Unofficial LP board

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Unofficial LP board

Postby JohnMcSpunkencock » Fri Apr 29, 2016 12:24 pm


Anyone seriously interested in the creation of an Unofficial LP forum contact me by pm. It's the only way forward now having exhausted all other angles. If you have the ability to create a board and want to contact me by pm only. I can help of course but my time is limited as far as the creation goes. Let's get this done


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Re: Unofficial LP board

Postby xxx » Fri Apr 29, 2016 12:55 pm

Why would you need something like this?

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Re: Unofficial LP board

Postby JohnMcSpunkencock » Fri Apr 29, 2016 1:09 pm

I am concerned about certain very important points I have raised but am very keen on keeping the flag flying onwards and very much upwards. Any other option was ignored so an unofficial forum is the only alternative. Not a competitor of course, just a new, clean, fully moderated board.

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Re: Unofficial LP board

Postby xxx » Fri Apr 29, 2016 3:27 pm

What are you concerned about?

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Re: Unofficial LP board

Postby JohnMcSpunkencock » Fri Apr 29, 2016 4:09 pm

Message sent to you ;)

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Re: Unofficial LP board

Postby SuperImp » Fri Apr 29, 2016 9:58 pm

Given the board is still excessively light in terms of discussion, I don't see how an unofficial board would be any better except for a handful of posters at best posting (The same ones here). Heck, even the Btsporn board (Sineplex) is dead. These forums could of used moderation when the site kicked in at the start, but those folks either got bored or got banned a while back.

You mention you have exhausted all angles, but which issues are you talking about exactly? Best way to have a discussion is to put it on blast for others to discuss (or troll :p). Aside from the usual whining from all sides, it's been pretty calm.

If anything, some of the threads need cleaning (Probably get rid of the mega threads and create a new topic for each one) or merging. That and a sticky thread for FAQs or announcements would be ideal. Would hopefully prevent some of the drastically redundant threads that have been beaten over too many times.

Since discussion is light here, I'm assuming you either don't like some of the stuff various posters say or the forum/threads are a bit messy to your liking.

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Re: Unofficial LP board

Postby JohnMcSpunkencock » Fri Apr 29, 2016 11:32 pm

^Some of those things are just some of the things that desperately need attention. There's much more but what you wrote alone is enough

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Re: Unofficial LP board

Postby SweetTeensFan » Sat Apr 30, 2016 12:02 am

Well, is a good point, however i dont think LP needs an unoficial forum, but need a bit more organization here, on the official :p

PS: Hey JohnMcSpunkencock are you part of LP team? or just a normal user like me and others? :confused: cuz you PM-me warning about my sign :o so is a kind of rule?
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Re: Unofficial LP board

Postby JohnMcSpunkencock » Sat Apr 30, 2016 12:49 am

No, I'm not part of LP officially. Your graphic is too much and in time will slow the board down the more you post. One flashing graphic is always cool but more is hazardous. Also, as I mentioned, the graphic is invasive and can make it hard to distinguish who the thread is for especially for folk unfamiliar. The notion of another forum, which is now in actual motion, is based on certain issues and concerns I have for the good of LP forum in the long run. It wasn't my ideal choice but I had tried to address the issues on many, many occasions. I want to give a fully moderated forum and still fun but for everyone. Usual forum rules. Its difficult as I'm a moderator on two forums and I don't want my time totally taken up by creating a board but I'm tweaking the unofficial one even as I type. It'll be active very soon assuming its the only alternative left. It'll be slow to begin with but these things take a long time to really get going. I hope some of you will get involved as it's going to link to LP scenes and models too same as here.

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Re: Unofficial LP board

Postby Ass2Die4464 » Sat Apr 30, 2016 2:11 am

Sorry dude, I know I won't be going to the unofficial LP board. There is only one thing wrong with this forum and its very limited interaction from LP staff.

Members already have complained about not having a coming soon section so the forum would be good place for LP representative to post a couple a times a week who they shot recently with a candid and sexual interaction pic. PC_82 was good at this before he lost his mind with his wacked out comments, XXX posted pics for a while but gave up and now every blue moon Giorgio interacts with the forum. I know the last XXX and Giorgio have better things to do than interacting with the forum but its nice when they do. I wish a couple times a week a representative for each studio would interact with the forum.

