Насчет оргазма в порно – я его получаю лишь при съемках POV. Там не нужно держать какую то определённую, не удобную позу, поэтому и кайф от этого больше. При таких сценах как в Legalporno, продюсер всегда говорит, не забывай, что это работа и тебя снимают камеры, о чём же я очень часто забываю. Ни в коем случае не должны летать волосы и ноги в разные стороны. При таком раскладе ты всегда напряжена и оргазм получить очень сложно. Никакого кайфа, лишь работа.
About orgasm in porn - I get it only when shooting POV. There's no need to hold any particular, uncomfortable pose, and that's why it's more of a buzz. At such scenes as in Legalporno, the producer always says, do not forget that this is a job and you are shooting cameras, which I often forget. In no case should hair and legs fly in different directions. In this situation, you are always tense and [b]orgasm is very difficult to obtain [/ b]. No buzz, just work.
=“Хочу сниматься!”
"I want to be removed!"
pornlover_holland wrote:I have read the interviews and it is always interesting to read how porn is shot.
The interviews didn't kill my fantasies. Porn is a fantasy world. Cocks are always hard, the girls are always horny and like to get fucked in the ass.
If a director can shoot these type of scenes he has done a very good job.
dap-addict wrote:pornlover_holland wrote:I have read the interviews and it is always interesting to read how porn is shot.
The interviews didn't kill my fantasies. Porn is a fantasy world. Cocks are always hard, the girls are always horny and like to get fucked in the ass.
If a director can shoot these type of scenes he has done a very good job.
Amen to that!![]()
But read all those forum posts and you get the impression half of posters dont have a shadow of an idea how those films providing them with so much fun are shot.
dap-addict wrote:Sometimes the way fans write about these girls get really on my nerves, but thats another discussion.
I'd like some more compassion, some understanding of the bts on both sides, girls as well as producers.
Belle Claire yesterday wrote about for Czech site. If interested go to her model thread.
dap-addict wrote:Good thing with LP is shooting doenst take hours as with some of those glamour vanilla studios.
Also payment is much better usually, also of curse just because Lp shoots more demanding scenes which are usually much better payed.
Needless to say its the highest professional level hardcore actors/actresses can reach. The more they deserve our true support instead of stupid name calling!
dap-addict wrote:Ok, next bts interview I will post tranlated by google and me.
Fine this way with both of you?
В: Расскажи про свои оргазмы, испытываешь ли?
О: На съемках никогда! (наверное, вы все теперь скжите, что не будете больше смотреть моё порно, но мне насрать) На съемках не до этого. Там бы под правильным углом нужную позу принять, в камеру смотреть(или не смотреть) и чтоб видно проникновение было и чтоб носочки тянуть на ногах.
В личной жизни всё хорошо с оргазмами.
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