Prague Porn Productions moving to Serbia

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Re: Prague Porn Productions moving to Serbia

Postby hyapet » Sat Jul 20, 2024 8:17 pm

To think the master is leaving us is beyond tragic. I'll leave a few words with the hope that it can bring insight to some who've seemingly thought that Giorgio one day decided to stop shooting porn with no incentive - and hopefully, and this is hoping against hope, convince Giorgio to still try and stick in the game a bit longer.

I really don't think that people can fully appreciate just how much OF changed the industry. Someone mentioned that there's no way that the prices tripled - when in reality - I'm surprised they haven't gone up by ten times. The porn market used to be uncontested when it came to the talent that was available to shoot at all the studios. OF suddenly came around and told all of the 10s and 9s, "Hey, you girls could make millions." And then, all the 8s followed them onto the platform as well.

This had a double effect. Suddenly a girl's "worth" had gone up by multiples of a thousand. So, if there would be a Nikki Hill somewhere out there today, she would be busy shooting shitty fully clothed content in a dimly lit messy room with a 720 camera, and there would be not just one, but a league of losers lining up to pay her an exorbitant amount of money for, essentially, nothing. So ... all the 10s and 9s are pretty much ... off the market.

But! It gets ever worse. Because, now, that all that are left are the 8s, 7s, and 6s, (and sometimes a 9, and even a super rare 9.5), that, when they show up, have essentially become the new 10s. Meaning, they charge 10 prices. But! Not even! Because with OF, the girl's there are getting so much more, the girl's now that are at the top of their respective fields can charge even more than the traditional 10s, 9s, and 8s would back in the day.

So, essentially, you're left paying 12, 11, and 10 prices for girl's who are at the most (typically) a 9.

Now - it gets even better. With these new girls, you have to go up against the 11s, 10s, and 9s who migrated to OF, and are essentially sucking in billions of porn dollars that used to go to the traditional studios. Ever wondered why so many of them are shutting down? It's not by accident.

Feel like another kick to the groin? Well - how 'bout this. All the traditional buyers were used to getting serviced 10s and 9s for a much cheaper rate - and now are being asked to pay much more. Want to know why these projects and studios are flopping? Because of all of these factors. Not only this - but - a traditional AV/PB buyer sees someone he would've seen on the site a while back on OF, sees her taking a massive dildo, and figures, what the heck ... go check out her content. Suddenly, after a small while, he's not coming around here as often anymore ...

Now - you'd be correct in thinking this is the absolute end of the World. But ... but!

The content that's been getting released on AV/PB has been fantastic as of late. Like, did anyone see Sweetie Fox getting anal'd yesterday? That girl is someone who's a genuine certified OF beauty.

Or - how 'bout Lina Shisuta on Valter Karo getting a mean DP. I never thought I'd see her here again.

Karina Rose getting her first DAP? What a beauty!

And last, but certainly not least, Giorgio gave us a Monster of QUAP with Rebel Rhyder that was, all things considered, one of her best scenes of all time.

This was all released ... in a single fucking day!

The past days here have been really solid as well. As have the past weeks and months(ish).

So, as much as we might like to Doom 'N' Gloom it here on the forum, the truth is, AV/PB has really upped it's ante over the past few months.

I remember there were days here in the early spring when 75% of the content were greasy, unshaven, fat Mexican MILFS getting ploughed by what looked like a human square mold of lard, in the darkest and poorest lit of places (no doubt on purpose), in the dirtiest of locales.

Compared to that, these days are looking pretty fucking good if I don't mind saying so myself.

So, all things considered, despite the numerous set-backs all the enterprises here may have encountered, they're still coming out with an absolutely solid selection of content and girls.

The next thing I'm going to say, I'm going to be very careful about.

You have to remember - it was everyone here on the forums that were going on and on and on about the Russian girls and how the loss of NRX was so tragic. That was more than true. But, while we definitely have to accountability for this (as I am willing to do), we also have to get the full frame of what was meant and actually said.

I don't intend to take any liberties through which to make us look better - but diving into the reasoning behind what we said - why we said it - and how reality could turn out to be so horribly different for Giorgio would make a lot of sense here.

When we lost NRX - the shock of it - and the immediate fall-out of not getting that kind of porn anymore - created a two-tiered situation. On the one hand - the withdrawal of those girl's led to a longing for any kind of content that was similar to it (and likewise, upset feelings at the content that was like it) - and on the other hand - it made people leave the "not so good" by the way side when overemphasizing the legitimately fantastic.

When people were, like me, literally claiming NRX to be breaking new ground into porn, this was in no small part due to the girls. But! BUT! Not all of them. A girl who showed up at the NRX studio wouldn't immediately become a sensation just because she was there - she wouldn't produce incredible content just because she was there - and her scenes wouldn't be better than other scenes on the AV/PB platform just because she was there. What did happen though, was ...

There was a small collection of girl's who were 11 out of 10s. Your Sasha Paige's. Your Eva Barbie's. Your Lina Shisuta's. Your Kira Viburn's (who went on to work with other studios and produced much amazing content). They carried the platform. But ... not just this ... but every girl had content that was written specifically for and specialized entirely in their strengths.

Remember the first 3-hour porn shoot video? What was that one for. That was for Sasha Paige's BBC DAP breaking. And I mean ... brav-fucking-o!

Other shoots always tried new things - whether it was how they told their stories - the stories they did tell - the camera work - or just how the scene proceeded. Eva Barbie's BBC DAP and piss, with almost 40 minutes of relentless DAP action, with the majority carried out by the biggest cocks nonetheless, was an extension of what Giorgio had mostly invented himself.

But they kept other things in the clear as well. Their scenes were almost always perfectly lit. There was always a ton of space around the performer, so they it didn't feel like everyone was fucking cramped in a hallway trying to figure out who the fuck goes where, when, and why. And the girls, and this was essential, were treated like pieces of meat as they got brutally thrown around like an extra pair of holes, when in reality, they were still incredibly new to both the industry and the act of porn shooting itself (re: defiling innocence).

As a side-note, there's usually (re: usually) nothing more anti-climatic than a girl having a chuckle and treating the whole scene like it's an afternoon out on town. It becomes a mild gym exercise. I don't watch porn to watch a girl laugh at the guys who are fucking her. I watch porn to watch a girl get properly fucked like she's never been fucked before.

Not even funny how much hotter Baby Kxtten's scenes would've been if she just shut her fucking yap and made some sounds and facial expressions like she was actually having trouble taking the cocks. Ever notice how often so many men try to shove their fist into her actual mouth, or cover it up, during a shoot? Not by fucking accident.