There is know need that I can even imagine for another forum. Even on the occasions we get spammed within a couple of days it is cleaned up. So count me as a pass on this idea.

Why don't you list some of your concerns ?

I really don't see any except for an LP representative interacting with the forum. I must thank committed members like gapefan, mlody132 and etc for scouring the internet for some actual pics of LP scenes and announcement to share on the forum.

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Re: Unofficial LP board

Postby JohnMcSpunkencock » Sat Apr 30, 2016 3:45 am

No worries mate. I don't expect masses and yes, I can identify with what you highlight but there are more as a good many know already. Only a good, clean, informative forum is what I'm going to do. The numbers don't matter so long as I'm happy it's doing everything right and proper. I'm not doing it to gain a massive fan base or any other reason. Just a zero risk forum.
Last edited by JohnMcSpunkencock on Sat Apr 30, 2016 3:48 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Unofficial LP board

Postby magizi877 » Sat Apr 30, 2016 3:47 am

I might be biased but, the only problem for me, about SweetTeensFan's signature, is that it flashes too fast between each girl.
But looking at all those beauties smiling is quite a pleasure IMO, besides he's got the correct aspect ratio for a signature gif,
some others make theirs with images that are too tall for a signature gif, lol.

I don't really see the need to say you want an unofficial LP forum, because there is discussion about LP in other places already.
All you accomplished by saying it here, was getting XXX concerned. You could have done it without warning and the Internet would have kept going as normal. Just saying.

Speaking about the LP forum board I think some improvements are in order.

For instance. If you have a wide screen monitor, I assume most of us?
You definitely have suffered, as I have, from having to read lines of text that just keep going and going and going....
Seriously I have to move my neck in order to read them. (where usually I just move my eyes).

TBH I Skip so many posts just because of this

You need to build some column technology, or something that makes this board easier to read on a desktop computer.

Also, it wouldn't hurt to hire some people, to tidy things around here.
A lot of people started lately to make model related things in the general board for instance. Someone needs to move those to the correct category. Etc, Etc.

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Re: Unofficial LP board

Postby JohnMcSpunkencock » Sat Apr 30, 2016 4:01 am

As I just posted, the forum as this is is not what I'm aiming at. I absolutely care not one iota for anything other than a board where the usual forum rules etc are in place. It will be the same as here but quite different. Safe to say the last thing I want is masses from here coming to the unofficial forum. Quite a few wouldn't be around very long. That siggy is hazardous as you'll see in time and I speak from experience. Just stick around. That's why you wont find one anywhere else.

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Re: Unofficial LP board

Postby magizi877 » Sat Apr 30, 2016 4:08 am

JohnMcSpunkencock wrote:It will be the same as here but quite different.


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Re: Unofficial LP board

Postby JohnMcSpunkencock » Sat Apr 30, 2016 4:14 am

Exactly. That's the point :cool:

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Re: Unofficial LP board

Postby laura. » Sat Apr 30, 2016 8:33 am

I love this forum and spend a lot of my spare time on here, primarily because porn is my passion in life, especially LP. I enjoy the interaction with other fans but often long for it to be a little more cohesive . There are some tremendous contributors who bring so much to the place, eg the OP, Magizi, DPC and of course Gapefan, amongst others.

The things that grate on me are the proliferation of spam, the frankly irritating 'hiiii' and 'I want fuck you' messages on some of the models' threads. These are disrespectful and pathetic IMHO. There is no reason why someone can't have the board privileges to delete these upon sight. This applies to the 'cheap I phone' links also.

My stomach has hardened while being on here and I am now pretty adept at ignoring some of the cruler and more misogynistic posts but there are still some that should be removed, or at least a gentle reminder posted by a mod. My prime concern as that many of the performers read these and no doubt are hurt by what thy read. A little civility and respect goes a long way!

Basically I am advocating that the mods, if they actually do exist, do their jobs and moderate, or perhaps even open this up to the regular posters to see if this is something they'd like to do?

There are so many wonderful things about the site, but it's not perfect. I would also like to see the numbers of members grow as this in turn will increase the popularity of LP in general. There is no reason why the forum cannot become one of the most popular porn forums on the planet but it requires work IMHO.

