a calendar of who is coming to lp
Sun Dec 04, 2016 9:57 pm
by stardusterX
hardcoregangbang used to have a calendar of models they were shooting weekly and now they dont do it anymore, is it possible to see the same but daily calendar showing who will be gangbanged on lp, can you arrange something like this so fans know who to expect, thanks for your quick response
Re: a calendar of who is coming to lp
Tue Dec 06, 2016 12:58 pm
by Kriss1986
They withdrew from the callendar because stars were multiple times stalked - "when your scene will be released"... In my opinion if LP would create such kind of callendar the results will be the same. Even now we have some preview pics and very often we are asking when scene will be published on site. Don't get me wrong such kind of callendar would be awesome thing but there are some pros and some cons of this soultion.