steverino1969 wrote:I still love her, too, and wish she would return to performing.

We seldom agree, stelverino, but here we do!

I was in porn-"love" with Kira 115 (or even 128!!!) weeks and I cant stop from still sorta loving her. I'll sure never forget her!
And to your - and to a big part also my - wish, 2 1/3 years ago she tweeted this - and while a lot changed I still wouldn't exclude her to change her actual mind:
And than still yesterday she said:Dear people, i explain again and again. I did not retire! Corona happened and i desided to stay in India during this. Goa is my home!!! And i am not gonna travel anywhere without knowing that i can go home after work without any problems. Sorry, i love porn but more my home

Не превращайте жизнь в рутину и не стройте ожиданий, а если построили, будьте гибкими в танце с Жизнью.
How not to love her?