Just my thoughts guys x

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Re: Unofficial LP board

Postby Naaru » Sun May 01, 2016 2:40 pm

Just to give my thoughts,

I have been a big supporter of LP for I guess 10 years even lol back when you still had to go to the store to buy the Sineplex DvD's
This forum it has to be said is actually quite surprising in how open and critical it is. I use many forums and online discussion services it's quite normal for a forum designed for a company or product to be quite happily censor any posts or topics which are heavily critical. From what I see here on LP that is not the case, I see XXX sometimes step in and say - there is nothing more to discuss here so closing the thread. Usually when I have seen that I have agreed that the topic has been argued out and it has toward the end of a thread just tailed off into back and forth arguing and thats the right time to close a thread.

There are a few ways that we could improve this forum with I think little work
- I do agree with John M that animated signatures on the whole are not a big deal, but the one demonstrated above is too big and invasive and also as said it will overtime slow down a page. If you have ever tried to open a page sometimes even on a mainstream newsite, but it has a ton of ads or something those animations slow down the loading. That is very annoying on a forum. I think some light rules about what people can have as a sigs specifically in terms of depth would be good before it turns into a big problem.

- As many people have suggested a coming soon thread or sub forum would be great, but I suppose ultimately would it benefit the forum that much? I Guess it would build some hype towards upcoming releases which is never a terrible thing.
- I would like to see a bit of a stricter moderation on some pointless topics as Laura was saying above, this isnt a huge problem right now but I think if any of the more spam posts, or topics that get started could be closed down asap that always is going to just make for a better forum.

Overall I think the LP forum is a great place, mainly because it has a more niche community than much larger sites. It's also fantastic to see XXX Georgio etc actually get involved now and then on the forum respond to posts etc that I have to tell you is quite rare online especially for a business, most of the time a company will just throw up a forum to give its customers somewhere to go and ramble or vent and it turns into that. Having the guys who are running things and creating the work actually get on and post here is a really good way of letting the community know that things are read, this I think would then in turn help people create better topics and posts for feedback and ideas.

All in all I am not interested in a seperate forum, not because I dont think it would work. I am sure it would be just fine but all in all the LP forum here is not heavy on censoring the community you can say what you want providing its not spam or just bullshit then it will stay on the forum that is great. The creators read the forum also great, and overall the LP community that exists on the forum here does not feel massive? creating a seperate site would just split that community and probably lower the quality of topics and posts.

Keep it here, from many of the forums or comment sections I see and read online this one is doing just fine.
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Re: Unofficial LP board

Postby Naaru » Sun May 01, 2016 2:48 pm

laura. wrote:My stomach has hardened while being on here and I am now pretty adept at ignoring some of the cruler and more misogynistic posts but there are still some that should be removed, or at least a gentle reminder posted by a mod. My prime concern as that many of the performers read these and no doubt are hurt by what thy read. A little civility and respect goes a long way!

Missed this part of Lauras post but I thought it was worth replying to seperately. I fully agree here, while the porn LP produces is often on the very hardcore end of porn the best thing about it is that the models in the scenes always seem happy and its very consensual. In some of the behind the scenes snippets we have seen this atmosphere continues on. I cannot stand porn where it is non-consensual even if its fictional and the model is acting it out, its stomach turning.

Ensuring that the posts in the forum reflect the attitude and style of content that LP produces I think is important. I will say I dont think this is a mass issue I havent seen many posts, but those that I have seen where someone makes a crude disrespectful or even misogynistic post leaves a bitter taste.

Good and fair moderation always helps to create a good community.
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Re: Unofficial LP board

Postby JohnMcSpunkencock » Sun May 01, 2016 3:45 pm

Hear, hear!

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Re: Unofficial LP board

Postby JohnMcSpunkencock » Sat May 07, 2016 4:40 am

Just an update. Unofficial forum is due to be up around about 18th May. Nothing flash at all, very simple actually, but I'm trying to divide my time in so many areas at the moment including for the better cause of LP itself. Obviously all of the relevant stuff posted there will direct to LP anyway but it'll be free of multiple threads and moderated wholly. Anyone else with Moderator experience interested just pm me. I'll post the link in this thread when time comes

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Re: Unofficial LP board

Postby Giorgio Grandi » Sat May 07, 2016 8:59 am

There are several reason why I am not able to write constantly on the forum. The first is the lack of time, the second is that to talk about technical stuff with the users makes me weirded. Comment of users are very often without a technical reason and I do not really want to argue on that.

