realtip wrote:I don't understand these guys who keep complaining about fake tits. Maybe they just have a thing for flat-chested chicks. I don't get it.
In any case, I completely disagree. I really hope LP pays this poll no attention, as that would really suck. As a friend of mine once said, If you can grab and squeeze them, they're real.
realtip wrote:I don't understand these guys who keep complaining about fake tits. Maybe they just have a thing for flat-chested chicks. I don't get it.
In any case, I completely disagree. I really hope LP pays this poll no attention, as that would really suck. As a friend of mine once said, If you can grab and squeeze them, they're real.
evil-pineapples wrote:Besides, there aren't any flat-chested chicks on this site anyway. Small boobs do not make a flat chest, they make a small chest. Truly flat chested girls are quite rare in porn.
Tastes Like Ass wrote:Well, without getting into a debate over semantics, I would note that many people (including myself) would consider a girl with A-cup tits to be, for all intents and purposes, flat-chested.
evil-pineapples wrote:I mean, I can't explain it any better than you can explain why you're okay with fake tits.
Girls come in all shapes and sizes, man.
Meggy/Ashley was beautiful before she got her plastic surgery, and now she just looks forgettable.
Besides, there aren't any flat-chested chicks on this site anyway. Small boobs do not make a flat chest, they make a small chest. Truly flat chested girls are quite rare in porn.
magizi87 wrote:There is nothing wrong with liking boob jobs or not liking them. IMO It should be up to the girl, not the fans.
Everyone will have a different take on the subject. If anything, based on the results LP could hire the girls with fake boobs about 3 out of 10 girls they hire.
That being said. natural tits are ALWAYS better.
realtip wrote:Do you mean to tell me that the girl in Picture B has better tits than the girl in Picture A just because they're natural? If you think so, it's true that there's no accounting for taste.
realtip wrote:Do you mean to tell me that the girl in Picture B has better tits than the girl in Picture A just because they're natural? If you think so, it's true that there's no accounting for taste.
Slippery Pete wrote:^ Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but no one is entitled to their own facts.
Slippery Pete wrote:
^ Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but no one is entitled to their own facts.
I completely agree.
realtip wrote:OK. I get it. This is obviously the thread for the minority of guys who like to bash fake tits because you place some overinflated estimation on natural tits, regardless of how small or ugly they are. You guys remind me of that episode of The Twilight Zone where the pretty woman was seen as ugly, and all the ugly people were seen as beautiful.
Again, women get fake tits because they know it will make them more popular, and will increase the amount of attention they receive from men. They wouldn't be getting them otherwise. Case in point, girls in porn become MORE in demand after they get bigger tits, not less. Look at the type of women most male celebrities date/marry/fuck. They usally all boobjobs. In many cases, the men will even pay for the women to get them if they don't already have them.
So Yes, most men do prefer big tits, and don't give a fuck if they're real or fake. That's what makes this poll so ridiculous. Some of you are actually suggesting that LP no longer shoot girls with fake tits. Do you know how many hot girls they would no longer be able to shoot if they did that? Do you know how much money they would lose if they did that? Guys aren't going to continue paying money if they can't see the girls that they like, and most guys do like big tits. Who the fuck cares if they're real or fake? Most guys do not. To say that LP shouldn't shoot hot girls with fake tits just because a few guys have a problem with fake tits is one of the stupidest suggestions ever.
evil-pineapples wrote:realtip wrote:Do you mean to tell me that the girl in Picture B has better tits than the girl in Picture A just because they're natural? If you think so, it's true that there's no accounting for taste.
It's not a question of which girl has the "better tits," as if this were some kind of Mr. Universe competition. It's a question of which girl is sexier. And natural is always sexier than plastic, end of story.
I want to see real women, not lab experiments. You can't grow sexy in a Petri dish. You can't build sexy in an operating room. Perhaps Picture A has bigger tits, but they're not real. It makes all the difference in the world to me. The size of a girl's tits is not as important as her overall presentation.