Going back to NRX, though, this made the perfect brew of top notch porn that was energetic, exciting, and Goddamn filthy.

So, bringing a few of the lesser known NRX girls wasn't going to, in and of itself, be a game-saving touchdown.

Easy to fucking say that now, seeing as we all made NRX (and the girl's who were there) seem like they were the saviors of porn itself, but ... this clarification does need to be made.

As does the following one. Now - I'm certainly not talking like I know how to produce porn - but I sure as fuck know how to consume it. And after, pretty much, a lifetime of doing so, I think I can spot a few of the things that made the latest GIO scenes ... maybe not particularly the most well received.

I'm just going to list them off in no particular order.

Don't bring the following things into a porn shoot: dark light, dim light, red light, shadows, blinking lights, colored lights, any fucking kind of weird light. Want to know the reason the Amsterdam Red Light district is bathed in red light? Because a lot of the hookers there are old and ugly. When you've got a bright, young, pristine, Caucasian beauty on your hands, you should bring out the bright white crystal clear light and shine it on them, so that every gracious curve gets highlighted, every facial expression gets emphasized, and the audience isn't squinting whilst trying to figure out what they should be focusing on.

Small shooting places are the worst. The old-days of the pure white Legalporno sets were a high-point that, seemingly, isn't desired to be reached for again. I don't want to see girl's banging in fucking hallways. I don't want to see them getting banged in the dressing room. I don't want to see them getting scrunched in any weird place where I'm just uncomfortable fucking looking at it. This also goes for beds. If you're shooting porn on an actual bed - what the fuck are you doing?

Beds are made to relax on. They are also where performers (anyone) lose the power of their feet. The main driving (hard fucking) engine of the male crew. The minute I see someone's going to get fucked on a bed, I know all the energy is going to go right out of the scene. That's why couches are always used. Because guys can still use their feet - and the girl has the mobility to get picked up and tossed around and repositioned quickly.

Next up - dark backgrounds. Sorry to say it, but the only thing that should ever be black in a porno shoot are the actors. Here's the thing about blackness in general - especially with backgrounds - and how it absolutely fucks with the subconscious. Blackness, like nighttime, suggests the unknown. It also suggests the undefined. It suggests mystery. It suggests a whole bunch of fucking shit that the viewer shouldn't be having to deal with when trying to concentrate on the scene at hand. That's why the white locales were the fucking best - it highlighted the girl's whiteness - and then made the black cast completely pop out - so you knew where your eyes were supposed to be - you could focus easily - and that focus gives the scene energy.

Last, but not least, are the scenes where there is more than one girl. ... Why? Why pay four girl's in a scene? All of those group scenes fucking suck. From the Christmas Gonzo ones to ... just fucking all of them. It should almost always be just one girl. Two is permissible - but you really have to know what you're doing - the camera man has to have his absolute A-game - and you can't get into the spot where you wish you were watching one but are actually forced to watch the other. And the camera man almost always fucks up that selection.

Not only does this make no sense from a cost perspective - and complicates things entirely for everyone involved in the shoot (especially the camera-man, but especially the audience) - it often ends "everybody just doing the same thing at the same time." Not always - there are ways to do a scene with two girls really well, but to have the simultaneous spontaneity of a one-girl shoot where the guy's just trust their instinct alongside the carefully planned out choreography and camera-timing needed for a multiple girl shoot, is really fucking difficult to pull off.

But, yeah ...

Don't feel bad about the sales of the aforementioned shoots you did with the Russian girls, Giorgio. You tried. I think you kind of hit the nail on the head - you're getting tired of doing the same thing over and over again. I don't necessarily blame you. You are an artist, after all.

If you want - let me know if you want to see a shoot that would be ... well, different from all porn that's ever been shot before. This would create a new porn category - and it would be a one-off that would create a new benchmark in porn. Easily. The actress I have envisioned for it is Baby Kxtten, so I'll write it and send you the script if you so desire. It'll make all the aforementioned "porn-shoots" have the emotional energy of a quiet day at the gym compared to what I'll cook up. And I'll keep things such as cost in mind as well. The only provision I have for it is that, if you can't get Baby Kxtten for it (and she should be excited to do it once she sees the script), then you allow me the final okay on the actress you choose.

For a work of this caliber, you need the absolute best. I mean ...

If you want to go out - sure - go out. But ... wouldn't it be great to leave with a ...

Bang? :)

Just look at the script. I mean ...

What do you got to lose, right?

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Re: Prague Porn Productions moving to Serbia

Postby jerrybb » Sun Jul 21, 2024 4:59 pm

Giorgio Grandi wrote:Im not moving to Serbia
Russian models are not interesting, their performance is a lot below average and sales are terrible.

Most likely I’m going to quit production and just release in my studio/s content shot/produced from other producers/directors

Please don't stop Production Giorgio. You are the best in the world. It would be like Ferrari and Rolls Royce ceasing.
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Re: Prague Porn Productions moving to Serbia

Postby dap-addict » Mon Jul 22, 2024 4:51 pm

jerrybb, a lot lies in the choice of GIO successor.
I can imagine a choice which wouldn't change much at all, but I am not sure the person I have in mind has the capital needed to start ready.
As far as I see there are 2-3 other options but it would sure mean a downgrading, less gangbangs.
Also maybe AdV would be interested and able to rise money for a full-time director option? - That would be really good news because she has daring ideas and she'd dwell on anal porn quality for sure.

hyapet wrote:There was a small collection of girl's who were 11 out of 10s. Your Sasha Paige's. Your Eva Barbie's. Your Lina Shisuta's. Your Kira Viburn's

Hyapet, you seem to be stuck at that 11 out of 10 beauty thing.
You do realize beauty is in the eye of the beholder? Seems with your you indicate that, but I am not sure, because most of your analyses have these 2 parts - OF and 11 out of 10.

What is missing completely in your analysis is actual porn production realities - and also general economic realities.

Btw, which scene are you referring to? :confused:
hyapet wrote:Other shoots always tried new things - whether it was how they told their stories - the stories they did tell - the camera work - or just how the scene proceeded. Eva Barbie's BBC DAP and piss, with almost 40 minutes of relentless DAP action, with the majority carried out by the biggest cocks nonetheless, was an extension of what Giorgio had mostly invented himself.
ex-Eurobabeforum DAPlist responsible - PM contact:
TWO DAP SCENES PER DAY! - More true fast balls deep DAP! More 0% pussy! - Dress them to fuck and pop their eyes - Heels on! No condoms!!! - Lets lets get a GONZO non-vanilla successor!!!

