First I'd like to say I've been reading this forum for many years already but this is my first (official) post ever!
KUCKMAL is very powerful to the point of turning me into a LP fan that finally takes the first step toward posting on the LP forums. I respect many of you who have participated in this thread. I always learn and amuse myself with your posts. It's an honor to join the great for a conversation about porn. I've been a porn fan since very young (won't say age because I dunno if it's against the rules or something) and I also know quite a great deal about it.
Now, as for the original subject: Return of Kuckmal... I was away on a business trip and just today I had the chance to catch up with LP scenes. When I read "return of kuckmal" I was like: whaaaat? At the same time my porn brain knew what I could expect and I bought it right away!
The scene itself, well, not that awesome. But I'm gonna reply to some of your messages first and then I'll give my opinion at the end.
greenfunk727 wrote:The Kuckmal is to anal porn what the Mona Lisa is to paintings - A fucking Classic!
As much as I love the LP philosophy of more is more sometimes I miss the simplicity of things like the Kuckmal. LP has really pushed things forward with regard to anal porn - who would’ve thought back in the 90s that you could get a model to do an hour long scene of 0% Pussy and only DAP with 7 guys. We are living in the anal porn fantasy land thanks to LP.
However, I would really like to see more Kuckmal in scenes from all studios. During a scene like a 7on1 DAP gangbang I would really like to see a section of the scene where we get a kuckmal part.
Jean-Yves Le Castel’s signature move - The Kuckmal - How to perform the legendary manoeuvre:
1. Perform in Reverse Cow girl position
2. Get the model to pull her own cheeks apart, the guy pulls her legs back
3. Model keeps eye contact with the camera
4. Camera doesn’t zoom in for extreme close up. I want to see the whole model not just the gape
5. You don’t need to say “kuckmal”
6. Bonus points if the model can trash talk/dirty talk while performing
Fellow perverts please share your thoughts?
Giorgio, Luis, XXX, Joachim and Models active in the forum any input from the creators of art please feel free to comment.
I could never have said it better. Kuckmal is a fucking classic. Classics should never go away! But as a classic, it gotta be respected and done right. Bad kuckmal is disrespectful to viewers and to the creators of it.
Also I think that one of the constraints of getting a girl back then to do an hour long DAP has more to do with the tech format available at the time: you couldn't have an hour long scene in a tape considering we expected to watch at least 5 scenes in one VHS/DVD. But I believe in LeCastel's abilty and power to have found a girl that would do an hour long scene with the same dedication as today's starlets. I bet Sandra Romain would have taken on the challenge had she been given the chance.
Your description for 'how to perform kuckmal' is
textbook perfect.
PrinceOfGapes wrote:I love kuckmal. The best part of the kuckmal is that it's girl who takes initiative and pulls her own cheeks apart and shows her gape. It just extra nasty, and shows her enthusiasm.
If the girl can dirty talk while doing it even better. It's like look ma, look how much my asshole gapes when I am getting fucked.
Exactly! Especially in LeCastel's videos where most girls seemed to be having fun and loving the debauchery. So much better than many porn these days where the girl just takes like a sex doll.
evil-pineapples wrote:I know a lot about this Kuckmal style, and if I shoot it myself, I can get it perfect just like Lecastel used to do. In a few of his old scenes, he would even pause to give the instructions to his camera man, so he left behind a helpful guide for the future generation!

