I want to start discussion about your view on religion. First let me explain - I'm not devout catholic or sth and I don't want to preachify here. I just want to start serious discussion and do some rearch about it. I just want to check if less religious person watch porn more often (or not) or check whether those aspects are linked. So we all here love hardcore porn, but first do we care about religion? Second if yes, do we feel bad about watching porn? What's your view on religion? Do you think that less religious persons watchig porn more? Or it's not the case?
I'm from Poland - we are catholic (mostly). I'm catholic, but not devout one. I belivie there is a God, sometimes I go to church, but not every Sunday. From reliogius aspect I sometimes feel bad about porn, but then I think everything is for people so why... Watching is a pleasure for me so why not.