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Re: Prague Porn Productions moving to Serbia

Postby hyapet » Mon Jul 22, 2024 6:05 pm

dap-addict wrote:Hyapet, you seem to be stuck at that 11 out of 10 beauty thing.
You do realize beauty is in the eye of the beholder? Seems with your you indicate that, but I am not sure, because most of your analyses have these 2 parts - OF and 11 out of 10.

What is missing completely in your analysis is actual porn production realities - and also general economic realities.
dap-addict wrote:
Well, let's put it this was dap_addict, 9 times out of 10 when a scene doesn't sell well, it's not because the artistic merits of the shooting, camera work, and lighting weren't to the specific tastes of the gigantic audience that is the whole porn consuming world.

The 1 out of 10 is the wardrobe. But that's because it's how it accentuates the girl's looks.

Studios worldwide aren't shutting down because of porn production realities - or general economic realities. They're shutting down because of talent realities. In that, they can't find the talent that can generate the interest needed to push sales.

Are there some folks out there, and I mean an incredibly small pocket of people, who consume porn based on the production side of things? Certainly. And all the more power to them. But, when it comes to the wider world of porn consumption, people typically tend to care less about how the scene is being shot (unless it's borderline unwatchable) than how they care about who the scene is being shot towards.

Mouth-watering babe? Sales go up. Shriveled up 40+ year old balloon tits and no stomach gal with an orange tan? Sales go down.

It's really that stupid simple.

dap-addict wrote:Btw, which scene are you referring to? :confused: ... barbie_dap

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Re: Prague Porn Productions moving to Serbia

Postby M_sicas_Candido » Mon Jul 22, 2024 7:01 pm

Dear dap-addict, an option to direct some scenes, not all, is Proxy Paige. She proved to be excellent at directing what some considered to be good gangbang scenes. A very famous film directed by her is The Russians are Cumming. I was surprised by the quality of the production. Each scene has its plot making some allusion to the cold war, with the girls representing the USSR. Very well executed DAPs with quality (I dare say) at the same level as Giorgio. For those who have a more critical eye for photography (angles, lighting, colors...), you will notice how fantastic Proxy Paige's work was.

The Russians Are Cumming

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Re: Prague Porn Productions moving to Serbia

Postby visigoth2020260 » Mon Jul 22, 2024 8:46 pm

proxy sucks.

Nice storyline but
You cannot depict a storyline plot at a constant close range.
Not even a FBV glimpse of Isabella.

She was dressed so nicely only for the filming crew.

If the viewer needs to imagine filling in the blanks, it is not a storyline.
proxy sucks.
It could have been a wonderful scene, but their imagination is limited.
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Re: Prague Porn Productions moving to Serbia

Postby Chimpy.677 » Mon Jul 22, 2024 9:28 pm

M_sicas_Candido wrote:Dear dap-addict, an option to direct some scenes, not all, is Proxy Paige. She proved to be excellent at directing what some considered to be good gangbang scenes. A very famous film directed by her is The Russians are Cumming. I was surprised by the quality of the production. Each scene has its plot making some allusion to the cold war, with the girls representing the USSR. Very well executed DAPs with quality (I dare say) at the same level as Giorgio. For those who have a more critical eye for photography (angles, lighting, colors...), you will notice how fantastic Proxy Paige's work was.


I swear I don't understand people who ask for productions with scripts, costumes, performances, etc. It is a total waste of money and time, all that money is always better invested in bringing girls who are as beautiful as possible given the budget and also in bringing high-performance male actors. The rest is pure waste of economic resources, they are like the HORRIBLE American porn scenes, where they use costumes and do regrettable performances that absolutely no one cares about and that all they do is increase the costs and therefore the price of the scenes. I don't understand how that can cause anything to anyone.
Porn is simple, bring a young girl who is like a model and two or three high-quality male actors, film the scene in a studio with good lighting and take shots where the penetration can be seen well, that's all.

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Re: Prague Porn Productions moving to Serbia

Postby Gmoney18 » Mon Jul 22, 2024 11:03 pm

There will still be room for professional-style porn productions in the new landscape. But the market needs to "reset" itself to be more talent-centric, and part of that means the brand-centric studios that have dominated the market for the past 15-20 years need to die.

Many girls are making lots of money on OF. But what will eventually happen is that lots of the female talent will realize that professional and mainstream porn production is a necessary tool for exposure and getting your name out there. Potential producers will also be mindful that there are still plenty of customers who cant afford to pay for subscriptions and custom content from 10 different girls on OF, but are still willing to pay for content on a scene-by-scene basis with models they are fans of.

Under the dominant porn regime of the last 10-20 years, it was the studios and their owners themselves who grew and raked in all the profits while paying the talent flat rates. This model will no longer work in the new porn landscape. The female talent themselves now will need to be included in the "business ownership" side of things, and considered partners in direction and production of scenes. This process will take time, and it is understandable giorgio does not have the energy/desire to participate in it after his decades of success under the old regime.

In summary, there is still room for professional production - the incentives and markets DO still exist for it. It will just require a major shift from studio-based to performer-based ownership of production, and this process will take tike and be messy.

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Re: Prague Porn Productions moving to Serbia

Postby M_sicas_Candido » Mon Jul 22, 2024 11:07 pm

visigoth2020260 wrote:proxy sucks.

Well, especially in that film, I thought DAP actions were very well carried out by the team; and the cinematography of these acts was very well executed by Proxy, she skillfully directed her camera, maintaining a perfect framing of Isabella and the other girls in their respective scenes.

Chimpy.677 wrote:I swear I don't understand people who ask for productions with scripts

I agree that script is not the central point of a pornographic production but if it is something well directed and balanced (it should never be something similar to what Brazzers tries to do) it enriches the material; differs from the usual and everyday.

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Re: Prague Porn Productions moving to Serbia

Postby Chimpy.677 » Mon Jul 22, 2024 11:26 pm

Gmoney18 wrote:There will still be room for professional-style porn productions in the new landscape. But the market needs to "reset" itself to be more talent-centric, and part of that means the brand-centric studios that have dominated the market for the past 15-20 years need to die.

Many girls are making lots of money on OF. But what will eventually happen is that lots of the female talent will realize that professional and mainstream porn production is a necessary tool for exposure and getting your name out there. Potential producers will also be mindful that there are still plenty of customers who cant afford to pay for subscriptions and custom content from 10 different girls on OF, but are still willing to pay for content on a scene-by-scene basis with models they are fans of.

