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Video library has decreased from 700+ videos to 550 videos!?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2023 8:56 pm
by MackZatis
So much like the title says, my video collection was once well above 700+ videos. Close to 750, I want to say 747 or so. I've ALWAYS been of the belief that one, who pays for porn, DOWNLOADS their porn, to keep forever. Why pay for it otherwise, only to be at the whim of a volatile industry (on a business level), an erratic & unpredictable site owner/ownership group, who can (& as history has shown across many different sites/owners) with no notice "prune" down their library to keep ever increasing servers costs down, especially as said ownership increases their catalog everyday, through new releases & acquisitions. In a worst case scenario, you sit down one day to logon & "logoff" and the dreaded "sever is unreachable" message is displayed. No explanation & never to return. Well now all those 100's/1,000's/10,000's of $$$ are now gone forever, without anything to show for it. Like seriously don't get to wipe your ass with them bills, or even set them on fire. Just gone!
So all that is to say, I've always downloaded my scenes. I'm of the old school, when streaming wasn't even a THING, before it was just a bad option to watch one's scenes. However due to the nature of moving mechanical storage options of the time, failure of drives is unavoidable. And I've lost a few over the past 4+years (about the same amount of time since I started spending drastically less time & money here). So I've lost a few drives worth of my purchases.
A few scenes here and there being removed, NBD. However around 200, I did notice. But I can't even tell ya what ones were removed from my library. I don't even know how long they've been gone for. I'd honestly say it's been close to 2yrs since I've checked my profile "stats".
So what to do now, where do I go from here? How do I recoup my losses? How does one go about that in essentially a dictatorship? How can I feel any comfort that I won't be cheated again in the future? And do feel I've been cheated/slighted in this matter.

Thanks in advance

Re: Video library has decreased from 700+ videos to 550 videos!?

PostPosted: Tue Oct 24, 2023 3:33 pm
by Kapwn

I have checked your account through and through and there are no "deleted" or restricted scenes on your account.

I am not sure what went wrong with your number, but I can see you have a lot of free scenes that comes with the membership and some of yours that you have purchased.
Those are all still available to you.