Silent Departure vs. Goodbye Tours (2017 Europorn Implosion)

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Silent Departure vs. Goodbye Tours (2017 Europorn Implosion)

Postby dap-addict » Sun Jun 17, 2018 6:49 pm

Maybe we could call it the Sun(n)-Factor: :confused:
On Dec. 25th 2017 July Sun posted her last porn style lingerie foto on Social Media, than she got quite. No posts anymore, no more porn bookings, just nothing. Gone!
End Nov. 2017 Ria Sun was in Berlin working for GGG if I recall right, after that she disappeared completely, surfaced shortly in Paris but only in private and since than nothing. Gone?!
Another GGG booking for end Feb 2018 she cancelled, not to the surprise of many insiders as it seems. Social media she keeps strictly private since than. No porn hints at all basically.

on contrary
We have the famous Good-bye to Porn Tour by Arwen Gold in Dec. 2017, giving all interested parties a last chance to shoot her one last time.
And also Belle Claire called for a Bye-bye tour in May 2018, which she called off finally, a bit in the vain of all her job reliability, but at least she tried, or her agency did.

Basically all 4 Eurobabes have de facto retired in 2017. :( :( :(
I open this tread because they are still a big loss for me - and I am probably not the only one. :( ;)
For me a DAP by July Sun was always an INSTA-BUY, Ria Sunn I really started to get into late, Arwen Gold no question of course, though I didnt share the hype for her right from the start, Belle turned out difficult and me getting bored really a bit at the end.

Btw, one of those 4 girls ever performed with each other! :confused:

All goodies hidden - like in 2018.
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Question remains what is easier for fans or ex-fans, an announced porn retirement or a silent departure?
How do you feel?
How do you cope with the 2017 Europorn implosion gap?
Who else retired for pretty good in 2017 are you dearly missing?
:confused: :confused: :confused:
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Re: Silent Departur vs. Good-Bye Tours (2017 Europorn Implosion)

Postby Angel Eyes » Sun Jun 17, 2018 7:01 pm

I wanna know if they're gone. Closure is always best. Being ghosted is just horrible and a disservice to fans. :(

Girls are always welcome back either way. The door is always open. :)
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Re: Silent Departure vs. Goodbye Tours (2017 Europorn Implosion)

Postby tekaneo » Sun Jun 17, 2018 7:30 pm

Its a work like other with ending date. Fans? dont make me laugh (i hope you get what want to say with it but its really clearly) ;)

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Re: Silent Departure vs. Goodbye Tours (2017 Europorn Implosion)

Postby Chi_Cha » Sun Jun 17, 2018 7:37 pm

They have done enough scenes to fap with i think so no big deal, it's good to see new faces! For me, the worst is when one good looking new girl start porn then stop after a few scenes or a short time :rolleyes:

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Re: Silent Departure vs. Goodbye Tours (2017 Europorn Implosion)

Postby magizi877 » Sun Jun 17, 2018 10:37 pm

I would prefer if they just said "goodbye" or "I'm moving on", like Nikita Bellucci did, instead of disappearing,
If they do a "goodbye" tour that's just cool, but not all models are that attractive to producers, I think.

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Re: Silent Departure vs. Goodbye Tours (2017 Europorn Implosion)

Postby Angel Eyes » Sun Jun 17, 2018 11:03 pm

tekaneo wrote:Its a work like other with ending date. Fans? dont make me laugh (i hope you get what want to say with it but its really clearly) ;)

"Fans" ??? Perhaps "fans" wasn't strong enough a term for my particular obsession?
LOL ;) :D
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Re: Silent Departure vs. Goodbye Tours (2017 Europorn Implosion)

Postby dap-addict » Mon Jun 18, 2018 2:17 am

tekaneo wrote:Fans? dont make me laugh (i hope you get what want to say with it but its really clearly) ;)

How else to call them/us? :confused:
I mean they do their work but we grow on them, than all over a sudden they stop. Not saying so is way dis-servicing indeed as Angel Eyes put it.
Despite being payed just to do what they do after a booking girls should be aware they create demand and loyal followers. They play with that fact as long as they're active and than all over a sudden they stop. Its way unfair still, isn't it? At least they could give a warning or a reason.
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Re: Silent Departure vs. Goodbye Tours (2017 Europorn Implosion)