Under the dominant porn regime of the last 10-20 years, it was the studios and their owners themselves who grew and raked in all the profits while paying the talent flat rates. This model will no longer work in the new porn landscape. The female talent themselves now will need to be included in the "business ownership" side of things, and considered partners in direction and production of scenes. This process will take time, and it is understandable giorgio does not have the energy/desire to participate in it after his decades of success under the old regime.

In summary, there is still room for professional production - the incentives and markets DO still exist for it. It will just require a major shift from studio-based to performer-based ownership of production, and this process will take tike and be messy.

This is very easy, the content on OF and similar platforms is pure garbage, for that simple fact, platforms like AV should not disappear because platforms like OF do not satisfy the demand of customers who are looking for the type of content that was made in the old LP.
I have already said it many times, the problem with AV was that it deviated from the type of content that was made years ago on LP and which is basically:

1) Have a constant flow of young and new models.

2) Do hardcore sex scenes (DP, DAP) but conventional.

Obviously the most difficult thing is to find the new girls, but if you start doing better scenes aimed at conventional clients you will increase sales, with the increase in sales you will be able to invest more and thus be able to bring in more and better female models. Furthermore, many of the clients who buy on OF or similar, I am 100% that they would love to see their favorite girl from those platforms doing DP and DAP scenes, which would not happen there because they do not have the infrastructure to do it, so it would be It's great to bring girls from OF or similar to the studios here making agreements with female models.

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Re: Prague Porn Productions moving to Serbia

Postby Anselm_Weinberg » Tue Jul 23, 2024 1:56 am

A short story at the beginning can work wonders as an appetiser. You can still have all the conventional sex you want in the remainder of the scene.
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Re: Prague Porn Productions moving to Serbia

Postby rroper472 » Tue Jul 23, 2024 2:23 am

Everything ends sometime....

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Re: Prague Porn Productions moving to Serbia

Postby Songxx1 » Tue Jul 23, 2024 10:05 am

Not a shock . Look for Anna De Ville database here for example . she shot like 100000 scenes for GG and maybe like 5% of them trying to do something different and they put actually some work on them with great setup. Rest of these scenes are the same crap over and over in the same room with same guys , just different cloathes. Im actually shocked it didnt died like 2 years ago and ppl was still buying it.

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Re: Prague Porn Productions moving to Serbia

Postby isis666xxx » Tue Jul 23, 2024 11:15 am

hyapet wrote:To think the master is leaving us is beyond tragic. I'll leave a few words with the hope that it can bring insight to some who've seemingly thought that Giorgio one day decided to stop shooting porn with no incentive - and hopefully, and this is hoping against hope, convince Giorgio to still try and stick in the game a bit longer.

I really don't think that people can fully appreciate just how much OF changed the industry. Someone mentioned that there's no way that the prices tripled - when in reality - I'm surprised they haven't gone up by ten times. The porn market used to be uncontested when it came to the talent that was available to shoot at all the studios. OF suddenly came around and told all of the 10s and 9s, "Hey, you girls could make millions." And then, all the 8s followed them onto the platform as well.

This had a double effect. Suddenly a girl's "worth" had gone up by multiples of a thousand. So, if there would be a Nikki Hill somewhere out there today, she would be busy shooting shitty fully clothed content in a dimly lit messy room with a 720 camera, and there would be not just one, but a league of losers lining up to pay her an exorbitant amount of money for, essentially, nothing. So ... all the 10s and 9s are pretty much ... off the market.

But! It gets ever worse. Because, now, that all that are left are the 8s, 7s, and 6s, (and sometimes a 9, and even a super rare 9.5), that, when they show up, have essentially become the new 10s. Meaning, they charge 10 prices. But! Not even! Because with OF, the girl's there are getting so much more, the girl's now that are at the top of their respective fields can charge even more than the traditional 10s, 9s, and 8s would back in the day.

So, essentially, you're left paying 12, 11, and 10 prices for girl's who are at the most (typically) a 9.

Now - it gets even better. With these new girls, you have to go up against the 11s, 10s, and 9s who migrated to OF, and are essentially sucking in billions of porn dollars that used to go to the traditional studios. Ever wondered why so many of them are shutting down? It's not by accident.

Feel like another kick to the groin? Well - how 'bout this. All the traditional buyers were used to getting serviced 10s and 9s for a much cheaper rate - and now are being asked to pay much more. Want to know why these projects and studios are flopping? Because of all of these factors. Not only this - but - a traditional AV/PB buyer sees someone he would've seen on the site a while back on OF, sees her taking a massive dildo, and figures, what the heck ... go check out her content. Suddenly, after a small while, he's not coming around here as often anymore ...

Now - you'd be correct in thinking this is the absolute end of the World. But ... but!

The content that's been getting released on AV/PB has been fantastic as of late. Like, did anyone see Sweetie Fox getting anal'd yesterday? That girl is someone who's a genuine certified OF beauty.

Or - how 'bout Lina Shisuta on Valter Karo getting a mean DP. I never thought I'd see her here again.

Karina Rose getting her first DAP? What a beauty!

And last, but certainly not least, Giorgio gave us a Monster of QUAP with Rebel Rhyder that was, all things considered, one of her best scenes of all time.

This was all released ... in a single fucking day!

The past days here have been really solid as well. As have the past weeks and months(ish).

So, as much as we might like to Doom 'N' Gloom it here on the forum, the truth is, AV/PB has really upped it's ante over the past few months.

I remember there were days here in the early spring when 75% of the content were greasy, unshaven, fat Mexican MILFS getting ploughed by what looked like a human square mold of lard, in the darkest and poorest lit of places (no doubt on purpose), in the dirtiest of locales.

Compared to that, these days are looking pretty fucking good if I don't mind saying so myself.

So, all things considered, despite the numerous set-backs all the enterprises here may have encountered, they're still coming out with an absolutely solid selection of content and girls.

The next thing I'm going to say, I'm going to be very careful about.

You have to remember - it was everyone here on the forums that were going on and on and on about the Russian girls and how the loss of NRX was so tragic. That was more than true. But, while we definitely have to accountability for this (as I am willing to do), we also have to get the full frame of what was meant and actually said.

I don't intend to take any liberties through which to make us look better - but diving into the reasoning behind what we said - why we said it - and how reality could turn out to be so horribly different for Giorgio would make a lot of sense here.

When we lost NRX - the shock of it - and the immediate fall-out of not getting that kind of porn anymore - created a two-tiered situation. On the one hand - the withdrawal of those girl's led to a longing for any kind of content that was similar to it (and likewise, upset feelings at the content that was like it) - and on the other hand - it made people leave the "not so good" by the way side when overemphasizing the legitimately fantastic.

