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Actors mentally unable to stick to the anal theme

PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 4:19 am
by dap-addict
Some actors need tend to go for the pussy even in clearly anal themed LP films, just for no reason at all or personal preference havin nothing to do with pro work.
At gonzo I think Vinny is the worst. :mad:
Vinny often goes form ass to pussy for a while with no need and no reason, girls is tuned for anal, but no, he just cant keep his dick there! :(
With norestfortheass Vadim is such an actor.

Who else comes to mind?
Who really needs a special directors briefing before the camera starts to roll? (directors notice that hint!)

Image dap-a cap
Vinny going for the wrong orifice just a few secs after he too Laura Crystal STA like director and overall concept wanted.

Re: Actors mentally unable to stick to the anal theme

PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 5:07 am
by cyberhog59
I see this happening time and again. It ruins the theme and rythym of the scene. Do they not understand this????

Re: Actors mentally unable to stick to the anal theme

PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 12:17 pm
by Pissing
Ass to pussy is hot.
Thanks for the tip that Vinny does this a lot.

BTW: did you already knew that I do not like DAP :) I'm sure you do.

Re: Actors mentally unable to stick to the anal theme

PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 6:03 am
by Perenini
You're right, dap-addict.

Re: Actors mentally unable to stick to the anal theme

PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 10:52 pm
by rollin_dubs187
Pissing wrote:Ass to pussy is hot.
Thanks for the tip that Vinny does this a lot.

BTW: did you already knew that I do not like DAP :) I'm sure you do.


Re: Actors mentally unable to stick to the anal theme

PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 11:11 pm
by hjohjole
Yeah, i have never been able to stand Vinny for exactly this reason. Another main offender is Ed Junior. Thees guys just cant help themselves they always go for the pussy time and time again.
Im thinking maybe it is a Brazilian thing. In Brazilian porn anal is extremely common, almost all the girls does it. But the scenes are always this 50/50 mix of vaginal and anal. And more often than not they put the vaginal part at the end of the scene witch is just very anticlimactic.

Kid Jamaica on the other hand never really has a problem sticking to the ass. But im pretty sure this is all because he is actually Chinese. :D