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Stop buying Russian porn

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2022 10:39 pm
by dam_mat20
Proud to say I am stop buying Russian porn I spent hundreds of euros last year.

Re: Stop buying Russian porn

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2022 10:48 pm
by netzerkaiser
dam_mat20 wrote:Proud to say I am stop buying Russian porn I spent hundreds of euros last year.

Whats that got to do with models & producers? I'm sure they're mortified as you?

Re: Stop buying Russian porn

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2022 11:13 pm
by Starrio
Russian people have nothing to do with what people in power do. I will keep supporting Russian and Uranian porn all the time.

Re: Stop buying Russian porn

PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2022 12:14 am
by Jocke
What the insane Vladimir Putin is doing is generally not supported and while I think we should sanction Russia, especially regarding oil&gas, there is no need to hurt small businesses where probably Russians and Ukrainians get on well. This is not a war between people but a war instigated by a dictator.

Re: Stop buying Russian porn

PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2022 12:17 am
by Starrio
Russia has the best porn in the world, rimming and pissing is good, so is anal and the girl next door look. The people of Russia have nothing to do with what the people at power do. That's like saying we elected Biden, and that he got the most votes in US history, completely ridiculous. Regular people have no saying in these things. This thread should be off-topic anyway.

Re: Stop buying Russian porn

PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2022 3:06 am
by Iddaoeeok
This thread is kind of stupid. Putin tried to ban porn didn't he? Therefore you should support Russian porn just to annoy him!

Re: Stop buying Russian porn

PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2022 8:36 am
by Starrio
Iddaoeeok wrote:This thread is kind of stupid. Putin tried to ban porn didn't he? Therefore you should support Russian porn just to annoy him!

That's another great point. Thanks for bringing that out. This should teach them.

Re: Stop buying Russian porn

PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2022 1:21 pm
by DPraved
I genuinely fear for the safety of porn workers in Russia from now on. People who were already harassing them will only get worse with Russia now in a state of war. Tyrants and their followers will always go after segments of their own population that they disagree with, for whatever reasons, and with most peoples' attention focused on the war at large, what goes on within Russia's borders may go largely unnoticed. Things are extremely dangerous for many Russian civilians right now, even without the threat of military attacks on Russian cities. :(

It goes without saying that I'm even more worried for the people of Ukraine, but I'm just trying to point out a side of this madness that hasn't already been brought up here.

Re: Stop buying Russian porn

PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2022 1:48 pm
by davebowman
Indeed - I'm more worried about any Ukrainian models/performers who are still in that country. And who knows where Putin will stop? Worrying times.

Re: Stop buying Russian porn

PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2022 6:07 pm
by magizi87
Isn't this whole thing caused because Russia doesn't want Ukraine to join the OTAN?
Which would allow the USA to install military bases and nuclear missiles right next to Moscow?

Which from a strategic military point of view, would be, REALLY BAD for Russia.

Kinda the same thing as when the Soviet Union tried to do the same thing in Cuba?

I'm not pro Vladimir Putin, and I had no idea this had been brewing for months.

I'm just saying, is not as simple as Putin bad, Biden good.

My heart is with Ukraine, I hope this terrible time comes to an end soon.

Re: Stop buying Russian porn

PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2022 8:58 pm
by bdsmpretty
Jocke wrote:What the insane Vladimir Putin is doing is generally not supported and while I think we should sanction Russia, especially regarding oil&gas, there is no need to hurt small businesses where probably Russians and Ukrainians get on well. This is not a war between people but a war instigated by a dictator.

The 'dictators' (n velvet pseudo-liberal gloves) who instigated this crisis are the so-called 'liberal' US Democrat presidents Obama and Biden.
Obama/Nuland for overthrowing the democratically elected Ukrainian govt via a violet armed coup in 2014 (using literal Neo Nazis as 'moderate rebel' muscle, just as they funded/trained/armed rebranded literal Al Qaeda as 'HTS' in Syria), and dumping a US 'puppet president' Zelenskyy on the Ukrainian people. (Wikipedia: "Zelenskyy is a Ukrainian politician, former actor and comedian"... though it doesn't specify in which order).
And Biden/Blinken for not accepting that NATO missiles being positioned in Ukraine (within 10 minutes flight distance of Russia) has always been a *red line* for the Russian government.