When people were, like me, literally claiming NRX to be breaking new ground into porn, this was in no small part due to the girls. But! BUT! Not all of them. A girl who showed up at the NRX studio wouldn't immediately become a sensation just because she was there - she wouldn't produce incredible content just because she was there - and her scenes wouldn't be better than other scenes on the AV/PB platform just because she was there. What did happen though, was ...

There was a small collection of girl's who were 11 out of 10s. Your Sasha Paige's. Your Eva Barbie's. Your Lina Shisuta's. Your Kira Viburn's (who went on to work with other studios and produced much amazing content). They carried the platform. But ... not just this ... but every girl had content that was written specifically for and specialized entirely in their strengths.

Remember the first 3-hour porn shoot video? What was that one for. That was for Sasha Paige's BBC DAP breaking. And I mean ... brav-fucking-o!

Other shoots always tried new things - whether it was how they told their stories - the stories they did tell - the camera work - or just how the scene proceeded. Eva Barbie's BBC DAP and piss, with almost 40 minutes of relentless DAP action, with the majority carried out by the biggest cocks nonetheless, was an extension of what Giorgio had mostly invented himself.

But they kept other things in the clear as well. Their scenes were almost always perfectly lit. There was always a ton of space around the performer, so they it didn't feel like everyone was fucking cramped in a hallway trying to figure out who the fuck goes where, when, and why. And the girls, and this was essential, were treated like pieces of meat as they got brutally thrown around like an extra pair of holes, when in reality, they were still incredibly new to both the industry and the act of porn shooting itself (re: defiling innocence).

As a side-note, there's usually (re: usually) nothing more anti-climatic than a girl having a chuckle and treating the whole scene like it's an afternoon out on town. It becomes a mild gym exercise. I don't watch porn to watch a girl laugh at the guys who are fucking her. I watch porn to watch a girl get properly fucked like she's never been fucked before.

Not even funny how much hotter Baby Kxtten's scenes would've been if she just shut her fucking yap and made some sounds and facial expressions like she was actually having trouble taking the cocks. Ever notice how often so many men try to shove their fist into her actual mouth, or cover it up, during a shoot? Not by fucking accident.

Going back to NRX, though, this made the perfect brew of top notch porn that was energetic, exciting, and Goddamn filthy.

So, bringing a few of the lesser known NRX girls wasn't going to, in and of itself, be a game-saving touchdown.

Easy to fucking say that now, seeing as we all made NRX (and the girl's who were there) seem like they were the saviors of porn itself, but ... this clarification does need to be made.

As does the following one. Now - I'm certainly not talking like I know how to produce porn - but I sure as fuck know how to consume it. And after, pretty much, a lifetime of doing so, I think I can spot a few of the things that made the latest GIO scenes ... maybe not particularly the most well received.

I'm just going to list them off in no particular order.

Don't bring the following things into a porn shoot: dark light, dim light, red light, shadows, blinking lights, colored lights, any fucking kind of weird light. Want to know the reason the Amsterdam Red Light district is bathed in red light? Because a lot of the hookers there are old and ugly. When you've got a bright, young, pristine, Caucasian beauty on your hands, you should bring out the bright white crystal clear light and shine it on them, so that every gracious curve gets highlighted, every facial expression gets emphasized, and the audience isn't squinting whilst trying to figure out what they should be focusing on.

Small shooting places are the worst. The old-days of the pure white Legalporno sets were a high-point that, seemingly, isn't desired to be reached for again. I don't want to see girl's banging in fucking hallways. I don't want to see them getting banged in the dressing room. I don't want to see them getting scrunched in any weird place where I'm just uncomfortable fucking looking at it. This also goes for beds. If you're shooting porn on an actual bed - what the fuck are you doing?

Beds are made to relax on. They are also where performers (anyone) lose the power of their feet. The main driving (hard fucking) engine of the male crew. The minute I see someone's going to get fucked on a bed, I know all the energy is going to go right out of the scene. That's why couches are always used. Because guys can still use their feet - and the girl has the mobility to get picked up and tossed around and repositioned quickly.

Next up - dark backgrounds. Sorry to say it, but the only thing that should ever be black in a porno shoot are the actors. Here's the thing about blackness in general - especially with backgrounds - and how it absolutely fucks with the subconscious. Blackness, like nighttime, suggests the unknown. It also suggests the undefined. It suggests mystery. It suggests a whole bunch of fucking shit that the viewer shouldn't be having to deal with when trying to concentrate on the scene at hand. That's why the white locales were the fucking best - it highlighted the girl's whiteness - and then made the black cast completely pop out - so you knew where your eyes were supposed to be - you could focus easily - and that focus gives the scene energy.

Last, but not least, are the scenes where there is more than one girl. ... Why? Why pay four girl's in a scene? All of those group scenes fucking suck. From the Christmas Gonzo ones to ... just fucking all of them. It should almost always be just one girl. Two is permissible - but you really have to know what you're doing - the camera man has to have his absolute A-game - and you can't get into the spot where you wish you were watching one but are actually forced to watch the other. And the camera man almost always fucks up that selection.

Not only does this make no sense from a cost perspective - and complicates things entirely for everyone involved in the shoot (especially the camera-man, but especially the audience) - it often ends "everybody just doing the same thing at the same time." Not always - there are ways to do a scene with two girls really well, but to have the simultaneous spontaneity of a one-girl shoot where the guy's just trust their instinct alongside the carefully planned out choreography and camera-timing needed for a multiple girl shoot, is really fucking difficult to pull off.

But, yeah ...

Don't feel bad about the sales of the aforementioned shoots you did with the Russian girls, Giorgio. You tried. I think you kind of hit the nail on the head - you're getting tired of doing the same thing over and over again. I don't necessarily blame you. You are an artist, after all.

If you want - let me know if you want to see a shoot that would be ... well, different from all porn that's ever been shot before. This would create a new porn category - and it would be a one-off that would create a new benchmark in porn. Easily. The actress I have envisioned for it is Baby Kxtten, so I'll write it and send you the script if you so desire. It'll make all the aforementioned "porn-shoots" have the emotional energy of a quiet day at the gym compared to what I'll cook up. And I'll keep things such as cost in mind as well. The only provision I have for it is that, if you can't get Baby Kxtten for it (and she should be excited to do it once she sees the script), then you allow me the final okay on the actress you choose.

For a work of this caliber, you need the absolute best. I mean ...

If you want to go out - sure - go out. But ... wouldn't it be great to leave with a ...

Bang? :)

Just look at the script. I mean ...

What do you got to lose, right?


wtf dude

thats probably the biggest text ive seen in this forum


do you expect a lot of people to actually read all of that????