Plastic girls are too perfect and too moulded. It's where the term "plastic" comes from. They do not look like someone who could really exist in the natural world. They are hyper-sexualized Frankenstein's monsters. Real women are not formed out of a mould. They are not artist's renderings of an idealized body image that doesn't exist and can't exist in the real world. Their flesh is pliant, not stiff. They have small imperfections and quirks that make them unique. These things are natural and desirable. It's off-putting and unarousing when women try to emulate the non-existent ideal of beauty that men like you have bought into. No real, natural woman looks like that. There is also a certain blandness and sameness to women who have gotten plastic surgery, including breast implants. They remove the beautiful little quirks that made them unique in pursuit of an impossible standard of beauty, and in so doing, they become just another face, just another set of tits, boring and indistinguishable from their peers. It's similar to the uncanny valley effect. They're too perfect, as if they were carefully engineered by a team of scientists and doctors. They don't exist in our palate of natural human beauty.
It's very off-putting, and it's a shame to see so many girls choose to do that to their bodies. It's especially depressing when a girl who was already beautiful chooses to tarnish her image with this fake crap. Sasha Rose is a great example of a beautiful spunky natural girl who gradually ruined her look with collagen, nose jobs, and breast implants. She blunted what was distinctive about her (which is what made her so popular in the first place) and replaced it with generic plastic bullshit.
Timea is an outstanding example of a girl who doesn't have massive tits, but who is sexy as fuck anyway because of her natural well-shaped body, her submissive attitude, and her natural beauty. The size of her tits is quite irrelevant. What's important is that she's natural and beautiful.
I don't hope to persuade you of my point of view. You have your own taste in women and I respect that. But hopefully this post helped to give you some insight into my position on the matter.
realtip wrote:OK. I get it. This is obviously the thread for the minority of guys who like to bash fake tits because you place some overinflated estimation on natural tits, regardless of how small or ugly they are. You guys remind me of that episode of The Twilight Zone where the pretty woman was seen as ugly, and all the ugly people were seen as beautiful.
Again, women get fake tits because they know it will make them more popular, and will increase the amount of attention they receive from men. They wouldn't be getting them otherwise. Case in point, girls in porn become MORE in demand after they get bigger tits, not less. Look at the type of women most male celebrities date/marry/fuck. They usally all boobjobs. In many cases, the men will even pay for the women to get them if they don't already have them.
So Yes, most men do prefer big tits, and don't give a fuck if they're real or fake. That's what makes this poll so ridiculous. Some of you are actually suggesting that LP no longer shoot girls with fake tits. Do you know how many hot girls they would no longer be able to shoot if they did that? Do you know how much money they would lose if they did that? Guys aren't going to continue paying money if they can't see the girls that they like, and most guys do like big tits. Who the fuck cares if they're real or fake? Most guys do not. To say that LP shouldn't shoot hot girls with fake tits just because a few guys have a problem with fake tits is one of the stupidest suggestions ever.
klapphatt wrote:dude,u say most guys dont care if tits are real or not.Look at the poll above,66% for natural tits 34% for plastic tits,HMMMMMMMMMMM!!
evil-pineapples wrote:Women get fake tits because they're unhappy with their real tits. That's it. Girls like Angel Rivas don't need fakes. Angel was already popular before she got her bolt-ons. She was simply unhappy with her real tits. I learned this directly from her. Sasha Rose actually waited to get her fakes until AFTER she retired from porn so that she would not lose her audience.
It's true that girls generally become more in demand after they get fakes, but not on sites like this. They end up shooting for the Privates and Brazzers of the world, aka shitty over-produced sterile porn. (Private has actually improved this recently, but I think that's because they're outsourcing a lot of their production these days.)
However, it's also true that their new popularity is often short-lived. Haven't seen much of Angel Rivas these days, have you? Ashley/Meggy? Whatever happened to those girls? America is an exception in this regard, but it supports my personal conviction that most Americans have awful taste in just about everything. (And I say that as an American.)
Oh, and I never suggested that LP stop shooting girls with fake tits. I just don't want to see less of the natural girls that I love... And that includes both the "boyish" petite teens AND girls like Marina Visconti or Victoria Daniels or Blanche Bradberry.
realtip wrote:klapphatt wrote:dude,u say most guys dont care if tits are real or not.Look at the poll above,66% for natural tits 34% for plastic tits,HMMMMMMMMMMM!!
Yeah, 39 votes total really says a lot.And how do we know that it's not just the same guys registering under different names so that they can keep voting multiple times against fake boobs? Seeing how passionate some of you are in your hatred against boobjobs, I wouldn't rule that out. Also, this poll doesn't speak for men in general in the overall population. If you leave this site and go out and ask most men on the street if they would turn down a hot chick who has a boobjob, they would look at you like you were insane. Outside of some of you guys here, I don't know any man who would.
evil-pineapples wrote:Women get fake tits because they're unhappy with their real tits. That's it. Girls like Angel Rivas don't need fakes. Angel was already popular before she got her bolt-ons. She was simply unhappy with her real tits. I learned this directly from her. Sasha Rose actually waited to get her fakes until AFTER she retired from porn so that she would not lose her audience.
