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PornBox streaming/downloading speed!

PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2018 1:57 pm
by Homo*_*Eroticus
For me is Medium/Poor service....I rarely can stream without interruptions a video with the 1080p resolution!
I profoundly hope they can improve their servers speed.. :cool: ...

Re: PornBox streaming/downloading speed!

PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2018 4:47 pm
by Homo*_*Eroticus
Please, can you write something about your personal experience?
    [1st]Where're you from?
    [2nd]What is your download speed?
    [3rd]Can you stream in 1080p without interruptions?
    [4th]Are you experiencing some particular problems?
    [5th]what do you think about the WEB player( flowplayer)?

Re: PornBox streaming/downloading speed!

PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 6:38 am
by PeruvianPanda
1. Toronto, Canada
2. Not sure, I usually just want to stream
3. No, I've never been able to stream a video smoothly at 1080p
4. Yes, I frequently can't even stream HD or VGA without interruptions
5. It's pretty good, wish I could double click to enter/exit fullscreen and use the scroll wheel to change volume, other than that no complaints

Re: PornBox streaming/downloading speed!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2018 8:53 pm
by Homo*_*Eroticus
PeruvianPanda wrote:1. Toronto, Canada
2. Not sure, I usually just want to stream
3. No, I've never been able to stream a video smoothly at 1080p
4. Yes, I frequently can't even stream HD or VGA without interruptions
5. It's pretty good, wish I could double click to enter/exit fullscreen and use the scroll wheel to change volume, other than that no complaints

Thanks for your FEEDBACK, mate! :)
I think that the problem is the LP's data center based in Praha, Czech Republic --------> Cloudinfrastack, S.r.o!!! :(

NOt the best service!

:eek: :eek: :eek: