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where place shooting

PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 1:15 am
by ilovewhite123
hello guys i love very much legalporno videos but i want to know in which country in which city are the videos shot ? i think in europe but where ? i think prague ???
But are all the videos shot in prague ?? because if yes czech republic and mainly prague , prague must be a whore's city.
the porn actresses are mainly czech on legalporno site don't they

SO i can conclude that all the videos are shot in prague ? is that correct ? If yes i should go to visit prague to fuck a lot of czech whores

But why prague produces so much porn videos ? So much hardcore videos (that is why i like legalporno videos) lol
Why czech republic has a big porn industry ? (i live in France it is not so far from where i am, i should go to prague shortly)
are czech girls all prostitutes ? lol

By the way usually every time at 00 : 00 am the new updates videos are available , but now it is 01:27 am and the new updates videos are still not online , it is has been 2 or 3 days it is like that

Re: where place shooting

PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 1:20 am
by gapefan
Prague, Czech Republic :cool:


Re: where place shooting

PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 6:01 am
by dap-addict
Back to basics: Prague has been the Europorn capital 2000-2004 already, than for different reasons it went down till 2013 Sineplex relocated from Russia.
They needed quite some reeducation work to do with the mainly softcore oriented talent pool and its expectations, but after a year of really hard work standards are up to the highest again.
Czech girls are not whores of course, but those ready to work in adult industry know now again what is demanded and have adjusted.

Btw, Prague is big...but I dont think you need a more specific adress.
Most girls come from small towns around anyway. ;)