WhynotmoreEuros wrote:Moehre29 wrote:@dalcom:
What's your problem? Any Woman in Europe can decide with whom she joins her bed. White, black or Asian. Nothing matters.
Do you know? This is porn and the girls get money for fucking with these studs. Is Business.
Like LP doesn't choose the men the majority of the time...
It is a good point to raise that Black studios almost NEVER feature White male performers fucking Black women. The same goes for Asian studios.
So why the hell must White owned studios, that feature almost exclusively White women...stock their male cast with non-White men?
BBC Queens get howling mad and Black guys start crying racist.
I'll agree with Dalcom
just this one time that it is fucking sick that so many gay/perverted White men congregate here to watch non-European men bang European women.
Don't think for a second that men of other races/ethnicities don't come across this shit and think how pathetic White men are for allowing this obscenity.
Not to mention the other fucking disturbing stuff that is done to women here.
It seems like many of the BBC Queens here hate women just as much as they love cock. Maybe it's because you BBC Queens wish you were women, but you aren't. You're gay/bisexual White men in denial.
I don't think using a different race makes it any more obscene. That's where you sound racist. I don't like Asian men in my Asian movies, which makes it hard to get Japanese or Asian porn I enjoy. I have to skip past scenes where I see the whole guy, and just accept the rest. But if they used white men in an Asian movie instead that wouldn't be suddenly more obscene to me. If they used an Asian man in here, I wouldn't like it but it wouldnt suddenly become offensive to me.
Skin color does not make something offensive or obscene, not inherently just because of skin color.
Also what makes you think many people in here are gay?
And so here we are again. White people own a studio does not mean they need to cater to any specific genre or niche. White people can like what they like, or want to market whatever they like. They don't have to explain it, they don't have to have a reason that satisfies you or anyone else. They can run their business they way they want to, and that's exactly what they're doing.
As far back as I can remember, Sineplex and subsequently Evilutionplex was doing interracial stuff. This is there thing. It's also their right, and I'm surprised and pretty impressed that you're getting so much air time complaining that they are doing what they are free to do, all the while coming closer and closer to having an actual problem with skin color.
Are you ever going to get past it, that this site runs the way it does, and did so long before you came in here and chimed in that race was a big deal.
I've been in this forum for well over a year, and I never really heard any of this talk before this, and now in the last month it seems like suddenly people who don't like black people want to tell the studio they shouldn't cast black people. I say the studio should cast who they like, and I should go where I find the porn I like.
Stop walking into McDonald's and telling them they shouldn't serve the Big Mac, because they're in a neighborhood where people are mostly vegetarian. They can be McDonald's all they want.