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LP scene shopping (after Glam Porn)

PostPosted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 1:45 pm
by dap-addict
Glam Porn spoiled my previous LP shopping experience. :confused:
If I am not waiting for a certain scene to appear that evening I often give shopping a pass now - and buy later looking for certain studio offerings.

Plus: Glam Porn spamming gets blocked out of my individual LP store.
Minus: Almost no impulse buying anymore.

Currently apart from stocking up scenes I missed since July 1st, I do some old IV DAPbreakin' shopping.
I even buy some abusive splitted scenes now because I wanna check those HITs.
Its a few girls left I wanna see how they started their LP career.
20-40tkt investment I'd say - 11-22euro.
Not much fun with IV, but also not much money lost.

How do you shop at LP currently?
Did Glam Porn change your shopping? How?

Re: LP scene shopping (after Glam Porn)

PostPosted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 3:34 pm
by drevokocur66
Wet scenes only, unless it is a solo with a girl I can't stand. Other than that, an excellent fisting scene, but those are rare.