Netzer, no they are not back to normal and I wouldn't expect big productions soon. There is some small underground shootings going on, mainly in other towns than the police raids were, thats all.
It's too early to say what happened, sure it was a lack of co-op by main players to put it mildly. But basically it doenst matter now.
I've just seen the new sex act going rates and they went down tremendously. This means it's not really faisible for local girls to work locally in porn anymore. Current fees are a big opportunity for new players to enter and shoot porn at very competitive rates, but given the raids it's a big risk.
I actually considered trying something locally, but decided against.
For the moment it's better to support a few nice girls to get out and work for much better pay in EU. It's the more idealistic option, maybe not good in terms of business, but profit isnt everything left in life.