Tastes Like Ass wrote:wason wrote:Tastes Like Ass wrote:
Couldn't disagree more. A small, hard dick is 1,000 times better than a big, limp dick. Dick size is generally overrated here. It's a nice bonus, but many other things are more important. A big, limp dick is worthless, like a nice sports car with an empty tank.
I have tried to explain this to you several times before, but you must not be too bright, because you still seem to be missing the point, so I will give it one more shot.
Of course, it would be great if every scene featured the very best guys, who have a combination of size and performance. I am not disputing that, and I don't think anybody else is either. The problem is that's an unrealistic expectation. You seem to be living in some alternate universe, where top-notch male performers are a dime a dozen. In reality, there are very few of those guys, just as there are very few truly top-notch female performers. There is no way that Sineplex can release the amount of scenes they do now, while using nothing but the very best guys. You talk about the "Golden Age" from 3 years ago, but they were not releasing as many scenes back then, not every scene was all anal (in fact, some of the scenes actually had more vag than anal, which never happens now), and finally, they did use some guys that were not that great. You are just remembering the best scenes from that era, and expecting every single scene now to be that good.
As far as the guys you mention, I would love to see them bring back Jamaica, but he has apparently vanished, and they seem reluctant to bring Ed Junior to Prague. So that leaves Christian Clay and Nacho (who has often failed to perform well in the past, but seems to be doing OK since Sineplex brought him in). They can't use those two guys in every scene. You also suggest Danny D, and that would be fine with me, but that's still only three guys. You need more than that, if you're going to be releasing scenes on a daily basis.
So, that brings me back to my main point, which is that they are going to have to use some guys that have some flaws. Given that, I would much rather they use guys with smaller dicks than guys who have wood problems or are bad performers.
Generally speaking, I would say the most important factors for a male performer are, in order:
1. Being able to easily get and maintain erections.
2. Knowing how to position themselves and the girls to allow for the best camera angles.
3. Fucking the girls properly (by which I mean aggressively and with plenty of gapes, ATMs, throat fucking, and other nasty stuff).
4. Keeping the focus on the girls and the sex, rather than wasting time trying to show people how clever or funny they can be.
5. Having a big dick.
Again, it would be great if there were plenty of guys that met all those criteria, but unfortunately there aren't. So, if LP has to choose, I would prefer they use guys like Marcus or the guy from Teen Core Club/First Gape (whatever his name is), that don't have the biggest dicks around, but meet all the other criteria, as opposed to guys like Charlie Mac, who has a big dick, but can't stay hard, or Franco, who has a big dick, but seems to think he's a comedian instead of a porn star, etc.
Longer post, same misguided points.
Don't comment on my comprehension, when yours is so questionable.
1) It's actually pretty simple: Size is a
primary factor for selecting guys, as is performance. Guys like Jamaica who have both, are obviously the best. However, Sineplex has guys like Tony Brooklyn, who is big - but not the biggest, and who performs pretty well - but not the best, and he has good interaction with the girls. These are the kind of guys Sineplex can use, while also trying to find/contract the best guys. On the other hand Sineplex should
not use "hard small dick guys" - it doesn't matter how well they perform, the scene will still be boring as hell to watch. As a last resort, just shoot more Lesbi Gapers/Kreme/Milk/big toy/fisting scenes instead. Using small guys(whatever the performance level) would be terrible.
2) Are you stupid? The fact that Sineplex is shooting many more scenes than they previously did, should make it exponentially easier to contract/consistently feature, top male talent. (In fact shooting too few scenes would be a primary barrier in trying to eg. exclusively contract a guy). Guys make less money than girls per scene, and are also able to work more. If a guy is in the porn industry, does he not want do many scenes? get money? fuck hot girls? But now the problem is Sineplex is offering too many scenes/money? Dumbass.
Danny D, recently stated on his website, that for the past 1.5 years he has been contracted by Brazzers, for 18 Scenes a month, PLUS remaining a free agent in Europe(
http://www.dannydxxx.com/site/ ). Is Sineplex shooting more than 18+ scenes a month? I don't know - do the math. (Doesn't really matter anyways - just get the best guys, for as many scenes as possible.)
3) Oh, so I guess that means you're living in a universe where there are 7 billion people on the planet, yet it is impossible to find X number of Top Male performers to shoot X number of scenes for Sineplex, even though it has apparently all the resources and infrastructure necessary?
What is wrong with you? Do you think that Jamaica, Junior, Carlos are the only guys in Brazil who have size and can fuck long/hard? In a previous post, I listed a few other Brazilian performers who would fit both criteria. And if you do the smallest amount of research, it's possible to find a lot more there. Not to mention, there are performers/research elsewhere to consider as well.
The problem is certainly not, that there are not enough guys with both size and performance. It's just a matter of finding/doing. Sineplex has the resources, and there is no reason that they cannot work towards, and eventually reach, the goal of featuring top male performers with both size and performance in essentially every scene.(Brazilians- old, or new guys: Andre Garcia http://www.iafd.com/person.rme/perfid=a ... garcia.htm , Pit Garcia http://www.iafd.com/person.rme/perfid=p ... garcia.htm, Danny D, Eric Hard, Jordan Ash - from America is also good, Everhard, and there are many more possibilities)
- I remember scenes in 2011 that were consistently ~90 minutes long: 40 minutes with toys - 50 minutes action. 2on2 or 3on3 All Anal Scenes. No DP. Kreme/Milk/large toys. Girls lick/eat cream better. Top male performers etc. This is perhaps an attainable standard to shoot for, or surpass.
- Also recently, the most popular scene types from the forum poll results, have been 1) All anal and gapes 2) 2on2. Yet, look at every single recent 2on2/group scene, and there are
NO all anal scenes? All of them have DP. Doesn't really make sense.
- Where are the 2on2/group, ALL ANAL scenes?
- Also, it looks like many of the recent scenes are significantly shorter than they used to be (40-50 mins in total length). Since shoots take many hours to complete, I doubt that there is a lack of material, and generally, the longer the scene, the better.
So why not leave more material in the final edited version of scenes like before?- Where is the