Same here. I could revive it and help turn into a movement!
And, a pvt confession: I've "played" kuckmal in real life with some gfs and they laughed a lot . All of them called me a perv too but --- LOL!
asenalx wrote:As one of the biggest Kuckmal Fans in history, i love the idea of a new Kuckmal-Movement!! OP explained the approach of doing the Kuckmal in a perfect way. The Kuckmal and especially the JYL-Movies were the reason why I got anal gape addicted. And I really support the idea of dirty talk with a funny and humorous touch! But I also love to see scenes where the girl is saying KUCKMAL or BEAM... that shows that the girl really enjoys showing her open well fucked asshole to the crowd!
+1000 for more classic Kuckmal-Gaping
SAME FUCKING THING WITH ME: kuckmal made me a gape addict. As you very well observed, kuckmal was not about gapes only but also about a fun, humorous touch. I remember several movies with funny intros ( "oh David, oh Jean Pierre, tell people at home what time iz it" , "it's time for JBEEEEAM!" LOL! ) and even some with segments with graphics of "bean" written on the corner of the screen (properly misspelled since it was probably edited by an American who transcribed exactly as it sounded) . JBeam/Kuckmal made the viewer feel like he was in on the "joke" . It's fucking great!
Count me in for
a new Kuckmal-Movement!
Jocke wrote:Why not a kuckmal competition and LP customers voting?
Fucking awesome idea!!!
trevor11569 wrote: +10000000
Kuckmal got me addicted to buttholes, gapes, and hard ass fucking. I've spent a fortune (read $500) trying to collect every JYLC scene with nice kuckmals and jbeams. Kuckmal, at least in part, defines who I am today. Kuckmal must come back. With fat cocks and big fat booties.
Agreed 100% . My money will also be invested in a properly done kuckmal comeback since, like you, I also spent hundreds (or was it thousands?) on JYLC DVDs.
trevor11569 wrote:evil-pineapples wrote:I know a lot about this Kuckmal style, and if I shoot it myself, I can get it perfect just like Lecastel used to do. In a few of his old scenes, he would even pause to give the instructions to his camera man, so he left behind a helpful guide for the future generation!

Exactly! And I loved when he used to ask the camera guy, 'iz eet OPAIN?' after pulling the girl's legs back. AWESOME!
LOL! I loved that shit too! It's like he was asking us at home.
asenalx wrote:If there are still some people who don't know what Kuckmal is, just goggle "asenalx kuckmal" . I've made some nice Kuckmal-Music-Compilations

(edit: had to remove pic of my reply wouldn't go through)
Damn! Asenalx!!! So nice to see you're on here, bro! I'm such a fan of yours and your PMVs! Never realized you commented on the LP Forums but thinking of it now, it's only natural that you would since LP is the bomb! So cool, man! I have several of your edits in my tube's queues. Props to you, dude.
Caveman39 wrote:Angel Eyes wrote:Thanks guys! I appreciate the education. Been a porn fan for decades ... just goes to prove there are still things to discover (which is a good thing)

You have a clue what it means, but nobody really explains it textually. I suppose no Germans here.
"Kuckmal"----> should be written in proper German as two words: "guck mal" .
"Gucken" is a German verb and colloquial (idiom/slang); rarely the alternative spelling "kucken" is used.
"Gucken" means : to look. "Mal" means "once" or like "one time" .
So if you translate it it says: "Have a look (at this/or that)". I suppose JYL used this word in his movies a lot when a girl made a gape with her anus, he zooms in at the anus and face, and says "guck mal", which is directed to both himself as a "surprise" about the gape size the girl shows the cam/him,
as well directed to the viewers at home who are shaking their dick ..... "have a look at this, guys"! Und jetzt spritzen. Now cum!
Hahaha! Exactly! JYLC had a great knowledge of porn audience and especially his viewers. It's exactly that: when I'm looking at a "kuckmal / jbeam gape" I'm definitely "shaking [my] dick (as I often am when watching other porn as well) . That's the way it ought be and JYLC always knew it .
Caveman39 wrote:evil-pineapples wrote:^^ Thanks for the German lesson, Caveman39, but does anyone know what the fuck "JBEEEEEEAM!" meant?

