive" thing in porn scene. As a male, I know that none of the people involved in a porn scene can't fully control how any cumshot will look, weak or strong, thick or almost just a water, slow or fast. And where it will finish. Director can't control it, cameraman and the actor himself can't. And especially not you or any other actress.
It's not like a piss stream, to quickly take control after 2 seconds, if everything not perfect and in desirable and planned direction from the initial moment. Simply, it's the most sensitive thing about human body and it's own liquid's.
Now we are coming (cumming)

to the famous "but".
But it's not just about not having a control, it's much more about not caring at all (or not caring enough) for it, for the swallowing performance and filming of all, once when the actors are done.
It's by the rule the least important thing for everyone in the porn studio, in shooting process. Like cum swallowing fans don't exist, always at the last place.
Maybe kind of expected from everyone nut not from you, one of the most dedicated overall and the beautiest one, with potential to be the greatest one, ever.
If, by the fact, cum shot is already the body's most sensitive thing and you can't affect on it, that simply means that you (all of you) can and need to pay more or much more attention on it and how the swallowing will be done. Same as you, all of you, consult each other about the acts, body and camera positions, speed of the action, warning about not feeling comfortable with something and so on.
First of all, I have impression, that you don't even open your mouth more than 50-60% of possible, giving smaller room for the guys. Or might be because of your new bigger lips (again, nothing bad, I like you all natural or all fake, small or big lips, small or big tits, these current tattoes or 100 more).
As I already wrote it here in this topic few times, their loads are usually so weak. Or, production decides to waste all, with facials or (and) creampies, real or fake, don't know.
And then, in those really rare ocassions, when delivery was maded really good and when all conditions for a good swallow are there, something always happen.
I know I'm repetitive, sorry, a 5th guy is struggling to cum? such a "big deal"

and you noticed it for sure. Swallow it, swallow it please, those 4 good loads you already got (I trust you that you did it) but camera not filmed it. Cameraman, also noticing actor struggling to cum, film it, film her swallowing what she have, you will film that 5h whenever, in 2, 3 mins, don't panic, don't cut. Again, as all of you think and care about, noticing and helping each other in many, many other things during the shooting process.
As the final score, after editing, we've got a trailer looks like a all 5 swaalows together filmed, which of course not happened.
Now, another scene of beautiful you, that October Fest "beer" scene. Again, all of you took care of everything, beautiful make up, costume, action, all.
Scene coming to the end with cumshots and by some miracle, they are good again, very good, thick, after 5th it looks really good, finally and then 6th guy hit's you almost in the eye, wow.
And then you are doing the worst possible thing in such situation, probably shocked, surprised, you also can't believe it? Removing it on and erasing on the worst and unsexiest way, laughing, talking and as result of all that, also dropping some from your mouth. And then, again the cut, with texture lost of course and the 7th guy delivering literally nothing, leaves and completes areally bad image of the scene ending.
And once again, it's not about dropping, that's not the worst thing and what I wanted to say, you are not a robot, a machine. It's about quick thinking and decisions of all of you there and helping each other to make the possible scene at that moment, at any day.
It never happens in such situations, that for example, a guy who deliver such load that goes almost in a girl's eye, help her after that, push his own sperm back to her mouth. It's his own liquid, not a poison, not gonna die and will take a shower anyway, before he goes home. Even if it's a sperm of another guy, nothing to be scared about. They are laying on each other for 1, 2 hours, sometimes even wet from each other's piss, penetrating the girl in the same hole at the same time and so on. I know it's not the sexiest thing and that would be mouch better if the girl do it with her own finger, gently push the sperm in mouth. But not all the girls same, Premium Bukkake is good example, some girls need a helping girl for it and some other are able to almost perfectly feel and push back down, while holding a bowl or glass.
A girl, you Ria, and any other, if no help from the actor can you please swallow first what you have in mouth and cameraman, can you film it? You know it, you feel it, you saw it for sure, many times before, you know that drop can happen? Can you show her some quick sign like "thumb up" or whatever means swallow quickly? Like, once again you have signs or words and help each other and contributing to the shooting process and scene quality all the time in all acts and positions?
And can anything actually be done about guys positioning before the cumshots, with dicks actually being slightly inside the mouth, not out of them, less or more or much more. With good camera and light, we will see how the liquid leaves the cock from that tiny hole, don't worry. That's again about carying of the things. And when it's going to glass, to go straight to the glass, not on the tongue, dropping down to glass. It's sperm, not a piss, folks, even the 10 best and largest cumshots are 100 or 1000 smaller than 1 or 2 avarage or good piss doses.
After all, it's so bitter feeling and taste looking how Ria's scene endings look in large majority, so weak, and poor, miserable All in BBC Gang Bang scenes, 8 guys, 6 guys, now Barbie again 6 guys and nothing, no swallow (no, not gonna count creampies licking), instead of a crown, top of the porn, it's a Tragedy in 3 acts. And that Barbie scene now drops in another group of 3 scenes, 3 latest scenes, leaves really bad fresh memories on scene endings.
Octoberfest, drop-cut, DAP Apocalypse swallow of a 5 weakest loads on the world and now 6 wastes.
In hope that anyone from productions (not only GIO), actors and the girls, not only my fav Ria Sunn, will read this someday and thing about it, maybe do at least some minimum effort to make the scenes better, I wish them good health and lot of quality stuff.
Attached are the screenshots of mentioned Octoberfest scenes, presented as full perfect swallow in the trailer, with magnificient editing skills.
There are only 3 sure things in the world:Tax,death and Ria Sunn never gets and makes TP and epic swallow.Alwaysgetsworstsceneofseries!What has been,it is what will be,And what has been done,it is what will be done.So there is nothing new under the Sunn.