The US took the world to the brink of a nuclear WW3 in 1962 over the Cuban Missile Crisis, after the US attempted invasion of Cuba (aka The Bay of Pigs) prompted Cuba to request nukes from its Communist ally Soviet Russia in order to deter a future attack.
'No nukes in our backyard was US red line in 1962, backed up with a nuclear threat to the Soviet Union (they know their own history, one would hope).
So for the US (NATO is the US, as all other NATO members are US vassals that do as the US tells them) to expect to be able to just roll into Ukraine with NATO nukes - and for Russia (Putin or any Russian leader, RF or Soviet, would react in the same way) not to immediately act to defend its territory from such an existential threat - would be delusional, were it not for the real objective (US/NATO absolute control of UK/EU govt policy going on).

The US needed a reason to sanction/kill Russian Nordstream 2 and force its UK/European vassals to use US LNG or UAE oil instead (for all their moral grandstanding, UK/European vassals are only permitted as much democracy/sovereignty as the US grants them).
Ukraine/Zelenskyy presented itself/himself as the most compliant puppet-pawn for that endeavour. And so here we are.

As for 'Insane Putin'.
As much as I am no fan, Putin is neither 'insane' (or 'evil', which is the other must used adjective western media applies to him). He is acting entirely rationally, if you recognize that Russia has consistently viewed NATO nuke advances towards their borders as an existential threat.
Western govts/leaders (and their media) always want their publics to think of those they regard as geopolitical opponents as 'insane and evil', because then the public stops asking further questions or looking for reasons why (Remember 'With God on our Side' George Bush and his 'axis of evil' and 'evil doers' speeches).
Insane people do what they do because they are insane. Evil people do what they do because they are evil. No 'reasons why' exist (so don't look for any) being the implication.

A public that refuses such infantile and dismissive labels, and instead views those their leaders are opposing as rational, will find many reasons for why Russia is acting as it is at present.
You may decide they are valid or invalid reasons (probably depending on which side of the NATO/Russia fence you are, and the biases of the media you consume), but to deny there are reasons and a logical-reasoned process behind what is going on (on both sides) is to blinker yourself from reality, which no adult should seek to do.

Re: Stop buying Russian porn

PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2022 9:17 pm
by YCF
I won't be told what I can and can't buy.

I love the Ukrainian people and have had very good times there... BUT TBH 'the Kiev Government' ARE SCUMBAGS of the highest order.

I would love to see both Ukrainian and Russian models cum together in one massive and beautiful gang-bang.


Re: Stop buying Russian porn

PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2022 9:20 pm
by bdsmpretty
dam_mat20 wrote:Proud to say I am stop buying Russian porn I spent hundreds of euros last year.

A) Not all Russians support Putin's actions in Ukraine.

nick nrx - Copy.png
nick nrx - Copy.png (17.17 KiB) Viewed 16140 times

B) So have you also stopped buying US/UK porn because they are currently arming the UAE war against Yemen (causing the current most severe global humanitarian crisis)?

And did you also stop buying UK/NATO-ally porn in protest against the wars they waged (and continue to wage, on the ground as traditional armed conflict, or via sanctions, depriving a country of funds in order to starve its civilian population into submission) over the last 20 years in Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Iraq and so on?

Re: Stop buying Russian porn

PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2022 10:03 pm
by netzerkaiser
bdsmpretty wrote:
dam_mat20 wrote:Proud to say I am stop buying Russian porn I spent hundreds of euros last year.

A) Not all Russians support Putin's actions in Ukraine.

nick nrx - Copy.png

B) So have you also stopped buying US/UK porn because they are currently arming the UAE war against Yemen (causing the current most severe global humanitarian crisis)?

