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Again Wrong Scene etc

PostPosted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 1:13 am
by AngryRippedOffUser

a) Wrong Screenshots ! ... creenshots

Screeshots from 2 Different Scenes !

b) Just one of the Chicks that are listed is in the Clip, this Face Stew here
and not Viola

c) Original Scene Name when i was download it on 19th January 2013 was Sliders_25_N1 (1122MB, 57:17:434, 640x480)
the Screenshots from the First Scene are from a unknown old Scene from 2000-2007 i think.

So what's with the Original File from Sliders 25 ? (in that Clip is Viola)

Re: Again Wrong Scene etc

PostPosted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 12:49 pm
by Kapwn
Screenshots has been dealt with.

As I was looking at the clip, I didn't see Viola being listed. - has been dealt with also.

I don't really undestand your last question.

Re: Again Wrong Scene etc

PostPosted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 6:07 am
by AngryRippedOffUser
Kapoun wrote:Screenshots has been dealt with.

As I was looking at the clip, I didn't see Viola being listed. - has been dealth with also.

I don't really undestand your last question. <---- Listed for this Scene, but the Clip Content is totally wrong, so she's not in.

The Clip Content inside the Video File is totally wrong !

So wheres the Original Scene ? It's a Sliders 25 Scene.
the first Screenshots show the Scene that is missing. (and no, it's not inside the Video File !)

It's clear that this must be Sliders 25 in the first Screenshots (and Sliders 25 is from the newer Stuff, that is aviable in HD also. Stuff from 2009-2012, the Chicks are russian, they got Rooms with Colors !)

and in the Second Screenshots, they are 3 Chicks that look like 3 random Chech Chicks, look @ the Room (looks like a Cheap Motel) & Colors, it's a very old Scene with odd Resolutions.

So the Clip Content is wrong from Start to Finish.

Here the Sliders 25 Cover !

Re: Again Wrong Scene etc

PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 11:05 am
by Kapwn
You basically solved it. The screenshots should be fixed soon. And Viola should have her listing fixed also.

Re: Again Wrong Scene etc

PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 4:41 pm
by AngryRippedOffUser
Kapoun wrote:You basically solved it. The screenshots should be fixed soon. And Viola should have her listing fixed also.

I think nothing will be changed !

Scene 1

Will be not fixed, i wrote the Support over 1 Year ago ! After i exchanged Tickets for this Scene on the old Site, nothing hast changed, i just get some Extra Tickets.

And there some Scenes that are missing after the Change from the old to the new Site (luckily i have the Scenes, and even on the old Site, the Scenes ware awkward to find)

I'm pretty shure they are Tripple Stacked Scenes, but was named as Stack That Ass to Ass.

I know the Girls from one Scene (from the other not, but the Chicks from the other Scene are below average, so i dont give a Fuck about there ID's) and i searched the entire Site for the "Stack That Ass To Ass" Scenes, but it's not there.

I hate it, when i dont have the Link to a Scene on the Site, that's why i searched the Site.

There are way more Missing Scenes, Wrong ID Pictures, or Broken Downloads with 16MB, that's why i did ​​the suggestion to create
a Subforum, just for Stuff like that.

But with the "Free" Stuff nobody make Money anymore, so it looks like they dont give a Shit about, fixing the Errors.