LP's nadir - the "full nelson"/"crusher" position

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LP's nadir - the "full nelson"/"crusher" position

Postby TheVulture » Thu Nov 03, 2016 11:54 pm

Just came across a thread in the Models section where people are discussing what is being called the "full nelson" position and felt moved to comment on it. It's a truly horrible position. Designed purely to show the guy's physical superiority and (I assume) to degrade the girl in the process. I genuinely couldn't believe it when I first came across it (here on LP sadly) and it's an instant "no thanks" if I see it in a trailer. Sadly a few have sneaked into scenes I've bought and either diminished or ruined them for me, depending on the general mood and quality of the scene. However, I truly hate them.

Bit of a development of my argument that might interest you. I'm a huge fan of rugby league (the Australian NRL specifically), which probably won't be that familiar to most Eastern Europeans but is a hugely physical contact sport - probably the toughest sport in the world; think American Football but without the stoppages (and also good). Now, in rugby league over the years they have outlawed various tackles for player safety and given them exotic sounding names like the spear tackle, "cannonball", "chicken wing" etc. One such tackle is the "crusher" whereby the tackler exerts excessive pressure on an opponent's neck during the tackle. For obvious reasons it can be really dangerous and the sport comes down like a ton of bricks on any player deemed to have committed such a tackle.

OK now this "full nelson" LP position here is in many ways very similar to the "crusher" tackle. What you don't have with the porn "full nelson", of course, is the full weight of an adult male coming down onto a girl's neck (as you would in an RL "crusher") but "merely" the force of their arms and shoulders pushing at the back of their neck. So there is that "defence". When you consider, however, that rugby league players on the end of a "crusher" are massive Alpha Dog specimens with necks the size of Budapest, whereas female porn actresses are petite, delicate little things you start to approach not only how dangerous it is for the girls but how thoroughly disgusting it is that a porn guy would even consider doing such a thing.

I'm sure there will be some but I really don't want to hear any defences of this position. I find it hard to believe that any physical trainer, sports therapist etc. could ever look at a musclebound guy doing this to a tiny female thing and consider it to be anything other than extremely dangerous for the girl. Any male porn actor doing this is a pig. And any viewer enjoying watching it is a pig. That simple.

Porn has scraped some barrels in the last 10 years but this really is the absolute nadir. Will LP officially ban this position or will it take a permanent neck/back injury to a young girl before it considers this?

Are the girls at least consulted in advance that this position will be used? If not then that is truly disgusting.

Let's be clear - porn is not a physical contest between its male and female stars. In that regard there can be no contest. It's about creating scenes that look not only consensual but, you know, sexy. A girl reduced to a rag doll and placed in physical danger to accentuate a guy's ego is not sexy (unless you are sick).

Please end this rubbish right now.
More non-manhandle scenes please. Hands away from face/neck/shoulders. Keep the girls loose, free and expressive. Don't overpower them - let them sizzle! Keep the heels on. More panties pulled to one side. More skirts/tight dresses. More 0% pussy scenes.

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Re: LP's nadir - the "full nelson"/"crusher" position

Postby magizi877 » Fri Nov 04, 2016 7:11 am

if you observe....

Mike is doing the penetration motion, with his legs and is gently holding her head.
Her head looks like is just resting on his hands.

-He is not using her for leverage.-

It is carefully executed to make it look like a wrestling position, but it's just for visuals. It's a stunt.

I actually wrestled and when it is for real, the stress on the body becomes visually evident.
Your heart starts pumping blood quickly and you skin turns red. That didn't happen, I'm pretty confident it was gentle enough,

Can you see?


I'm not trolling you, this is a legit argument to your rant. :p

It would be totally cool if the babe could post her opinion on the matter.

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Re: LP's nadir - the "full nelson"/"crusher" position

Postby avanfurwet » Fri Nov 04, 2016 10:33 am

magizi87 wrote:if you observe....

Mike is doing the penetration motion, with his legs and is gently holding her head.
Her head looks like is just resting on his hands.

-He is not using her for leverage.-

It is carefully executed to make it look like a wrestling position, but it's just for visuals. It's a stunt.

I actually wrestled and when it is for real, the stress on the body becomes visually evident.
Your heart starts pumping blood quickly and you skin turns red. That didn't happen, I'm pretty confident it was gentle enough,

Can you see?


I'm not trolling you, this is a legit argument to your rant. :p

It would be totally cool if the babe could post her opinion on the matter.

Agree. My first thought when I saw that Mina scene was thank goodness Mike's not crushing her neck.

I've posted previously about hating the full nelson position where the girl just looks like she's getting horribly crushed.
Mostly when the idiot holding her tries to shove her head forwards and her natural instinct will be to tense up and push back which could end very badly.
Like in the example below where Roxy is getting horribly crushed and is obviously unhappy, but Katie isn't.

Personally I hate any appearance of violence in porn, but some people seem to like it and demand it.
But if they insist on acting out these fantasies, it's not rocket science to leave the poor girl's head alone so she can walk away from the scene intact.


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Re: LP's nadir - the "full nelson"/"crusher" position

Postby TheVulture » Sat Nov 05, 2016 12:53 am

magizi87 wrote:if you observe....

Mike is doing the penetration motion, with his legs and is gently holding her head.
Her head looks like is just resting on his hands.


It would be totally cool if the babe could post her opinion on the matter.

Leaving aside the specifics of your defence (which I would certainly challenge) do you think the girl looks particularly happy there?

Do you think the hold in question has heightened her state of sexual arousal? Do you see visible signs of this?

Do you think that hold looks sexy? Is the sight of her neck and ability of her eyes to face the camera a hindrance to the position? Things that absolutely must be removed?

As for the girls' thoughts, I totally agree - they would be amazing. However, I suspect that as with many other dubious areas of porn the girls might be afraid to speak out for fear of being tarnished as high maintenance or "difficult". Clearly the easiest path to a lucrative porn career for a young starlet isn't to speak out against the structure of a scene or the way in which a male star or stars behaved in any scene. The defenders of Max Hardcore used the whole "Well very few girls seem to have complained" line ad infinitum. It is as contemptible as it is hollow.

I would be utterly amazed if any porn girl genuinely liked that hold. Yet it doesn't surprise me in the slightest that many (the majority even) would endure it. Whatever anyone says porn is a clear opportunity for men to do horrible things to women over and above what they (the women) signed up for and get away with it. Part and parcel of being a quality porn producer/stable is to weed those things out and display only sex acts that are erotic and quite obviously consensual, whilst reining in the narcissistic aggression of the odd male bully. I personally want to know why LP are not doing that here.
More non-manhandle scenes please. Hands away from face/neck/shoulders. Keep the girls loose, free and expressive. Don't overpower them - let them sizzle! Keep the heels on. More panties pulled to one side. More skirts/tight dresses. More 0% pussy scenes.

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Re: LP's nadir - the "full nelson"/"crusher" position

Postby TheVulture » Sat Nov 05, 2016 1:01 am

I don't seem to be able to include the 2nd pic posted by avanfurwet in my reply but the girl on the left there is being placed in appalling danger of injury. She would be well within her rights to sue the guy for physical assault.
More non-manhandle scenes please. Hands away from face/neck/shoulders. Keep the girls loose, free and expressive. Don't overpower them - let them sizzle! Keep the heels on. More panties pulled to one side. More skirts/tight dresses. More 0% pussy scenes.

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