And did you also stop buying UK/NATO-ally porn in protest against the wars they waged (and continue to wage, on the ground as traditional armed conflict, or via sanctions, depriving a country of funds in order to starve its civilian population into submission) over the last 20 years in Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Iraq and so on?

I think most of us agree with your as always, eloquent point.

Re: Stop buying Russian porn

PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2022 10:29 pm
by rakdobi
Thanks to Putin, more newbies will come to the porn industry.

Re: Stop buying Russian porn

PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2022 11:13 pm
by sartoris
Yes, stop russian porn. Dont work with russian actors, producers and studios. Stand together for freedom!

Re: Stop buying Russian porn

PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2022 11:32 pm
by rakdobi
Russian porn forever !! But we need studios like TCC and teenskystudio Back, today's studios (apart from Erika) is not of sufficient quality.

Gio must return to Russia to continue filming the Giorgio Lab series, the best scenes in the history of this site.

Re: Stop buying Russian porn

PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2022 11:43 pm
by davebowman
If we are talking sanctions then Putin definately needs his Pornbox account freezing.

Re: Stop buying Russian porn

PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 3:15 am
by cancu823
dam_mat20 wrote:Proud to say I am stop buying Russian porn I spent hundreds of euros last year.

Classic stupid, ignorant and hypocritical message as we see so many in this period .. but almost all of the population is completely subjugated by the media and therefore I understand it.

Re: Stop buying Russian porn

PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 4:44 am
by alekseich
What an idiotic post! If you think that most russians support war - you idiot

Re: Stop buying Russian porn

PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 7:00 am
by antiochethereal
Don't stop buying it, just make "the boiz" fudge them rougher! Give 'em some alone time with the "champagne" dudes before each scene to really strike fear into them! (joke) :-P

Re: Stop buying Russian porn

PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 12:09 pm
by goodfella89
davebowman wrote:If we are talking sanctions then Putin definately needs his Pornbox account freezing.

well, I think there's no need for that because he already suffers erectile dysfunction like his role model A.H.
Hopefully he soon commits suicide in a bunker like the Gröfaz!

Re: Stop buying Russian porn

PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 2:52 pm
by Stacy_Bloom
Can I to remind, that now you make propaganda of nation conflict on the forum, what is forbidden by rules of website? Moderators also think that its okay?

Re: Stop buying Russian porn

PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 2:54 pm
by Stacy_Bloom
Starrio wrote:Russia has the best porn in the world, rimming and pissing is good, so is anal and the girl next door look. The people of Russia have nothing to do with what the people at power do. That's like saying we elected Biden, and that he got the most votes in US history, completely ridiculous. Regular people have no saying in these things. This thread should be off-topic anyway.

You are veteran member, moderators are sleeping? Or everyone forgot rules of forum, and that what we are doing in porn, we do for piece, and sex is out of this! Art out of this! Creating out of this!

Re: Stop buying Russian porn

PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 2:58 pm
by Bromrock
Support Stacy, you are wrong who created this topic

Re: Stop buying Russian porn

PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 5:01 pm
by JBird
A Yahoo news site claims that [spam] has cancelled/blocked all accounts for residents of the Russian Federation, with no possibility of withdrawing money. Can anyone confirm? Even for some active AV models that would have significant revelance, for those no longer in harness it could be very bad.

Re: Stop buying Russian porn

PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 5:15 pm
by DPraved
It's true and expected. We probably won't see anymore Russian content here either as soon as all payments to Russia get blocked. Welcome to the world of economic warfare.

Re: Stop buying Russian porn

PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 6:23 pm
by bdsmpretty
Stacy_Bloom wrote:Can I to remind, that now you make propaganda of nation conflict on the forum, what is forbidden by rules of website? Moderators also think that its okay?

Stacy_Bloom wrote:Moderators are sleeping? Or everyone forgot rules of forum, and that what we are doing in porn, we do for piece, and sex is out of this! Art out of this! Creating out of this!

