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Porn Vs Regular Life Balance

PostPosted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 6:32 pm
by LegalPorno2016
Hi there, I myself struggle with this from time to time. I do have a job that I enjoy and a life that I enjoy however I am not exactly where I would like to be at this point. I am 32 years old this year and I am trying to "waste" less time with things like porn etc even though I really do enjoy it, if I spent a little less time watching it and more on work I would be closer to my goals. I use porn to help me "wind-down" after a long day at work. I don't currently have a partner as such as I am just out of a long term relationship and not really wanting to jump straight into anything serious. I basically wanna focus on myself for a change.

So my question is something like how does (if it does) affect your daily life? does it stop you meeting your goals etc and if so how do you feel about that? Do you regret it but still love it so much you dont stop watching?

Sometimes whenever I spend a little too long watching porn I regret it just because it is so time consuming. It has never affected my relationships with women that I know of but I really enjoy watching it and have done since I was around 8 years old lol.

How do you "balance" your porn needs with regular life?

Thank you in advance.

Re: Porn Vs Regular Life Balance

PostPosted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 10:33 am
by CanadianCouple
if it is taking you away from personal time with friends or family or significant others, or having you sleep in at work or whatever, take a break. you can enjoy lots of porn time and not have it fuck with your personal life or your life goals.

its easy to get lost in the rabbit hole of endless porn these days and it does require some discipline. Being single you have more "porn time" so enjoy it and have fun thinking of your next partner in real life.

I watch quite a bit I suppose... but I do it after I get home from social plans or of i have a day off from business. I also combine some porn watching with my sexual time with my girlfriends to kind of "kill two birds with one stone" so to speak. I am in my mid 40s so if I ask a girl out I tell her pretty early that I enjoy porn and will only get involved with women who I can share it with. I don't believe keeping secrets about your sexuality is healthy, I did it in the past as most men do and we end up miserable.

Could I go to bed earlier if I didn't watch porn? sure, but I am in good health, business is great, nice social life, so I think I have balance in spite of all the porn I enjoy.

Re: Porn Vs Regular Life Balance

PostPosted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 11:03 am
by magizi877
Hmmm I was like that when was 14 years old. I remember being at school and thinking about porn all the time. :o
Staring at the clock and counting the seconds until I could finally go back home and watch some more porn on my dial-up connection. Mostly pictures tho. But yeah, my grades were being affected for sure.

Nowadays I spend more time reading the LP forum than watching porn. :(
Mostly because I can read it while waiting for stuff to happen at work, hah!
Also because DAP movies are just bad and can't finish watching them, lol.
READ, please stop forcing all models to do DAP movies. cough Giorgio cough.


If you want to change I recommend reading this book, "the power of habit" by Charles Duhigg. It doesn't talk about porn at, at least I don't remember if it does, but it so powerful at making you understand what a habit is and how to replace a bad one with a good one, that it's almost like a brain hack, because it's so easy once you know how.

It's also available in audio form, at audible in case reading is not a thing you do. :p I'm old fashioned and still like the paper format. lol. And you don't actually need to read the whole thing, the basic premise is given to you in the first few pages and everything else is just example cases that are real events that are mind-blowing. lol.

IMO you should pick a love interest ASAP, simply because life is better that way.

Re: Porn Vs Regular Life Balance

PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 4:39 am
by dap-addict
magizi87 wrote:Nowadays I spend more time reading the LP forum than watching porn. :(
Mostly because I can read it while waiting for stuff to happen at work, hah!

Same here! :cool:
Luckily I get still enough porn watching, though, but in bits, less regularly than some time ago.

Now for OP: I'd suggest a stop and re-assessment of priorities maybe if you feel bad about spending too much time on porn. Porn is just an offer against lots of other offers, nature and sports being others a.o. too. Everybody has to decide whats the best mix. But sacrificing porn and/or real life sex and relationships for career doest sound like a good option either.