My vote is for 1 on 1. I like it au naturel.
visigoth2020111 wrote: 2 to 1 should be the minimum
anything else we can get for free 100s of it daily at any tube site
While that's not false, there is also a catch in it. There are girls who has worked exclusively for LP or who has done a large majority of their output on LP. They have, therefore, done different kinds of DPs, DAPs etc. in different numeric configurations while their no-LP output is either sparse or none.
And as I'm here for several girls more than for LP's aesthetics/standards, I would appreciate if a more classic/vanillic or even femdom-oriented approach has it's place here, just because I'm eager to watch my favourite girls performing this kind of stuff while they have never done it for other sites or their output elswhere is sparse.
That said, I'm aware of the fact that, in the context of this specific topic, my tastes do not really fit LP aesthetics. However, since a poll has been launched, I permited myself to express my point of view with respect to the polls topic.