Picture Sets

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Picture Sets

Postby pornjedi » Mon May 18, 2015 10:19 pm

Today I downloaded my first picture set, and I was VERY disappointed. I downloaded the pic set from the recent Goldie/Sabrina scene. Being my first set, I don't know if this is the standard or the set is missing stuff and I should report it (hence why this isn't being posted in the support forum), but it was absolutely the poorest product I have downloaded from LP.

First, there was just over 100 pics. I stopped counting at almost 40 of those pics not oriented upright. A girl standing, should not be in a pic sideways.

Second, I have to go past picture 73 !!! to get to a single picture with both girls together, and that's still not any picture action yet. Any action from the beginning g/g part doesn't show up until pic 79. I get to picture 94 out of 102 before there is a pic with the girls and one or more of the guys in the scene. That leaves me with a total of 9 pictures of the action with the girl and the guy!

There is no pictures with the piss sections, no pictures with the toy play with the girls at all. Not one!

This is woefully inadequate, and well a load of crap that this got released like this. Is this how all pic sets are? No I do not want to go and download others to check. I may never bother downloading another pic set again, since I have the movies themselves. But just because this is an add on feature for what you get for your tickets, doesn't mean you should release junk like this. Better to say we don't have pics for this scene and charge less tickets.

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Re: Picture Sets

Postby pornjedi » Wed May 20, 2015 1:30 am

So is this typical of LP or not? Anyone?

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Re: Picture Sets

Postby magizi877 » Wed May 20, 2015 2:58 am

This is an area that IMO lost quality when the whole legalporno name started. Older scenes, mostly available in 540p have better results. Also, Giorgio usually makes better sets, I'm not including him in this complain.
At least I used to find more pictures I liked per set in older content. Most of today pictures go straight to the bin after being seeing. And I'm the kind of guy who actually puts naked women as desktop wallpapers :/

First, I don't like the practice they do of taking pictures prior to rolling what will end up being as the final product. For instance, the girls facial expressions are so much sexier when they are actually getting fucked as opposed to when they are faking a smile in a motionless standstill posing for the photographer. Then there is the "glamour" pictures, that quite frankly rarely do anything for me. IMO most girls just don't know how to do it without being instructed. Or maybe they don't feel confident doing it or that part is just rushed.

But I guess they have to do this to avoid capturing a photographer with the video camera during the action. So this one is not as big of an issue as the rest on my list of things I don't like about the pictures.

The one that IMO is unforgivable is that -OFTEN,- the pictures that PC_82 shares on the forum as previews, look way better than the pictures that make it to the zip file once we purchase the scene.
Somehow someway the post processing that editors do in software such as Photoshop, mess up with the quality of the pictures.

Also picture sets include too little content and resolution is too small. I would at least expect 8 MP. It's never good when your average cell phone takes better looking pictures.

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