Scenes missing depending on country ip
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2023 7:51 pm
While browsing the forum, I stumbled upon some recent scenes that I didn't see being released (and I watch every day what's in the new scenes page). Upon inspection, I can access those scenes if I have a direct link or by searching them in the search bar, but they don't appear on the feed page, new scenes page, model page and studio page. I also did try to connect myself with an ip from a different country and miracle, the scenes do appear on the pages. More precisely, I have a french ip where the problem lies, and I made it work with a czech ip. About the scenes, I didn't check in every studio, but it appears to be with Giorgio's scenes and as far as the beginning of october (when a change of how wet scenes are handled was introduced, and the disappearance of almost all old wet scenes from AV website to distinguished it from PissVids website).
I join two screens of this problem showing Giorgio's recent releases with french ip vs czech ip.
If you have at least an explanation of why this problem arises, I would be really glad
While browsing the forum, I stumbled upon some recent scenes that I didn't see being released (and I watch every day what's in the new scenes page). Upon inspection, I can access those scenes if I have a direct link or by searching them in the search bar, but they don't appear on the feed page, new scenes page, model page and studio page. I also did try to connect myself with an ip from a different country and miracle, the scenes do appear on the pages. More precisely, I have a french ip where the problem lies, and I made it work with a czech ip. About the scenes, I didn't check in every studio, but it appears to be with Giorgio's scenes and as far as the beginning of october (when a change of how wet scenes are handled was introduced, and the disappearance of almost all old wet scenes from AV website to distinguished it from PissVids website).
I join two screens of this problem showing Giorgio's recent releases with french ip vs czech ip.
If you have at least an explanation of why this problem arises, I would be really glad