And why are they unhappy with them? It is most likely because we live in a society where more value is placed upon girls with big tits than girls with small tits. I agree that Angel Rivas was cute before she got a boobjob. So even though it didn't matter in her case as she was hot either way, I still liked her a whole lot more after she got het boobjob. Her popularity also likely increased.It's true that girls generally become more in demand after they get fakes, but not on sites like this. They end up shooting for the Privates and Brazzers of the world, aka shitty over-produced sterile porn. (Private has actually improved this recently, but I think that's because they're outsourcing a lot of their production these days.)
And how exactly are the guys who watch this site any different from the guys who watch those other sites? They're not. It's all the same guys- Guys who like porn and hot girls in porn. If I like big tits on Brazzers or BangBros, then why wouldn't I want to see big tits on LP? To say that the guys who watch this site somehow have different taste in women than the guys who watch other sites just doesn't make any sense. Unless it's a site that is specifically dedicated to girls with small tits, which LP isn't, girls with big tits (real or fake) are popular regardless of which site they're on.However, it's also true that their new popularity is often short-lived. Haven't seen much of Angel Rivas these days, have you? Ashley/Meggy? Whatever happened to those girls? America is an exception in this regard, but it supports my personal conviction that most Americans have awful taste in just about everything. (And I say that as an American.)
Their short porn life likely has nothing to do with having fake tits. Why would it? You'll notice that most porn girls nowadays don't stay in the business very long. Most of them are gone in less than a year or two. So that's not unusual. They come in, shoot some scenes, make some money, and then they leave just as quickly as they came. And when they do leave, their big tits usually help them in landing other adult-related jobs not in front of the camera. And America is not an exception. It's the norm. Big tits are a universal standard of beauty, whether real or fake. Look at many of the most popular European/British porn girls. Mostly all of them have boobjobs. So it's not just an American thing.Oh, and I never suggested that LP stop shooting girls with fake tits. I just don't want to see less of the natural girls that I love... And that includes both the "boyish" petite teens AND girls like Marina Visconti or Victoria Daniels or Blanche Bradberry.
You may not have suggested it, but that's what the thread suggests. The title of the thread says, "No Fake Tits," meaning that anyone who agrees is in favor of banning girls with fake tits from the site, which is just plain stupid. I also like all the girls you just named. But there are also plenty of other girls who are even sexier with fake tits. Bring them on LP as well.
IIdarksoulII wrote:In most cases fake tits look terrible and I'm also not interested in women who lack self-confidence. There are other sites for this fetish.
realtip wrote:I hate to break it to you, but girls with self confidence normally don't decide to go into porn.
DudeMan101 wrote:Not only are you an expert on tit preference, but you now are an expert on why porn stars get into porn? Why isn't your username Dr. realtip?
Stop assuming you know everything and that your preferences are better than other peoples preferences. You might need to learn the definition of preference.
evil-pineapples wrote:Don't waste your time on this moron.
realtip wrote:evil-pineapples wrote:Don't waste your time on this moron.
LMAO. Any man who seriously compares hot sexy women to "lab experiments" and "Frankensetin monsters" is in absoluely no position to be calling anyone else a moron. I would hope that your level of intelligence is much higher than your taste in women. But I doubt it. They're both obviously extraordinarily low.
realtip wrote:DudeMan101 wrote:Not only are you an expert on tit preference, but you now are an expert on why porn stars get into porn? Why isn't your username Dr. realtip?
Because you don't need to be a doctor to have common sense. Women with high amounts of self-esteem and self-respect do not sell their bodies for money. They would consider it to be beneath them. They only way they would do this is if they're in a situation where they're just really desperate for money.Stop assuming you know everything and that your preferences are better than other peoples preferences. You might need to learn the definition of preference.
Oh, I get it. So it's OK to start up a thread where a bunch of guys can bash women who have boobjobs, but not OK for others who disagree to say they like women with boobjobs? Do you not see your own hypocrisy, here?