100% this.

Stacy is absolutely right, and the sooner this thread is deleted the better. It's just become a 'drop-in' thread for all the closet Russia-haters among forum members to shout about how racist they are, and serves useful no porn purpose at all.

Leave Russian and Ukrainian adult content producers out of it. Completely.

They are just trying to make a living and feed their families, like you, like me.
They do what they do to make a living and to make you happy (which is why anyone commenting here is on this site at all, the content makes you happy).

They have no control over the decisions their countries' defense departments make, so don't seek to blame or punish them (in words or financially) for those decisions.

Repeat: They are just trying to make a living and feed their families, like you, like me. Leave them alone.

Re: Stop buying Russian porn

PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 6:28 pm
by JBird
DPraved wrote:It's true and expected. We probably won't see anymore Russian content here either as soon as all payments to Russia get blocked. Welcome to the world of economic warfare.

Thanks DPraved. Exactly what I feared. I recall an American academic once wrote something like "Sanctions aim to harm civilians so can't be justified as a tool of war."

Re: Stop buying Russian porn

PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 6:43 pm
by bdsmpretty
sartoris wrote:Yes, stop russian porn. Dont work with russian actors, producers and studios. Stand together for freedom!

Were you boycotting US porn actors, producers and studios when the US government literally overthrew (by mean of an violent orchestrated coup, the 'muscle' coming from US-backed Neo-Nazis) the democratically elected governemnt of Ukraine in 2014?

What does 'freedom' even mean to people like you?

You cheered 'freedom!' (and 'freedom fries!') as your government merrily slaughtered and tortured (US Guantanamo torture camp is still operating to this day...) its way through Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and Syria.
And if you want a European example try Kosovo 1999.

US politicians handpicking who they have decided will be Ukraine's new government, 2014. Democracy? Freedom??

US coup of  Ukraine 2014 - Copy.png
US coup of Ukraine 2014 - Copy.png (216.98 KiB) Viewed 15423 times ... 0776998919

Re: Stop buying Russian porn

PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 7:10 pm
by bdsmpretty
DPraved wrote:It's true and expected. We probably won't see anymore Russian content here either as soon as all payments to Russia get blocked. Welcome to the world of economic warfare.

Far too pessimistic a view.

Russia has been preparing for de-dollarisation for some time, so while there will be short-term disruption, within the year, things will find a new equilibrium.

For example most of its trade with China for the past couple of years (since 2019, when they formalised/signed the major agreement covering this) has been direct Ruble-Yuan, by passing Dollar transactions (via exchange) altogether.
in 2015 it was 90 Dollar transactions, in 2020 it was barely 50%. As of 2022 (urgency speeding up the process) it will be lower still.

Russia has also been rapidly dumping Dollar reserves and buying Yuan reserves and Chinese state bonds. Dollar reserves less than half now than five years ago and being ditched faster still every day.

So in the event of cut of from Swift, I strongly suspect there will be a system put in place by which you pay for Russian content in Yuan, and China credits Russian banks with that sum in Ruble equivalent.

The Power of Siberia 2 pipeline Russia-China is about to come online within next year or so, and that is going to be 24/7 pumping all the oil Chinese industry could ever want. So no problem at all with China not being able to swap those Yuan-Ruble credits.

And if the US/UK/EU want to try cutting China off from Swift to prevent that. Haha... Seriously! Economic Suicide!

Until then, I repeat, support Russian and Ukrainian adult content producers as much you can through this bumpy time.

Re: Stop buying Russian porn

PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 7:13 pm
by bdsmpretty
Typo. "In 2015 it was 90% Dollar transactions, in 2020 it was barely 50%".

Re: Stop buying Russian porn

PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 10:35 pm
by DPraved
You are definitely right about me being a pessimist. Russian porn has had an awesome year and was only getting better during these last few months, so I would be very happy to be wrong about my predictions.

