PornoMuzzy wrote:The slapping almost ruined the new Barbie Sins scene.
Holeblaster wrote:I don't consider slapping violent or degrading at all
I just consider male performers doing it as full-tards
red_whre wrote:Holeblaster wrote:I don't consider slapping violent or degrading at all
I just consider male performers doing it as full-tards
it's the violence and the degradation that makes it great
roydd wrote:but it would be a lot less aggravating to watch if the models didn't look miserable and a complete mess after the scene is over
red_whre wrote:roydd wrote:but it would be a lot less aggravating to watch if the models didn't look miserable and a complete mess after the scene is over
that's what makes it great
PornoMuzzy wrote:Seriously though, nothing looks fun about getting slapped hard across the face.
TrustMeImADoctor wrote:red_whre wrote:roydd wrote:but it would be a lot less aggravating to watch if the models didn't look miserable and a complete mess after the scene is over
that's what makes it great
Red whores like dominate em!!
dKqd6b wrote:PornoMuzzy wrote:Seriously though, nothing looks fun about getting slapped hard across the face.
Yes, I really hate face-slapping too. I bet most models are not into it, that is just acting. Requirement for the job is to make the viewers
believe that they enjoy everything.
red_whre wrote:you really don't know how many of them like to actually being fucked hard, slapped, etc
blownbyrone wrote: It also makes me cum if its done to my face repeatedly
dap-addict wrote:red_whre wrote:Its not degrading, though.
PornoMuzzy wrote:The slapping almost ruined the new Barbie Sins scene. Good thing she is hot af and loved hard anal and pee. Seriously though, nothing looks fun about getting slapped hard across the face. Maybe I'm in the minority here, idk?
red_whre wrote:people are so stupid and idealizing with the concept that a female can't crave sex, want it, want to get fucked etc
like that Freud who said a female only engage in sex only because of wanting children
and that penis envy i think is kinda disgraceful
as if vaginas werent not enough on itselfs
blownbyrone wrote:I personally love being slapped! It gets me in a very submissive had space! I also like the way my face gets hot after. It also makes me cum if its done to my face repeatedly. If I'm having a hard time getting into a scene I asked to be slapped a few times so I can just settle down little and not stress about if things are looking good.
vincenoir75 wrote:So long as it's consensual & both parties enjoy it then I have no problem with slapping. I don't like sites like Facial Abuse as the girls don't appear to be having a good time, look miserable & the guys seem to just want to humiliate the women so they feel bad
Sorry for the TMI but it felt like an important preface to note how that kind of monster can be created.
It was the first time I ever made a girl come like that.
red_whre wrote:Sorry for the TMI but it felt like an important preface to note how that kind of monster can be created.
she was a monster because she had naughty sex desires in her diary?It was the first time I ever made a girl come like that.
i've never thought someone can came just by slapping o.O
with your testimony and blownbyrone now there are 2
is like this
TrustMeImADoctor wrote:What's wrong with degradation? As long as both parties consent
PornoMuzzy wrote:"For me there is only one and that is spitting in the girl's mouth."
See, now spit I love!
danthefan73 wrote:TrustMeImADoctor wrote:What's wrong with degradation? As long as both parties consent
When people do it in private, without any audience watching them, then indeed what you say is true.
But when you do it in front of the audience, then you also need to consider what the audience likes and dislikes. Because you aren't just doing it for yourself and your partner. You are doing it for the audience too.
I think the problem with slapping and degradation in porn is that it's a turn-off for many people. And turning off people means that they stop watching it, and they avoid watching such scenes in the future. Which defeats the whole purpose of producing porn for an audience.
People normally have different sexual interests. But not being interested in some sex-act doesn't usually turn you off. You simply don't pay attention to it. So, if you are an anal porn-fan for example, then you just want to see the hot lady get nailed between her cheeks, and you don't care if some other guy takes her pussy too during her anal sex. The lady's pussy sex during her anal ride doesn't turn you off. You just don't pay attention to it.
As long as the sex-act doesn't cause anybody discomfort or pain, then it's easy for you to ignore it and focus your attention on something you like. But pain, discomfort, and degradation are pretty hard for people to ignore. You end up paying attention to it, regardless of whether you like it or not. And that's why it can be such a turn-off for for people who aren't into it.
TrustMeImADoctor wrote:I guess what I'm getting at is it has to do with consent doesn't it? For instance if Samantha clearly communicated that it's a turn-on for her, and someone were to hook up with her and do her turn on, then surely wouldn't find that degrading right? It seems to me the only case that could be made for it to be degrading as if the performer didn't want to do it and I don't fool with non-consent and most people don't
TrustMeImADoctor wrote:red_whre wrote:Sorry for the TMI but it felt like an important preface to note how that kind of monster can be created.
she was a monster because she had naughty sex desires in her diary?It was the first time I ever made a girl come like that.
i've never thought someone can came just by slapping o.O
with your testimony and blownbyrone now there are 2
is like this
Lol @ that nerd is enjoying slapping that cartoon WAAY too much. By monster created...I meant me. What I was trying to convey is 1 BDSM experience with a girl that knew how to teach me turned me from a good Christian boy into an aggressive dominant man. I will admit it felt kind of silly telling Samantha my casual encounters because she's a professional and I'm just an average American male in his 20s, but her love for slapping is definitely common. Red Whore, I am not exaggerating or lying when I tell you the girl exploded. Granted we were being intimate while it happened, so I don't think she would have got off outside of the bedroom, that part was just a joke but in the bedroom yeah. It's similar to a girl they came over last year... this is a good story so bear with me... I was in the city trying to meet somebody and I got stood up, so I went on Bourbon Street and overheard some hip hop coming from a jazz club. I walk in and at the door is a pretty black girl dancing, so I grabbed her by the hand and brought her inside start dancing. But literally I am the only white guy in this club and I thought it would be a bad look to be dancing with the pretty black girl in the black Club but it was totally fine and in fact a lot of the brothers thought it was so funny that they were taking out their phones and filming me while I was splashing my water bottle all over girl as she backed up on me dancing. So we go to the bar and I haven't even told her my name yet, and I asked her, "what do you like?" Now I meant a drink, but she responds, in a country Florida backwoods accent, "I want you to choke me and spit in my face." Which is amazing because I had quite the spitting fetish and had experiment a little bit with it but never with a girl where it was her fetish. So in probably the bravest moment of my life I grabbed her Softly by the base of her neck brought her towards me for a kiss and sort of leak saliva onto her bottom lip enough to wear it just drips down her lip a little bit. And she lit up like a Christmas tree so we left to come to my house. And I do remember that in the bedroom while we were hooking up when I would spit on her, she loved it. And I specifically remember her quote acting like she shocked, "oh my god you just spit in my mouth while you choking me." So it was one of the most fun hookups I ever had, and I can't even say all the details because it might be inappropriate but she was even the first girl that ever did any kind of race play and I didn't even comply with some of her request. Which now I regret because it was what she wanted. Anyway long story short, when we took a shower afterwards, I spit in her face and she explain that she only liked it during sex not in the shower or anywhere else. Reason I bring that up as it's sort of like the slapping for the first girl I mentioned. It's hot to them while they're being f***** but it's not hot outside of that context. Live and learn you know
danthefan73 wrote:TrustMeImADoctor wrote:I guess what I'm getting at is it has to do with consent doesn't it? For instance if Samantha clearly communicated that it's a turn-on for her, and someone were to hook up with her and do her turn on, then surely wouldn't find that degrading right? It seems to me the only case that could be made for it to be degrading as if the performer didn't want to do it and I don't fool with non-consent and most people don't
I think consent has some ethical and legal limits.
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