Is Pornbox a sign we are living in a simulation?

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Is Pornbox a sign we are living in a simulation?

Postby YuriyProneBone » Wed Oct 23, 2024 7:42 pm

The fact, that we had a studio like Natasha Teen become the monster it became, releasing videos with gorgeous young cute girls getting fucked in the ass like they were toys, and struggling to handle one black dick after another entering their little rectums was a extremely beautiful thing to see.

It got to the point that Natasha was seen running the studio from a mansion at the top of a hill and from upscale apartments in Colombia. The new cuties would not stop coming and they were getting black dick gangbanged on the air, at the yard, at the pool, just black dick after black dick ramming those little anuses.

In fact, I believe 3 studios were simultaneously running at the same time from the same production crew, Cineplex, Natasha, and Lancelot. It made sense they grew so much so fast because the prices were right, and the content was wild, no tenderness crap, no lovey dovey bullshit, just straight up fucking bitches hard in the ass, as it should be.

Then all of the sudden, even after seeing how all other studios that raised prices felt, even big ones like Gonzo, and OG GIO, which were supposed to be immortal, still felt, they had the genius idea of raising prices too, and just a few months after the Colombian studios are nowhere to be seen.

It's fine, you can raise prices when you have a comprehensive subscriptions like NRX or Erika Korti that gives you access to everything, but other than that, if your subscription is limited or you have none, and then on top of that you raise prices, you are going to lose loyal costumers, that's just plain and simple. The only reason those studios got in trouble was for legal reasons.

Now, I can't imagine that all of the sudden those jobs are gone, that they just decided one day, you know what I quit, this is too much, I will stop living the way I have been living so far, and just do nothing for a while. It makes no sense these decisions were made.


Yes, there are parts of the year when people buy less, and then it pick ups, that's just every business, but all you have to do is wait that out, keep your finances in check, and keep going for the good times. That's grow every business lasts. It makes no sense to raise prices, lose your base, and then disappear like some kind of ancient civilization abducted by aliens that left all their buildings standing as ghost towns.

Unless Natasha and Lancelot are currently getting some serious money from some rich wealthy people that are paying to have this content exclusive delivered to them there is no way they would just stop. In the real world you can see someone opening a new site somewhere else where they can deliver the goods.

You have three ways o lose clients, you raise prices for the same goods or you stop production, you take breaks. You can slow down nothing bad happens, but if you stop, that's a problem, you can raise prices temporary, but then you have to go back to before or compensate the price increase with equal amount of value. Otherwise you are doomed.

The third way is to just do stuff your base doesn't expect from you, and change your ways into something they can no longer recognize that doesn't have the initial essence people signed up for. You can evolve, but keeping the brand, now this wasn't the case, but I should mention it.

The thing is, if you have a cartel, and one of your routes gets closed, you just open another route to deliver the goods, and that's it, you keep going. You don't just stop. So the fact that Natasha and the outstanding production delivered all of the sudden is gone makes no sense in this reality.

It hasn't been that long, they can still come back, and they can come back big, back to basis, let's just not lose our ways, because what these studios do is a beautiful thing, and it would be a shame that all of the sudden that stream of goods disappears.

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Re: Is Pornbox a sign we are living in a simulation?

Postby House MD » Thu Oct 24, 2024 11:05 pm

Pornbox is simply evidence people like Giorgio working in the adult industry are intellectually inept: a typical instance where greed and cheating the audience led to their premature demise

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Re: Is Pornbox a sign we are living in a simulation?

Postby isis666xxx » Sat Oct 26, 2024 6:22 pm

House MD wrote:Pornbox is simply evidence people like Giorgio working in the adult industry are intellectually inept: a typical instance where greed and cheating the audience led to their premature demise

i bet Giorgio is far smarter than you

you think being rich, famous and create very high quality porn is easy???? you have to be very smart to do that

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Re: Is Pornbox a sign we are living in a simulation?

Postby latina-girls-yes » Sun Oct 27, 2024 1:09 am

YuriyProneBone wrote: (edit)
It got to the point that Natasha was seen running the studio from a mansion at the top of a hill and from upscale apartments in Colombia. The new cuties would not stop coming and they were getting black dick gangbanged on the air, at the yard, at the pool, just black dick after black dick ramming those little anuses.

In fact, I believe 3 studios were simultaneously running at the same time from the same production crew, Cineplex, Natasha, and Lancelot. It made sense they grew so much so fast because the prices were right, and the content was wild, no tenderness crap, no lovey dovey bullshit, just straight up fucking bitches hard in the ass, as it should be.

Then all of the sudden, even after seeing how all other studios that raised prices felt, even big ones like Gonzo, and OG GIO, which were supposed to be immortal, still felt, they had the genius idea of raising prices too, and just a few months after the Colombian studios are nowhere to be seen.


You have three ways o lose clients, you raise prices for the same goods or you stop production, you take breaks. You can slow down nothing bad happens, but if you stop, that's a problem, you can raise prices temporary, but then you have to go back to before or compensate the price increase with equal amount of value. Otherwise you are doomed.

The third way is to just do stuff your base doesn't expect from you, and change your ways into something they can no longer recognize that doesn't have the initial essence people signed up for. You can evolve, but keeping the brand, now this wasn't the case, but I should mention it.

The thing is, if you have a cartel, and one of your routes gets closed, you just open another route to deliver the goods, and that's it, you keep going. You don't just stop. So the fact that Natasha and the outstanding production delivered all of the sudden is gone makes no sense in this reality.

It hasn't been that long, they can still come back, and they can come back big, back to basis, let's just not lose our ways, because what these studios do is a beautiful thing, and it would be a shame that all of the sudden that stream of goods disappears.

you have neglected to factor a fundamental fiscal reality into your theories, and it's core to understanding the whole: energy price inflation = everything price inflation

as this is a western oriented forum, most members will understand how this has affected western economies since 2022 because you are living in them (a 20%-50% price increase on almost everything you pay for?)

in europe (and the US) this was effectively self-harm. politicians chose to cut their countries off from the cheap russian energy without first ensuring they had an affordable alternative energy supply in place, and inflation going through the roof was the result
and latin-america (along with the global south) has suffered a knock-on energy/everything inflation spike since 2022 as a consequence of that

inflation in colombia *had been* stable at ~3% for many years until 2022, but between jan 2022 and jan 2023 it more than quadrupled from 3% to 14%
over the past 18 months it has come down to around 6% (still double the pre-2022 rate)
and being a relatively poor country (a public with minimal assets to liquidate to cover temporary crises), colombia will struggle with the acrued costs of that 2022 spike for far longer than than any of the wealthy countries that caused it. debt taken on at that 14% peak will have to be be paid back at 14% for many years, even as the interest rate comes down

so this (imo) double-figure inflation shock over the past two years is the jigsaw piece missing from your calculations/ruminations that explains and justifies the underlying reason for why european *and* latin-american studios have raised prices over that time period

not because the studios heads are stupid, or greedy, or opportunist, or have shot too much of this or that particular niche content. but purely as a consequence of the increased financial burden (in some cases unbearable) top-down forces beyond their control have imposed upon them
xxx production overheads (home and abroad) have soared, previously secure margins have shrunk to negative, and the whole thing has become unviable in the immediate to mid-term... unless the consumer is prepared to pay more

when you buy olive oil from the store, or fill your car at the pump, or pay your energy bill or rent/mortgage, are you paying 2024 prices (+20-50%) or 2022/2023 prices?

in that case, is it realistic to demand the xxx content you consume in 2024 be sold at 2022/2023 prices?

another aspect, and this is purely speculation on my part (while the above inflation data is fact), is that in response to repeated suggestions/complaints from fans about the lighting and the technical quality of some of the earlier NTF/Lancelot shoots, the studios decided to commit more fully into project and took on some debt in order to invest in (rent or buy) a stable location (in which the could shoot undisturbed, control lighting and leave equipmnet set up 24/7, allow models to stay over for the duration of their shoots) and some professsional kit (cameras, lights, editing suite etc)

if this was the case (and i know NOTHING, this is purely specualtion on my part) you can understand why they would have felt such an investment to be a good (safe) bet; demand for their product was (and remains) huge and the option for them to rise prices in line with european price rises (but no more than european scenes, i don't consider their price rises unfair or unreasonable, considering the inflation background i mentioned) would allow them to recoup that investment in rasing production standards and pay of any debt that involved without issues

so this *could* be a secondary reason as to why the studio decided to raise prices in line with the european rises. not because they are greedy, or terrible business people, etc, but to purely recoup investment that members here asked them to make to raise their technical quality closer to that of the european studios
latina girls yes!
lucy mendez, daniela garcia, lenis diamond, sussy sweet, katia sweet, kelly oliveira, miley kitty
2025: dulce miller, abby evans, ana cleopatra
natasha teen is an xxx genius! lancelot is the top stud!

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Re: Is Pornbox a sign we are living in a simulation?

Postby dap-addict » Mon Oct 28, 2024 11:32 am

latina-girls-yes wrote:inflation in colombia *had been* stable at ~3% for many years until 2022, but between jan 2022 and jan 2023 it more than quadrupled from 3% to 14%
over the past 18 months it has come down to around 6% (still double the pre-2022 rate)
and being a relatively poor country (a public with minimal assets to liquidate to cover temporary crises), colombia will struggle with the acrued costs of that 2022 spike for far longer than than any of the wealthy countries that caused it.

Thats a very important point to be made!
Inflation and changes instigated by it indeed killed some porn studios in EU already. I hope in Colombia thanks to porn girl exports the last studios can survive!
ex-Eurobabeforum DAPlist responsible - PM contact:
TWO DAP SCENES PER DAY! - More true fast balls deep DAP! More 0% pussy! - Dress them to fuck and pop their eyes - Heels on! No condoms!!! - Lets lets get a GONZO non-vanilla successor!!!

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