ValenciaCF wrote:He makes post a day after she has already been employed by brillbabes. But he writes he don't work with that agent. Bwahahahaha...oh really...dumbest attempt at trying to show people your'll don't work in cahoots
ValenciaCF wrote:Before Woody falsely accuses us of lying again(it's what he do when he gets caught). I invite everyone to take a look on X again. This new girl Antonella or whatever her name is.....she was employed by Brillbabes before 4th March but this is when she is announced by Brillbabes....but dummy Woody sends a post on 5th March to show same girl for his website
Spielberg has busted him too.
So Woody, please tell everyone about this stupid lying game you play. Don't pretend that Brillbabes is not your pimp. We know very well how they supply you with girls for the money you still pay them, yet you pretend to everyone you work alone bwahahaha
Like Esther herself said....when you decided to tell her to play with her dolls..."where will you find girls" if it wasn't for Brillbabes...Ricardo your pimp is not there anymore. So where will you get the same girls working at Brillbabes. You are the dumbest liar in the world. You and your pimp organization brillbabes...and Tommy Mcdonald the one you hate so much knows it too, that's why you write so much crap to make people believe you. You are so predictable when you write posts that people lie about you. It's actually hilarious
BlueShadow wrote:
rest assured you will never find a social post, as they always do, where they say one of their models ''today works for PW''.
And they will never tag him.
They didn't do that before, let alone now. XD
ValenciaCF wrote:Yes, but do you know why Woodman is pretending not to work with Brillbabes's because of Tommy. After Tommy started fire, Brillbaes started feeling the heat. So they publicly announced they will not worked with Woodman angmire...but....this was all a smokescreen....they wanted everyone to believe it so they cam continie dealing with Woodman. You think they will stop working with him when he's paying them money? Off course not. So they called Woodman and said look...our agency is getting alot of stress because of Tommy so we can't show people that we still associate with you, it will hurt our business amd reputation so we will send you girls in secret and not tag you or have anybody think that we are still working with you. Meanwhile you are still seeing all the Brillbabes girls at his doorstep and this dummy Woody still writes that he's not in co-op with them. He doesm't even have the balls to admit it Lolololololol
Simi1101 wrote:Very funny: Russian sociopath, propagandist and Putin's dicksucker "MVitaly5" proved once again that he obviously has a small dick and an inferior self-esteem by being a huge cry-baby in his latest post, whining about those bad women who are taking the power.
So obviously he is a mysogynist too who needs to pay 300 pound-Natasha in a Sovjet-highrise condominium to get laid.
And somebody like him is Pierre Woodman's best friend. Wow!
Anselm_Weinberg wrote:Woodman truly is the Steven Seagal of porn. Putinist bullshit included.
ValenciaCF wrote:Oh look...another girl workimg for Brillbabes...but he don't with them... Pierre the fat liar pig Woodman
Bwahahaha. You vsn always count on him to tell lies. The bastard has zero ounce of honesty or integrity inside of him. Lies to the whole world in plain sight
Woody...why you keep lying to your dear fans on your forum about this not so secret undercover operations you are doing. Top liar!!!
dap-addict wrote:This thread slowed down a bit lately.
Is that due to the BP lier APE posting less crap in his forum or OP getting a bit lazy after so many years? Or why?
(truncated)Panorama wrote:Well, I've seen enough. ... I've always said that I'd remain ... until either I'd seen enough, Woodman was convicted, died, or I got kicked off the forum. The former is true because I know Woodman's never going to be convicted of anything that he did in the past, unfortunately, you can't be convicted for being a scumbag. I don't wish death on anyone (unlike some people Pierre. "Death to the Idiots." showing his true character as always) and fortunately, I never did get booted off the forum and for that, I thank the mods. (if there were any?) ...
Anselm_Weinberg wrote:(truncated)Panorama wrote:Well, I've seen enough. ... I've always said that I'd remain ... until either I'd seen enough, Woodman was convicted, died, or I got kicked off the forum. The former is true because I know Woodman's never going to be convicted of anything that he did in the past, unfortunately, you can't be convicted for being a scumbag. I don't wish death on anyone (unlike some people Pierre. "Death to the Idiots." showing his true character as always) and fortunately, I never did get booted off the forum and for that, I thank the mods. (if there were any?) ...
Could it be because of this? I've been a long-time lurker in this topic and I've always admired how Panorama et al helped expose the true character of this Pierre Andre Nicholas Gerbier Flaccidman hobo. It would be a great loss if he were gone for good.
BlueShadow wrote:Bwahaha he is so funny...
If he can have absolutely nothing exclusive nor first from a model ( he makes up whatever so he can say ''first'' anyway.
First DAP in history () in 8k (which they will seriously be able to see in 8k, what, 2% of people?) The usual megalomaniac.
But then didn't he say he want to avoid booking south american girls working with analvids cause they don't sell and don't perform good?
But in the meantime he keep booking them, even if there is nothing ''first'' and (his words) "the best one in terms of sex are only those who has never be in contact with AV before".
He is always full of bullshit bwahahah
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