re vaping being a 'cleaner' experience, i suspect we will hear *a lot more* in coming years about how this 'cleaner' turns out to be far from the case
there's a notorious history of heavily-promoted (big pharma and big food) so-called 'cleaner/healthier' artificial substitutes for natural substances currently known to have some toxic effects, that have turned out to be everything but cleaner and/or healthier.
be it something as apparently benign as margarine (major transfats issue, to the point that margarine is now considered to cause more harm than the butter it was supposed to be a healthy substitute for) or powdered breast milk being promoted as better than natural breast milk in developing countries (nestle co covered in the blood of millions of dead babies)
"We estimate that Nestlé’s entry into LMIC formula markets caused about 212,000 infant deaths per year among mothers without clean water access at the peak of the Nestlé controversy in 1981, and has led to approximately 10.9 million excess infant deaths between 1960 and 2015." ... -countriesthe more money big multinational conglomerates stand to gain from the promotion of a product they hold a monopoly over, the more incentive they have to cook and/or bury all evidence (aggresive lawfare suits, intimidation, smear campaigns, etc) that suggests their product not only may be no better than the thing it is being heralded as a substitue for, but may actually be far worse.
the pursuit of profit ecplises all other concerns (including human life) at these organisations (their turnover often being greater than entire country's economies).
tobacco is a known quantity. risk of excess usage is harmful and the facts are long-known and long documented. but in strict moderation, it *could* be argued that the potential harm caused by its very moderate consumption is actually no worse than the potential damage cause by long-term stress (cortisol raising, which greatly impedes the effectiveness of the immune system and therefore considerably increases the risk of all kinds of health problems) that smokers often smoke to minimise
obviously there are better ways to address high stress levels than smoking. i'm not pro-smoking. but i'm deeply sceptical of the rise of vaping being presented as a healthier alternative to very moderate smoking and i would strongly warn vapers not to buy into the cleaner-heathier pitch
unltimately the best policy is don't smoke and don't vape. your lungs are beautiful and incredibly well-designed organs that have evolved over hundreds of thousands of years to breathe air and only air. once you abandon air for inhaling other things, you're just juggling risks
if you want instant stress relief, find somewhere private and masturbate if you want a 100% organic, time-honoured and safe solution. but you're here because you already know that