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Re: Prague Porn Productions moving to Serbia

Postby isis666xxx » Tue Jul 23, 2024 11:25 am

Chimpy.677 wrote:
M_sicas_Candido wrote:Dear dap-addict, an option to direct some scenes, not all, is Proxy Paige. She proved to be excellent at directing what some considered to be good gangbang scenes. A very famous film directed by her is The Russians are Cumming. I was surprised by the quality of the production. Each scene has its plot making some allusion to the cold war, with the girls representing the USSR. Very well executed DAPs with quality (I dare say) at the same level as Giorgio. For those who have a more critical eye for photography (angles, lighting, colors...), you will notice how fantastic Proxy Paige's work was.

The attachment 2768677h.jpg is no longer available

I swear I don't understand people who ask for productions with scripts, costumes, performances, etc. It is a total waste of money and time, all that money is always better invested in bringing girls who are as beautiful as possible given the budget and also in bringing high-performance male actors. The rest is pure waste of economic resources, they are like the HORRIBLE American porn scenes, where they use costumes and do regrettable performances that absolutely no one cares about and that all they do is increase the costs and therefore the price of the scenes. I don't understand how that can cause anything to anyone.
Porn is simple, bring a young girl who is like a model and two or three high-quality male actors, film the scene in a studio with good lighting and take shots where the penetration can be seen well, that's all.

some fantasy porn is cool, like perverse family

perverse family is AMAZING

is the story about a disturbing dark family
perverse family (3).jpg
perverse family (4).jpg
perverse family (1).jpg
perverse family (2).jpg
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Re: Prague Porn Productions moving to Serbia

Postby rakdobi » Wed Jul 24, 2024 1:11 am

Are Russian girls the problem? Do me a favor, don't make me laugh. Maybe the problem is the amount of urine on this site with girls who are full of tattoos and look like a billboard.

NRFTA and GG lab was the best of the best.

You turned this place into a gang bang site.
There are almost no scenes with real deepthroat like gagsgirls.

You'll have more sales from old scenes you didn't publish than new ones.

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Re: Prague Porn Productions moving to Serbia

Postby ampl » Wed Jul 24, 2024 7:34 pm

"Russian models are not interesting" and "sales are terrible" is such a funny comment when the top selling scenes have Russian girls. "Performance is below average" means I'm angry they don't want to be fisted by three hands and don't want to puke their guts out while getting pissed on.

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Re: Prague Porn Productions moving to Serbia

Postby YuriyProneBone » Wed Jul 24, 2024 7:54 pm

I feel summer will always kill some studios, it seems people don't plan for the bad times, that's how business work, you collect on the good times and save for the bad months, but instead all I see here is rising prices that never go down. Companies produce at a lost making these considerations because the rewards are worth it. The problem usually comes when there are many years of steady growth, once you reach a certain level there are other challenges that are new that you don't see during the growth period that make the difference between those that stay and those that go. Some companies have a fast growth and they meet this challenges sooner, others take years to grow, but they hit the same challenges, and adapting is harder, that's when losing the base can have an impact.

That said, people can always reinvent themselves, you need time to understand the market and see how something works, quitting too son on a new project is usually bad news, but if it is something you have done before and you are already familiar, you do have the authority to quit sooner without serious consequences. It is what it is. I would say GIO has been ij the industry long enough to understand how many things work, but that doesn't make immune when the market changes, specially if the cycles are longer, the bad ones and the good ones, it makes it hard to predict when you produce at a lost and when you make your profits.

Usually what makes people pass these roadblocks and overcome the plateaus is just straight up passion. If you just have straight up passion for what you are doing, your career will be longer than the career of others, and no only that you can infect that passion into others than can continue your work. You can always come back or do things on the side, or even within, and that's the beauty of all of this, after reaching that level of maturity within any niche, you have the options to do all of the above, keep the classic brand, reinvent yourself, do side projects, bring new people to do work, or a have a mix of things.

About the Russian work from GIO it is the best kind he has, completely collectible, maybe like someone else said the audience is just not the right one, it seems they left because of multiple factors in the past, but it is the easiest and faster market to grow, as NRX demonstrated, it just require consistency and quantity, similar to what you see influences in social media deal with. It seems those are the new rules of the market, quantity over quality, it is what it is, hard to accept, but the truth.

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Re: Prague Porn Productions moving to Serbia

Postby FemdomGirlFetishes » Wed Jul 24, 2024 9:05 pm

dap-addict wrote:I'm surprised GIO's move to shoot some of his porn with Russian girls in Serbia hasnt been discussed more here. Not only in terms of logistics it's a very innovative step, cutting import costs and time tremendously due to no visas needed and much cheaper airfare.
If it works other Prague studios will sure fellow.

How did you like the GIO scenes released so far?

I'm definitely enjoying the scenes. It's worth what it presents, I just don't know the current costs to maintain quality, which must be reasonable.

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Re: Prague Porn Productions moving to Serbia

Postby pronossstat » Wed Jul 24, 2024 10:30 pm

ampl wrote:"Russian models are not interesting" and "sales are terrible" is such a funny comment when the top selling scenes have Russian girls. "Performance is below average" means I'm angry they don't want to be fisted by three hands and don't want to puke their guts out while getting pissed on.

But it's true (about performance). There are only a few top-skilled Russians: both Monikas, Stacy Bloom, Elen Million. Some are close to them: Arwen Gold, Isabella Clark, Lola Taylor, Nataly Gold, Sasha Beart, Selvaggia. Others are average or below (incl. stars like Nicole Black or Kira Thorn).
And if we're talking about Russia-based girls from last years (NRX/EKS/VK), only a couple are at average level: Anastasia Mistress (mostly because of submissiveness), Kitty Li, probably Lana Banana, but I don't think you are talking about these girls. If we talk about popular youngsters, somewhere near average level but below it are Eva Tender, Funky Town and Kitty Doll. That's all imho. Sasha Paige is behind, Sofa and Nicole Murkovski are far behind, etc. And it's not about piss and puke, first of all it's about passion and enthusiasm.

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Re: Prague Porn Productions moving to Serbia

Postby jjwhite1985 » Wed Jul 24, 2024 10:38 pm

Yeah I gotta say when I sort all scenes by best selling of all time I'm hardly seeing any Russians in those scenes. And let's be honest nobody is better placed to know how well Giorgio's scenes are selling than the guy himself. LP is failing because it's struggling to compete with all the other platforms out there, it's margins keep getting smaller and it's not sustainable, just the way it goes.