Re: Stop buying Russian porn

PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 10:55 pm
by RUShersgapersrises
There is one movie, his name is The Mouse That Roared.
Aah,it's sooo touching, mainly from countries of the former Eastern Block.At home they dont even belong the chair under their shit out asses and are cheap labor and dustbins of Europe.Just look at who rules in those countries.Mostly belongs to the same sect like Ms. "Fuck EU" Nuland.
But tragicomedy continous, so for now, sit still the curtain doesnt fall yet.

Re: Stop buying Russian porn

PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 11:53 pm
by YumYum74
Stop buying because they are Russian is obviously nonsense.

If we still CAN however, is a different matter entirely. I've already seen several Russian porn girls whose OF has been cut off, i.e. it's still there but they can't make any money off it anymore. I suspect the same is unfortunately gonna happen real soon (if it hasn't already) with the Russian studios like VK and NRX.

Re: Stop buying Russian porn

PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2022 12:07 am
by Iddaoeeok
Putin is a reactionary anti-porn asshole. If you stop buying Russian porn you're doing exactly what he wants you to do. We should be encouraging Russian porn and bombarding his censored media with porn!

Re: Stop buying Russian porn

PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2022 6:41 am
by aoc
You all can go on and on about why Russia did this, why US did this, why they did it, why he did it etc.

In the end what justifications you have for killing thousands of innocent people, kids, women and families?

Re: Stop buying Russian porn

PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2022 10:43 am
by Stacy_Bloom
aoc wrote:You all can go on and on about why Russia did this, why US did this, why they did it, why he did it etc.

In the end what justifications you have for killing thousands of innocent people, kids, women and families?

Its lot of Russian pornactresses ad directors, everyone have families and often this Russian women need money for kids. No? Nobody thinking about this, when make politic and nacho revocation on porn website? Porn industry for everyone and tolerance to ppl, no?

Roses don't bloom hurriedly; for beauty, like any masterpiece, takes time to blossom. We act as a force for change, supporting a movement towards free society. For us. For love.
This is slogan of StacyBloomStudio. Even if you are keeping your nacho position and for Russian entry will be cutted - we always fucked, fisted, joined life, sex, and gang bangs, and we will not stop it even if all Russian models and studios will be forbidden. I had best crazy sex parties and my experience gang bangs in Russia. So, we will be happy to keep more money for better content and our health.

Re: Stop buying Russian porn

PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2022 10:44 am
by Stacy_Bloom
Stacy_Bloom wrote:
aoc wrote:You all can go on and on about why Russia did this, why US did this, why they did it, why he did it etc.

In the end what justifications you have for killing thousands of innocent people, kids, women and families?

Its lot of Russian pornactresses ad directors, everyone have families and often this Russian women need money for kids. No? Nobody thinking about this, when make politic and nacho revocation on porn website? Porn industry for everyone and tolerance to ppl, no?

Roses don't bloom hurriedly; for beauty, like any masterpiece, takes time to blossom. We act as a force for change, supporting a movement towards free society. For us. For love.
This is slogan of StacyBloomStudio. Even if you are keeping your nacho position and for Russian entry will be cutted - we always fucked, fisted, joined life, sex, and gang bangs, and we will not stop it even if all Russian models and studios will be forbidden. I had best crazy sex parties and my experience gang bangs in Russia. So, we will be happy to keep more money for better content and our health.


Re: Stop buying Russian porn

PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2022 11:18 am
by zeusanalfreak299
dam_mat20 wrote:Proud to say I am stop buying Russian porn I spent hundreds of euros last year.

Dude, seriously? The models from Russia or other people in porn business don't care about Putin and politics. They just want to survive. They are also affected of the same problems in their country. Let them do porn is the best for a free and liberal Russia.

If you are one of those who scream "Fuck Russia" than let them doing porn should be the best for you.

I don't care about politics. I want to have girls fucked in the ass from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Czech, Hungary and other Eastern European countries. And I'm sure most people think the same.

Never forget that Putin does not represent the interests of the Russians, but the interests of the elite only.