Iddaoeeok wrote:Jocke wrote:There is definitely a conflict between having sought a huge fanbase using all kind of media tricks and then suddenly expect to be erased in peoples minds.
Yes, all well and good except the two pornstars the OP is obsessing over, to the extent that he's posted several threads about them, and argued with people who don't happen agree with him on how they are the greatest pornstars of all time and for all eternity, are from a period before social media, before pornstars set out to manufacture fanbases. Suzie Diamond retired in 2007, there was no Twitter then, she had no direct contact with any of her fans, she gave no interviews that I know about, her fans knew nothing about her life, I don't even know what her real name is. And Lucy Lee retired even earlier! And, by the way, I love both girls, they are two of my favourite pornstars of all time.
That's just not true... Twitter was around in 2007. It looked a lot different than it does today, but it was around back then. Plus she had a Myspace page back then where she had direct contact with her fans.