Personally I think the not official board can be a nice idea for promote LP (and maybe other websites) like affiliate, I do not really know what to say more. Will I write there? I think not. Will I read? I will have someone in office taking a look sometimes for see if someone has nice ideas/comments, but I wont care personally.

Take EBI 10 years ago, most of producers were there, writing really often. But then they got attached for BS from users/trolls/fake account and they even fight between each other. The moderation was not possible, if you consider trolls and fake account, you can be in the situation to moderate full topics basically erasing the the topic itself.

I know very well what means, but I am lucky: I am able to do not give a shit about most of the BS. And at the end, the forum owner wont moderate much, because "fight" makes traffic, so he maybe makes money or increase audience.. who know.

I think this forum just works good for LP, but do how you want!!!
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Re: Unofficial LP board

Postby JohnMcSpunkencock » Sat May 07, 2016 2:11 pm

I know you guys who are directly involved in LP simply cannot find the time to post here as often as you'd like. I personally have never had a problem there and wholly understand. New forum wont be a traffic heavy base, I want to use it as just another meeting place with much the same thing as here and directing to here much of the time. It's going to be very basic on look but as a forum usually is. I'll still be posting here but almost the two 2016 threads and nightly updates. Hope some get involved. I've worked on forums myself for many years now but this is a first for me. A forum which has no intention of generating money just a simple database and meeting/posting place. I know EBI very well btw ;)

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Re: Unofficial LP board

Postby GatosNunez » Sun May 08, 2016 6:59 pm

Giorgio Grandi wrote:There are several reason why I am not able to write constantly on the forum.

I think everybody agrees that you can't expected to be on the forum at all, let alone constantly. I find it great you raise your voice every once in a while at all, so thank you for that.

As for the unofficial forum, I think John has some pretty clear ideas why to make it and what the benefits could be, all of it not harming this one or LP (quite the opposite, I would think).
So obviously, there won't be any harm from it. so I am looking forward to seeing it.
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Re: Unofficial LP board

Postby JohnMcSpunkencock » Sun May 15, 2016 6:13 pm

I'm officially throwing the unofficial forum open tomorrow eveningUK time. It's ready but now building posts which takes time but also where some of you come in. I'll edit this topic title and post the link tomorrow too. ;)

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Re: Unofficial LP board

Postby JohnMcSpunkencock » Sun May 22, 2016 3:28 am

In case onlookers and members are wondering, my new forum was closed by Big Brother the morning of the night I was going to officially open. I'd made a fair starting point too but all for nothing. That's the beginning of the end for me in terms of my previous large output here as I've recently been made an offer to do something porn related elsewhere and unconnected online and I'm making a sacrifice of dropping one of my moderator positions, that I've held for 6 years, and I'm going to take it. I'll still be here but the fun and my enthusiasm is dwindling

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Re: Unofficial LP board

Postby utopiaa » Sun May 22, 2016 3:40 am

That unfortunate. You didn't have backup?

Anyway I hope you don't disappear completely as your posts been very informant and you have shared lots on nice info and pictures here with us, so big thanks for that

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Re: Unofficial LP board

Postby magizi877 » Sun May 22, 2016 4:26 am

JohnMcSpunkencock wrote:the morning of the night I was going to officially open

The morning of the night? WHAT THE FU....

JohnMcSpunkencock wrote:I've recently been made an offer to do something porn related elsewhere and unconnected online


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Re: Unofficial LP board

Postby JohnMcSpunkencock » Sun May 22, 2016 10:15 am

Thanks, Utopiaa :D I'll still be here, yes. Not going away completely.

@Magizi Yeah. Couldn't believe it. Last Monday it just directed to a nanny guardian and that looks like that. I was really keen too but that's life.

A few here had already had an early preview just before hand and lovely Lara Onyx was on board. She was very disappointed

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