Must say I do think the Blanche scene worked well - at least the feel of it. It's like "It's my day off but I'm going into the "office" (ha ha ha) as I need some cocks in my bum". When she first gets it in the arse the thought of it being in front of her bf and him approving did raise the heat levels for me I must say. I thought the scene was let down a little just by the positions and slight lack of pace but there was some brilliant doggy anal and her outfit really did it for me.
Slight problem is that if they keep doing that in that same fashion it's going to quickly look contrived. But they could change the locations/scenario a bit - have the girl being picked up whilst out with the bf and fucked outdoors with his consent etc.
To that end I would favour it being along those lines but not with the actual bf. In other words the "bf" is just another porn actor (playing the girl's bf), who then gets involved. That still provides the same fantasy "insatiable slut" feel and without any possible naffness or annoying amateurishness from the bf. It's a very simple porn plot line I suppose but it would always work for me. In essence LP could use some scenes with some very simple, familiar plot lines. The Monica Santiago one being picked up on the street was a nice try but not executed very well.
I'm rambling a bit aren't I? Yes, kind of.

More non-manhandle scenes please. Hands away from face/neck/shoulders. Keep the girls loose, free and expressive. Don't overpower them - let them sizzle! Keep the heels on. More panties pulled to one side. More skirts/tight dresses. More 0% pussy scenes.