Everyone has a preference. But this thread isn't about preferences. This thread is about trying to ban women who don't fit YOUR preferences from the site. Again, look at the title of the thread. If I prefer blondes over brunettes, and I can get more people to cast votes that agree with me, does that mean that LP should stop shooting hot brunette girls just because that's what a few guys prefer?
If you don't like women with boobjobs, then don't watch women with boobjobs, just like I avoid watching women who I don't find attractive. But don't come on here trying to say that LP should stop shooting women with boobjobs just because YOU don't like them, because there are a whole lot more of us who do, and would love to see them on this site.evil-pineapples wrote:Don't waste your time on this moron.
LMAO. Any man who seriously compares hot sexy women to "lab experiments" and "Frankensetin monsters" is in absoluely no position to be calling anyone else a moron. I would hope that your level of intelligence is much higher than your taste in women. But I doubt it. They're both obviously extraordinarily low.
TomUK wrote:Realtip, the problem is that you keep referring to those who don't share your opinion as a minority and you suggest that most guys agree with your view. I don't see any evidence of that either here or from the people I know in real life and I don't think you should be expressing your view as a majority view without evidence. I respect your opinion and you make some valid points but you need to understand that it is YOUR view and not everybody shares it.
LP make a lot of scenes that don't interest me, with a lot of girls that don't interest me but I'm still here because they make a lot of scenes I like too. Ultimately the models and content will be determined by the number of downloads of each scene so what's the point in being so angry and aggressive with each other in the forums just because we have different preferences?
Just my opinion so please don't attack me with your usual personal insults
realtip wrote:For example, there's a guy on here who just accused me of using ad hominems in this thread. I don't need to say his name because we can all see who it is.
realtip wrote:But it's really funny that the same guy who calls people "morons" and refers to women with boobjobs as "monsters" and "lab experiments" would then turn around and accuse someone else of using ad hominems when that's exactly the same thing he's been doing.
realtip wrote:As long as people can respect my views, then I can respect theirs.
Wikipedia wrote:An ad hominem (Latin for "to the man" or "to the person"), short for argumentum ad hominem, is a general category of fallacies in which a claim or argument is rejected on the basis of some irrelevant fact about the author of or the person presenting the claim or argument.
evil-pineapples wrote:Another reason I don't like fake tits is because women often get them because they feel pressured to by men. Certain men make girls feel like shit for having small tits. They make fun of them for it, or they tell them they'd be much hotter if only they had bigger tits (or bigger lips, or a bigger ass... this goes way beyond just tits). Often, men will actively pressure these girls to get breast implants, which causes them to become deeply unhappy with their own bodies. That's why there are so many breast implants these days. It's not about getting attention from men, it's about men making women feel like shit for the way they were born. Women don't undergo painful surgery just to get attention from men. It's deeper than that. It's body dysmorphic disorder on a massive scale, and it's tragic. Women come in many shapes and sizes and there are many forms of beauty. I despise the cultural forces that drive women to get these horrible alterations to their bodies just so they can fit into some bullshit paradigm of beauty, when in fact most women are beautiful even if they don't fit into that narrow mold, and there are lots of guys out there to appreciate them for it!
evil-pineapples wrote:You do not know the definition of "ad hominem."
I did refer to women with boobjobs as lab experiments. That much is true. (Note: I did not say that they are monsters, only that they are akin to Frankenstein's monster in the sense that they were assembled in a lab. Don't take my analogy out of context.)
Another reason I don't like fake tits is because women often get them because they feel pressured to by men. Certain men make girls feel like shit for having small tits. They make fun of them for it, or they tell them they'd be much hotter if only they had bigger tits (or bigger lips, or a bigger ass... this goes way beyond just tits). Often, men will actively pressure these girls to get breast implants, which causes them to become deeply unhappy with their own bodies. That's why there are so many breast implants these days. It's not about getting attention from men, it's about men making women feel like shit for the way they were born.
I do respect your opinions and I've said so several times. What I don't respect is that you feel the need to present your opinions as those of most men. You cannot possibly know that. Your opinions are yours, and yours alone. You cannot speak for all of mankind, and your refusal to accept that is why I called you a moron.
Understand that by doing that, you are invalidating the opinions of anyone who disagrees with you. "Oh, most men believe so and so, which just so happens to be what I believe too, and therefore your opinion is not as important as mine." Functionally, you're presenting your opinions as facts. You're stifling debate and setting yourself up as the One Voice That Actually Matters, when in reality you are just another voice in the chorus, like the rest of us.
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