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Re: Prague Porn Productions moving to Serbia

Postby BubbaXXX » Thu Jul 25, 2024 6:23 am

Damn, I read it now for the first time. That's shocking... I have round about 5000 scenes, 99% from Giorgio or Gonzo. You are right the scenes of Giorgio have a special feeling, style. He imported so much good americans. It is shocking. He do the best piss scenes, i only buy piss scenes. Puuh very sad news.

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Re: Prague Porn Productions moving to Serbia

Postby YuriyProneBone » Thu Jul 25, 2024 7:08 pm

There may be some guys that like women to look eager for cock. But I feel when it comes to anal is the opposite, you want that innocent look that shows they are struggling and they are doing their best to accommodate those giants cocks inside their young intestines. I feel the young girls from Russia are the best in this regard, and this is why their videos are a lot more appealing to me than the stripper type almost dominatrix that doesn't appeal to me at all.

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Re: Prague Porn Productions moving to Serbia

Postby dap-addict » Fri Jul 26, 2024 4:02 pm

Giorgio Grandi wrote:Most likely I’m going to quit production and just release in my studio/s content shot/produced from other producers/directors

Ok, that was serious and 9 days later we have the final answer in this thread: posting.php?mode=quote&f=96&p=1313522
Giorgio Grandi wrote:
visigoth2020260 wrote:GG is coming back stronger than ever.
Porn is more than sex.

It is not.
I already stopped to schedule any shooting. I have some planned scene I am not going to cancel, but the the die is cast

:( :( :(
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TWO DAP SCENES PER DAY! - More true fast balls deep DAP! More 0% pussy! - Dress them to fuck and pop their eyes - Heels on! No condoms!!! - Lets lets get a GONZO non-vanilla successor!!!

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Re: Prague Porn Productions moving to Serbia

Postby YuriyProneBone » Sat Jul 27, 2024 1:57 am

Honestly this initiative makes me sigh because at the end of GIOs career we have this incredible opportunity to see Russian hotties with GIO's stellar BBC talent.

Imagine GIO BBC balls deep videos with:

- Nicole Murkovski
- Margo Von Teese
- Lilith Liber
- Ally Horny

But also other previous hotties like:

- Novella Night (who I wish still makes it to GIO BBC videos, if only miracles existed)
- Sofa Weber
- Sasha Paige
- Sakura Chan
- Lia Lin
- Lara Frost
- Cyber Shot
- Baby Bamby
- Ice Di
- Eva Barbie
- Lola Bredly
- Lina Shisuta
- Hot Pearl
- Monroe Fox
- Elise Moon
- Princess Alice
- Princess Lili
- Milka
- Eva Tender
- Funky Town
- Etc...

It would have been beyond insanity of dreamy content. But sadly we live in reality.

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Re: Prague Porn Productions moving to Serbia

Postby dap-addict » Sat Jul 27, 2024 4:09 am

There's actually a Serbian producer interested in some of these girls from your list. As far as I gather he would shoot 1on1 anal only, which indeed could be balls deep. Problem is to finance travel costs with such cheap fee scenes, but maybe he plans many single anal scenes per girl on his list. Time will tell which agreements are feasible.
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Re: Prague Porn Productions moving to Serbia

Postby dap-addict » Sat Jul 27, 2024 3:17 pm

Giorgio Grandi wrote:Russian models are not interesting, their performance is a lot below average and sales are terrible.

That contrasts with that 5on4 DAP scene (, GIO2853) apparently selling really good in July.
#5 best selling group scene of July 2024
with other models
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TWO DAP SCENES PER DAY! - More true fast balls deep DAP! More 0% pussy! - Dress them to fuck and pop their eyes - Heels on! No condoms!!! - Lets lets get a GONZO non-vanilla successor!!!

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Re: Prague Porn Productions moving to Serbia

Postby kolbino » Sat Jul 27, 2024 4:40 pm

dap-addict wrote:There's actually a Serbian producer interested in some of these girls from your list. As far as I gather he would shoot 1on1 anal only, which indeed could be balls deep. Problem is to finance travel costs with such cheap fee scenes, but maybe he plans many single anal scenes per girl on his list. Time will tell which agreements are feasible.

That sounds interesting and promising. I have heard about some Serbian guys shooting porn in Belgrade since 2000.

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Re: Prague Porn Productions moving to Serbia

Postby pronossstat » Sat Jul 27, 2024 7:29 pm

dap-addict wrote:
Giorgio Grandi wrote:Russian models are not interesting, their performance is a lot below average and sales are terrible.

That contrasts with that 5on4 DAP scene (, GIO2853) apparently selling really good in July.
#5 best selling group scene of July 2024
with other models

1. This is not a group scene but a gangbang with supporting girls
2. This is Stacy in a gangbang, not new girls (I'm sure Giorgio meant new young Russian girls, not one of the best Russian in LP history).
3. There are not so many group scenes these days, so #5 is quite low. But again, it's only formally a group scene, actually this is solo.

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Re: Prague Porn Productions moving to Serbia

Postby Jocke » Sun Jul 28, 2024 12:10 am

Piss is a fetish which is doing very well and it is spreading. Piss is what anal used to be, advanced and exclusive.
I am happy to see more piss and less BDSM.
What I think hurts studios are the continuous theft and redistribution by pirate sites, but I could be wrong.
Can we have guys licking the girls' anal gapes Mike Adriano style, while the girls are pissing, please!

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Re: Prague Porn Productions moving to Serbia

Postby Destroyherass » Sun Jul 28, 2024 11:00 am

It's a sad day, hearing GG quitting from directing. He has shot some of the my favourite scenes. Especially back in the day. What a waste. The really interesting studios are far in between. Let's see how things go before saying it's over.
Throwaway account.

I love seeing hot girls getting their ass destroyed and pushed to their anal limits.
And huge, wide gapes off course.

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Re: Prague Porn Productions moving to Serbia

Postby dap-addict » Sun Jul 28, 2024 3:53 pm

Destroyherass wrote:It's a sad day, hearing GG quitting from directing. He has shot some of the my favourite scenes. Especially back in the day. What a waste. The really interesting studios are far in between. Let's see how things go before saying it's over.

Right, this answer by Giorgio opens hopes that some of his employees might take part or all of his studio over. If we go back to the times Giorgio hardly directed any scenes anymore by himself around 2020-2 it would open valid very similar GIO style options.
However, he wasnt talking about quitting directing, but quitting porn production. Which still could mean that somebody else takes over financial responsibility of the former GIO studio.

dap-addict wrote:
Giorgio Grandi wrote:Will new producer(s) take over at least a part of your Prague studio? Or willl you just shut that whole place down?