Postby tekaneo » Mon Jun 18, 2018 7:50 am

dap-addict wrote:
tekaneo wrote:Fans? dont make me laugh (i hope you get what want to say with it but its really clearly) ;)

How else to call them/us? :confused:
I mean they do their work but we grow on them, than all over a sudden they stop. Not saying so is way dis-servicing indeed as Angel Eyes put it.
Despite being payed just to do what they do after a booking girls should be aware they create demand and loyal followers. They play with that fact as long as they're active and than all over a sudden they stop. Its way unfair still, isn't it? At least they could give a warning or a reason.

You said it: "play with fans" to get work/opportunities in this porn world and at the end dissapear when they get all what they need or simply they take other totally different directions in their lifes not saying a simple: thanks. Again ill say: fans? you are not a fan for them, you are a gear for them to get work. I can accept you internally are a fan because you like them and enjoy them but you need to see this world in the opposite perspective. I recommend you: buy the scenes what you want to watch and enjoy them but not d not look for the reason why that scene has been created because then you will stop enjoying it :cool:

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Re: Silent Departure vs. Goodbye Tours (2017 Europorn Implosion)

Postby dap-addict » Mon Jun 18, 2018 8:38 am

tekaneo wrote: I can accept you internally are a fan because you like them and enjoy them but you need to see this world in the opposite perspective.

I think you touch the core here maybe, tekaneo.
Porn is entertainment industry, fantasy and lots of fake of course, but there is still much more than before a social media reality created for fans/users.
I often write users instead of fans to underline that porn is just a product for a lot of us, a convenience created by a bunch of dedicated people working all for money of course still.
All involved live in their own social reality of course - producers, performers and consumers (fans/users). Still porn creates a link between all of them and social media enforces it.
Thus just disappearing isn't the fair thing really. Even of course as a fan/user for the girls entering a new life goal we might loose attraction to sell their body as a canned product.
You see I actually see it from both sides, if I want to, but I still feel there is a committement made in the past.

Another 2017 porn retirement example: Ally Breelsen disappeared in 2017 as well, but she still teases with her body, still gives her fans something even if its not porn anymore.
But Ria Sunn and July Sun just really suddenly disappeared without a trace. :(
Arwen Gold instead posts pics on from her new life, Belle disappeared too.
In core it shows what they think of us maybe, what they always thought.
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Re: Silent Departure vs. Goodbye Tours (2017 Europorn Implosion)

Postby Iddaoeeok » Mon Jun 18, 2018 11:17 am

I really don't think fairness has anything to do with it and I don't think these women are under any obligation to explain anything to anyone. This just smacks of celebrity culture and the idea that there is some kind of relationship, beyond a purely financial or ego-boosting one, from the point of view of the 'celebrity' and as entertainment and escapism for the 'fan'. Having contact on social media does not constitute any sort of profound relationship and I speak as someone who is in contact via social media with an LP model - fundamentally I don't know the girl and she doesn't know me, the whole thing is a fantasy and it's just play, it's not real life, it's completely superficial - if she decides to stop using social media, for instance, then that would be her choice, too bad for me but she doesn't owe me or anyone else anything. Celebrity culture and social media are two or the worst aspect of modern life, in my opinion.

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Re: Silent Departure vs. Goodbye Tours (2017 Europorn Implosion)

Postby dap-addict » Mon Jun 18, 2018 11:39 am

I think you got me wrong here, Iddaoeeok.
I dong wanna say porn girls using social media- mainly for obvious PR reasons - made a real contact with fans and were obliged to explain any retirement or other plans.
Contact on social media are in 99% pure promo and business contacts, no relationships at all of course. And its also not celebrity-ism I have in mind. Of course they may change their life goals and its not their fans business basically. All I wrote is that social media created a certain additional attraction and made fans fellow their girls closer than before.
Fairness is something broader I think, though. Together with the studio(s) these girls create some links between themselves and their fans still. Fans are waiting for their new scenes, are trying to influence, very often upon girls requests to write in what they like.