As to "JBEEEEEEAM!" I don't recall that term. When exactly does he say this? While doing what or when what happens? It's been a while since I've seen a jyl classic (you have a link where he says that?). Anyway, perhaps, he calls for booze. Jim Beam.
I'm surprised Caveman39 never heard jbeam in JYLC movies because the term/expression took over after a while and even replaced kuckmal in the last films/series .
Different people have said that jbeam is jbeam in every language - LOL - which pretty much is ' ass wide open ' But how it came to be ... who knows?!!! I've seen old hardcore LeCastel fans saying writing it "CH'BEAM = JBEAM" but no one ever explained the origins of the word . There's videos of JYLC on YouTube " explaining " it to girls but all he says and does is a hand gesture of a gaped asshole while saying " jbeeeeam "
How it come to be is probably something stupid. JYLC himself said those things were created as inside jokes. Although you guys have already explained kuckmal perfectly, here's the explanation in the words of the master of kuckmal himself:
to answer to your question, I have to tell you that like always, this kind of event happens because of something stupid.
I was in germany, and while fucking a girl in reverse cowgirl anal, I began to be fed up of the cameraman who was not attentive at all . Suddenly I stopped fucking while grabbing the girl under the knees with my left hand, and with the other hand I was taking my dick out of the ass while shouting : " hey, kuck mal hier ! " wich means in english : "hey , look at that !" .
The cameraman was shocked , but immediately he began to shoot properly .
It is only after the scene that I could see what I did. Since then I never stopped. " This was taken from AdultDVDTalk forum. JYLC used to frequent it and answer fans. And as you can see, he said it just sorta happened because of something stupid.
Still many of us know "jbeeeeeam" and if you, like me, have friends that talk porn with you, I bet you can say that out loud and get them to laugh while most people around will be clueless as to what's going on. It always cracks me up! LOL!
tron777 wrote: edited
LMFAO! You're awesome and fucking funny! That's exacly it: whooooplaaaah jBeeeeeeAAaAaM!
shark1 wrote:I really miss JYLC and kuckmal!! The Assman and Debauchery movies were legendary. There should always be wide gapes, there was never any disgusting prolapse, just wide gapes!!
Also, a 5 woman scene is way too many, there should always be 1 or 2 (at most) if doing side by side kuckmal! The most important position is the reverse cowgirl position, with the guy holding her legs up while the woman spreads her asscheeks wide after hard anal fucking for the world to see her gape. There has always been too little of that here!
Very well put: I enjoy the wide gapes too but I'm often put off by prolapse.
asenalx wrote:I haven't seen all the latest LegalPorno scenes, so I don't know if they did more scenes with some nice Kuckmal-Action. The scenes I have checked didn't have any Kuckmal at all ,,, so is there really a Kuckmal-Revival or was it just in one scene? I really hope they will do more Classic Kuckmal Shots!!
I'm hoping for the same, brother!
As for the LP scene Return of Kuckmal, I love the boldness and initiative of bringing it back but I had hoped the performers and director had studied the style. Most of them were not even born or of age when Kuckmal was a thing and it only proves that
we are porn connoisseurs and not necessarily the people working in the business. It all just sounded forced and artificial with mostly the annoying Mike screaming "kuckmal" when no kuckmal was happening for real. They should have sent the videos to the pornstars instead of just telling them what kuckmal is supposed to be/look . They first should have tried to invite JYLC to come out of retirement for a LP kuckmal series . If he declined they could at least do what I already suggested : study. Other people could have helped them too : David Perry, Andrew Youngman and Steve Holmes. And it's not just about gapes but it is also about humor and having a laugh as some of you guys brought it up. With all that in mind, its hard to give a positive feedback other than encourage them to keep on trying. I remember a couple of years ago watching a scene with a french girl and in the middle of it one of the guys - I think it was Ian Scott - said : jbeam! And the other dude laughed and said jbeam was for a different studio.
I am ready to throw my dollars at LP if more kuckmal comes up in the future, but I will wait for you guys to give me an opinion about the "investment" . If I oughta pay to watch kuckmal, I'd rather complete my JYLC collection than buy something that is not real kuckmal .
PS - I had to edit some of the entries I replied to because the I was getting error notice saying I could not post links.