malvarezlaw wrote:Are Russian girls who have left Russia since shooting for NRX and EK, no longer interested in extreme scenes? I see that Sofa Weber is back. Is it just a money issue?
What's the main problem recruiting attractive causasian girls in Eastern Europe?
I look forward to your replies.
The way that Nick operated NRX, which was extremely smart, was he brought girls in for a 10 scene contract. He also paid them
extremely well, and by that I mean,
extremely well.NRX was also the frontier of hardcore porn on pretty much the entire internet. And, the sales showed for that as well. Not just this - but the style - the shots - the routines they were required to do - they were essentially the hottest girls in all of porn.
Once NRX closed up shop - well, what were a lot of the girls going to do now? Travel to Europe, when there's a war on, nonetheless, and go to other studios who are ... what? Going to pay them
a lot less, and by that I mean,
a lot, lot less.Like, these girls were at the top, and they were getting paid like they were as well. It's hard to go from caviar to instant noodle, right?
Not only this - but all the studios in Europe were still stuck back somewhere in the late 2010's. Not that they were all horrible or anything, but once you've been on the frontier, it's not as exciting to go back to the backwater towns. No offence to the other studios or anything, they've got their established markets, and worked hard to get them. But when you're a pristine 19-year-old beauty who was the prettiest girl in your entire high school, and you were likewise shooting with other girls who hit that same benchmark, are you really going to be interested in joining a studio whose other performers look like they drink gasoline in their spare time?
I mean - I can't speak for the girls, obviously, but there were so many things that would've been set against them.
And you have to remember - European girls aren't like Russian girls. They've been afforded opportunity at every step in their lives. Nothing encourages a porn adventure like being broke and not wanting to stand around as a cashier at a gas station right in the middle of bum fuck nowhere. European girls have degrees, and high paying jobs, and are treated like they are men. And for good reason - 'cause they all ugly as fuck. If there was ever anyone you would just naturally want to stick behind a desk in a building that didn't have any windows - European women would be the prime candidates.
Not only this, but supposedly fees to be paid for a performer in Europe are extremely high, and yet, no one really wants to do the work. And those that do ... well, let's just say that I haven't been buying
those scenes. Lots of people here would point to the OF craze - and that certainly has something to do with it. Same with maybe being okay getting filmed having sex on camera - but not really wanting your friends and family to see you giggling as you drink a literal jug of piss - and then puke it back up into another girl's mouth - right before licking her shit smeared asshole.
So - there's a lot going on there. But - it was a magical moment in time. If NRX was a 10 out of 10 - the best any other studio has pulled off since is a 6.5/10. And that's being
mega generous.Everyone here is all like, "Ah man - NIck was such an asshole," without realizing ... yeah ... sometimes the very best of the best are. They don't accept shit - from anybody - including themselves. And the product they deliver is beyond tight - full of vision - and absolutely is everything it both can and should be. None of this, "Maybe one out of every five scenes is alright." Nope. Every single one of them. Pure money.
Those were, literally, the best of times.