Now if they all over a sudden silently depart like Ria Sunn or July Sun isn't there something wrong, some feeling of unfair sudden deprival still?
Or in Belle Claire's case: Isnt it the fans right to expect the goodbye tour scenes she's announced really?

Of course their films are just a product and the girls starring in them make themselves very often just a product, too. But the base is still basic human trust and product PR by the girl performing in it. It still creates something more than just birds flying by. Or not for you? And all others?
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Re: Silent Departure vs. Goodbye Tours (2017 Europorn Implosion)

Postby dap-addict » Mon Jun 18, 2018 11:52 am

Iddaoeeok wrote:I don't think these women are under any obligation to explain anything to anyone.

Maybe the hardest and most surprising sudden departure:
Nov 2017 LP shot - offering all, finally!
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Re: Silent Departure vs. Goodbye Tours (2017 Europorn Implosion)

Postby dap-addict » Mon Jun 18, 2018 7:43 pm

Right and sad.
But Lola isn't a 2017 retirement case.
Actually she's still quite active on social media and the other sex work field, but I just checked her work for LP and you're right she didnt work for them in a long time.
Anyway, if she departed from porn silently it happened not last year but earlier, so much is sure.
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Re: Silent Departure vs. Goodbye Tours (2017 Europorn Implosion)

Postby ZiziMinuscule » Mon Jun 18, 2018 11:12 pm

When a girl that I appreciate leaves the biz, I feel unhappy or even sad. But that's her life, her career and her decision - there is no reason I should ask this girl to justify her choice. Of course it would be nice if she announced her retirement and gave the reasons of such decision, but if she chooses to retire in a discreet way, I know I should simply respect that. There is no place for any resentment. I know I should be grateful to her for her scenes, for what she accomplished and what she sacrified to become a pornstar.

That being said, most girls are not popular enough (and, consequently, not cost-effective enough) to convince a producer to offer them a Goodbye Tour.
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Re: Silent Departure vs. Goodbye Tours (2017 Europorn Implosion)

Postby dap-addict » Mon Jun 18, 2018 11:28 pm

ZiziMinuscule wrote:But that's her life, her career and her decision - there is no reason I should ask this girl to justify her choice.

Its not about justifying her choice, and sure not for her fans, though some of them get greatly attached to them and it would be nice if the girls would honor this in a way at least.
However its a nice surprise if they do communicate some reason however, like Belle Claire writing on Tw that she wants to spend much more time with her daughter in the future.
But this thread I opened for the OP questions asked - and maybe a bit also for common 2017 loss mourning.
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Re: Silent Departure vs. Goodbye Tours (2017 Europorn Implosion)

Postby ZiziMinuscule » Mon Jun 18, 2018 11:42 pm

Question remains what is easier for fans or ex-fans, an announced porn retirement or a silent departure?
For fans, I'm sure it easier to deal with an announced retirement. But what really counts is what is easier for a given girl.

How do you feel?
Sad, because I will never see any new scenes of a given girl.
Curious, because I would really like to know how she deals with her new life and if she is happy.

How do you cope with the 2017 Europorn implosion gap?
None of the girls You have already mentioned has been one of my favourites so I don't feel impacted.

Who else retired for pretty good in 2017 are you dearly missing?
I don't know what's going on with Anna Rey. If she is retired, it's a fucking disgrace.
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Re: Silent Departure vs. Goodbye Tours (2017 Europorn Implosion)

Postby Iddaoeeok » Tue Jun 19, 2018 1:36 am

ZiziMinuscule wrote:Question remains what is easier for fans or ex-fans, an announced porn retirement or a silent departure?
For fans, I'm sure it easier to deal with an announced retirement. But what really counts is what is easier for a given girl.

How do you feel?
Sad, because I will never see any new scenes of a given girl.
Curious, because I would really like to know how she deals with her new life and if she is happy.

These are two good answers.

In the pre-social media days you would never know when or why a girl retired, you would just noticed scenes and appearances drying up and then stopping altogether - some sad men like myself are still hoping to find out what happened to Lucy Lee and what she's doing and what she looks like now!

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