Someone is probably taking over
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Re: Prague Porn Productions moving to Serbia

Postby kuaheyden513 » Sun Jul 28, 2024 5:39 pm

GG testosterone levels are probably going down. That's why I think he's quitting. Remember in the first Prague scenes where after the final cumshots of the actors he took his dick out his jeans and cum in the mouth of those amazing girls. The thrill is gone. It's normal but yesterday i watched a trailer of Jules Jordan(52) himself stretching the pretty asshole of this fresh and delicious black girl Wyllow Ryder. I don't know. It's sad.
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Re: Prague Porn Productions moving to Serbia

Postby hjohjole » Sun Jul 28, 2024 9:59 pm

kuaheyden513 wrote:GG testosterone levels are probably going down. That's why I think he's quitting. Remember in the first Prague scenes where after the final cumshots of the actors he took his dick out his jeans and cum in the mouth of those amazing girls. The thrill is gone.

Before that, when he was filming in Russia, he performed in many scenes himself. He was a different man in very different circumstances.

Just look at the wild and reckless guy in this photo, sipping whiskey while the camera is rolling. :D

Back then it was clearly more about the excitement and the adventure and less about running a business.

But guess what? Things change. We all change. Thats just how time works. And sadly we have so very little of it.
The failure of the Serbian studio may have been the perfect excuse for him to quit and move on. But im sure it would have happened sooner or later anyway.

I wish him the best and i want to thank him for all the amazing porn.
If i had to pick just one out of all the thousands of scenes it would be GIO1218 with Nikki Hill. Its my favorite one.

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Re: Prague Porn Productions moving to Serbia

Postby kolbino » Sun Jul 28, 2024 10:16 pm

kuaheyden513 wrote:GG testosterone levels are probably going down. That's why I think he's quitting. Remember in the first Prague scenes where after the final cumshots of the actors he took his dick out his jeans and cum in the mouth of those amazing girls. The thrill is gone. It's normal but yesterday i watched a trailer of Jules Jordan(52) himself stretching thge pretty asshole of this fresh and delicious black girl Wyllow Ryder. I don't know. It's sad.

Why would be sad? If the guy still us able to fuck, he should fuck. There are older guys than 52 who fuck good.

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Re: Prague Porn Productions moving to Serbia

Postby dap-addict » Mon Jul 29, 2024 9:30 am

kuaheyden513 wrote:Back then it was clearly more about the excitement and the adventure and less about running a business.

But guess what? Things change. We all change. Thats just how time works. And sadly we have so very little of it.
The failure of the Serbian studio may have been the perfect excuse for him to quit and move on. But im sure it would have happened sooner or later anyway.

I mean he just moved on, got married and kids, built a house, founded an adult agency with his wife and opened a studio he turned into a porn and dildo factory.
Agency failed early.
Now looks like porn factory failed, probabely due to over-investment against lower sales than planned.

Its sad ofc, but it has nothing to do with sex drive.
After marriage he stopped his actor career, but sometimes he shoot his load still on the girls he booked to give camera and audience some extra. That footage turned rare, but what we know about his sex life and it's not our business.
He sure was tempted a lot BTS! ;)
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Re: Prague Porn Productions moving to Serbia

Postby ArcanaCaelestia » Mon Jul 29, 2024 11:22 am

I am bored so I will speculate based on the scene codes. I might be totally wrong about everything.

GIO2844 - Nicole Murkovski scene/start of serbian gig
GIO2845 - missing
GIO2849 - missing
GIO2852 - missing
GIO2853 - stacy bloom
GIO2854 - missing
GIO2855 - missing
GIO2856 - Vitoria Beatriz scene/possibly end of serbian gig since it is followed by some other unrelated scenes

So possibly 5 scenes might still be up there for release.

We had:

Ally Horny DAP (1 scene)
Nicole Murkovski DP (1 scene)
Lilith Liber ir Anal, ir DP (2 scenes)
Margo Von Teese, ir Anal, DVP (2 scenes)

So based on this I would expect:

Nicole Murkovski DAP (ir?)
Lilith Liber first DAP (she seems like she can do it)
Ally Horny 1on1 anal
Ally Horny or Nicole Murkovski (DAP) and Margo Von Teese (DP) pair scene
last slot could be anything or not even russian talent scene

I am still not convinced that Margo will do DAP since in the other scenes she were struggling to take even a single big dick in ass.
0% pussy is the best genre

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Re: Prague Porn Productions moving to Serbia

Postby Giorgio Grandi » Mon Jul 29, 2024 1:16 pm

dap-addict wrote:
kuaheyden513 wrote:Back then it was clearly more about the excitement and the adventure and less about running a business.

But guess what? Things change. We all change. Thats just how time works. And sadly we have so very little of it.
The failure of the Serbian studio may have been the perfect excuse for him to quit and move on. But im sure it would have happened sooner or later anyway.

I mean he just moved on, got married and kids, built a house, founded an adult agency with his wife and opened a studio he turned into a porn and dildo factory.
Agency failed early.
Now looks like porn factory failed, probabely due to over-investment against lower sales than planned.

Its sad ofc, but it has nothing to do with sex drive.
After marriage he stopped his actor career, but sometimes he shoot his load still on the girls he booked to give camera and audience some extra. That footage turned rare, but what we know about his sex life and it's not our business.
He sure was tempted a lot BTS! ;)

Nothing failed, everything evolved. White Modeling was really one of the pillars of my job, it was not necessary to have an agency anymore as the market changed as a certain point. Something that is not necessary doesnt need to consume energies.

To stop producing has a lot of sense in the actual market. It would definitely make more money to help others to monetise their content that shooting my own. This because performers can really make the difference regarding recruiting talents, as content sharing & trading is already "the present" and for sure it will be the future.
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Re: Prague Porn Productions moving to Serbia

Postby seedfeeder » Mon Jul 29, 2024 2:51 pm

Giorgio Grandi wrote:Russian models are not interesting, their performance is a lot below average and sales are terrible.

Completely agree. ruzzki models are mostly terrible performers and a complete waste of time and money.
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Re: Prague Porn Productions moving to Serbia

Postby dap-addict » Mon Jul 29, 2024 3:54 pm

I suspect GIO got tempted by Pornbox sales algorithm favoring studios offering subscriptions like NRX and EKS. This pushed also their Russian models ofc.
This said for a long time Russian girls were some of the best performers. I actually miss these times a lot! Seems the new breed of NRX models cant really perform hard anal porn anymore, maybe due to too many tricks applied in that studio like also little or limp studs.
Just looking cute with milky-white tattoo-free skin doenst make a porn star! ;)
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