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Models and birth control

PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2017 3:52 pm
by maxi26

I read a surprising number of professional girls in the business are not on any kind of birth control. Especially eastern european girls new to the business.

For example yorkie here seems to have some background knowledge on this:
yorkie wrote:I don't personally know her,but you'd be surprised to know that the majority of girls in the industry are not on the pill.
I am saying this from personal experience.

Now I would like to know from everyone with industry background:
  • Is this true?
  • How is this handled in practice? Does a male performer usually ask a girl?
  • yorkie please tell me more :)
  • More details anyone?
  • Stories maybe?

Thanks for clarification!

Re: Models and birth control

PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2017 4:45 pm
by geralt_
I have no insight to how it works. But really, what girl in her right mind would not be on birth control doing porn :P Having a baby with 20 different potential fathers ;)

Re: Models and birth control

PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2017 6:04 pm
by maxi26
Ehm yes. But actually they aren't pregnant all the time so I'm sure there is something that works for them.
Maybe morning-after-pills are used a lot? Maybe everything is just wrong. And only rely on pullout seems a little bit brave to me personally but others may disagree. I don't know. That's why I asked :)

Re: Models and birth control

PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2017 2:00 pm
by xxx
New line? 3on1 "who will be the father" triple creampie ending. :)

Re: Models and birth control

PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2017 4:10 pm
by drevokocur66
6 on 1 LP roulette cream pie.

Re: Models and birth control

PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2017 8:29 pm
by magizi877
xxx wrote:New line? 3on1 "who will be the father" triple creampie ending. :)

+1 /haha

Re: Models and birth control

PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2017 4:05 am
by mistress_cindy2008
A lot of people in US porn get IUDs..... some take the pills or get injections

But yeah, many don't. If you are comfortable with abortion and have no moral outrage over it, then if there is a pregnancy it can be resolved.

There are A LOT of abortions in the porn industry in the USA; it is kept under the radar as much as possible. I can't speak for Europe but if they are not using contraception then they will be getting some too.

Re: Models and birth control

PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2017 10:09 pm
by maxi26
Thank you for first clarification even though the "A LOT of abortions"-part makes me sad and I think everyone here will agree on this :(

Actually it shocks me a little bit because here is what I expected:
  • Only a very few percentage of all movies are real creampies.
  • Even pullout/calender method works up to some point.
  • If the couple is unsure if a drop could have made it: There is always morning-after-pill.
  • Statistics say even if you are actively trying to get pregnant every day it's like 15-20% chance per month or so (*).
  • The rest are the real accidents. I probably expected "a few" pregnancies and not "A LOT" abortions (**).
The next thing is "A lot of people in US porn get IUDs". Thats what statistics say about every citizen in NA/Central Europe. If this translates to Eastern Europe the same way it looks pretty bad for their HC models. Could it actually be true what I read above?

And one more thing: Now I'm a little bit afraid I hit a dark secret with my question. Did I?

(*) If you are having my luck it's probably 85% per try in case you don't want it :D
(**) I know that noone knows what "A LOT" in percentage translates. Probably one is one too much.

Re: Models and birth control

PostPosted: Thu May 25, 2017 4:19 pm
by dap-addict
You are believing in fairytales, maxi, arnt you? ;)
Also, please do read yorkies statement again!
Anyway, I had a good laugh! :)

Re: Models and birth control

PostPosted: Thu May 25, 2017 7:37 pm
by maxi26
What do you think I believe? The industry is entertainment business. And this is the internet. Both things not are not known for their trustworthiness ;)
But the point is not what I believe. The point is I hope to get some interesting information from people with industry background on this topic because I wondered. Simple as that.