With the girls of course it's different - you scream praise from the rooftops when they drive you wild and by and large shut your mouth if they don't do it for you (or at least show tact and discretion if making a constructive point).
Anyway, I think the male talent is a little bit of an issue with LP (a little old and jaded in places) but that said there are certainly a number of very good performers. In the main I don't know their names for the same reason I just mentioned; basically I just know who they're not and keep a list of names to avoid (excepting large scenes with more than 3 guys where it's kind of impossible but also where any "damage" they cause will be limited a bit).
OK so these are my 4 "must avoid" LP guys:
Mike Angelo - As long as I've been watching porn I've never liked this guy. He seems to view the girls more as his "prey" than as beautiful treasures to enjoy ravishing. The way he gets within a millimetre of a girl's face when fucking them I just think is intimidating and kind of ugly. I can't really say I've seen any obvious examples of it seeming to bring out extra heat in a girl. More often it seems to make them shrink a bit and I think that's kinda the point with him. Aside from this I think his performances are very average so get the feeling the "bit of extra" is designed to cover that up maybe. I can see why some guys might like his style but for me it's very joyless and unsexy and detrimental to the heat of the girls. To sum up: a porn bully (IMHO).
Kid Jamaica - AKA "The Ego". I just can't watch this guy. His whole style is "Me me me" and he seems to take pleasure in perpetually correcting the girls' positions, admonishing them for doing things wrong etc. He's like a stubborn headmaster - "No no no I think you'll find you're doing that wrong and that I know best. Now let's go over it again, shall we?" Classic case in point: SZ668 with Valentina Blanco. She's horny as hell and Jamaica gets first go at her bum. So what does he do? Give her the good seeing to she's demanding? Nope. "You know what I want? For you to do the fucking". This is annoying enough anyway for me as being a sex-starved, seethingly jealous porn viewer I want to see the guys go at the girls like the clappers (and especially from the outset - anything else is plain insulting to the viewer). But anyway, it gets worse. Valentina is horny as hell so does indeed start moving back onto his dick with great gusto. But of course it isn't good enough for Kid Jamaica. "No no no" then withdrawal, some spit in her ass and his hand on her back to push her down. And then (and only then) do we start. Valentina is an A list porn slut but that scene is dead for me from there. And it's simply one of many examples of where this guy cannot leave his massive ego at the door and just fuck but instead has to consistently make himself the star of the show. He is otherwise a very good sex performer, which makes this a shame. But I truly hate his performances and have wasted countless tickets on scenes with him in that he has single-handedly ruined. Oh well.
Cristian Clay - AKA "Drill Sergeant". This guy is an average fucker but boy can he dish out orders! Truly superb at that. His favourite is "Open open open" but he's also averse to "Stay stay stay" and "Push push push". Female porn stars to Clay are not incredible Goddesses he feels priviliged to get paid to fuck - rather they are disobedient dogs he needs to house train. Now let me state that I don't mind a little bit of instruction from a porn guy. But it should be infrequent and respectful. "Bring your ass here" maybe. Or if you want her to open her mouth then just "Open your mouth" will do it. There's something about the quickfire repetition of his 3 favourite orders that suggest both impatience and criticism of the girls, which brings a needless conflict to his scenes. Case in point: SZ384. While Ian Scott is giving Sandra Luberc the arse pounding of her life, Clay has both Jessie Volt and Blanche Bradburry to himself. Not bad eh? So what does he do? He puts his dick into Jessie's bum but then stands motionless and spends about 2 minutes just licking Blanche's bum and making poor horny Jessie visibly frustrated (don't feel too sorry for her though - she gets it from Scott in the end and loves it). For the remainder of the scene he barely fucks but cannot stop issuing orders. Nothing is ever "open" enough, obviously, nor any of the girls ever in the right positions. Sound is absolutely vital for porn but his scenes are nonetheless the best possible advert for watching with the sound off.
Chris Diamond - Made a great start to his career but has quickly degenerated for me. Has a huge dick, of course, but for me looks a bit disinterested at most times. Worst of all he seems to have been influenced by the Roccos, Galantis, Angelos etc. and become a bit physical and brutish with the girls. It looks out of character as well, which makes it all the worse. Reeks of peer pressure or fear of "falling behind". Also he has borrowed Clay's "Open open open" - purely for every cumshot he does and even if the girl's mouth could not already possibly be any more open. It just looks like a bit of a superiority kick and makes any cumshot of his unwatchable for me.
OK rant over. I feel better for that ha ha ha. Any thoughts on any of this/and or any male dislikes of your own?
Banderas is gonna walk this isn't he!?