Types of subscriptions clarification  Topic is solved

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Types of subscriptions clarification

Postby airwipe03 » Fri Sep 08, 2023 11:02 am

Hello. After reading some posts on here where people are having trouble I wanted to make a seperate post asking what content I get for which subscription.

From what I see in the store, there are 3 different categories of memberships.

1) A ticket membership
2) Pornworld studio subscription
3) Studio subscription

So here are my questions:

1) If I buy the TKT membership, I do not have access to FA videos correct? This is only the Pornworld studio subscription?
2) What is the difference between Porn World Studio & Pornworld Box subscription?
3) If my other assumption was correct, and I can stream & download FA videos with the pornworld studio subscription,
are there still scenes from other subscriptions tagged with FA that I won't be able to access?
4) What is the download cap on this site?
5) If the pornworld studio subscription gives access to all these FA videos, isn't the TKT membership redundant for most videos?

Many thanks

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Re: Types of subscriptions clarification  Topic is solved

Postby Kapwn » Fri Sep 08, 2023 12:45 pm

For standard ticket membership - You receive tickets with your membership as well as 20% discount on other future purchases. You can use the tickets to buy scenes. Any scene at PornBox is purchasable with tickets, except a few that are only available in special membership packages. 

The scenes you purchase this way are yours forever. You can download or stream them how many times you want.

Tickets are received monthly.

The membership is recurring automatically, you can cancel in the member's area in pornbox - top right corner. Click on your name and then on the date of the membership to cancel.

You also have tons of free video access as a member.

Full access is for all studio subscriptions, but only applies to that certain studio you have purchased.

If you purchase NRX, you will have access to "full access" scenes from NRX studio. If you would purchase PornWorld, you would have access to Pornworld scenes marked "full access"

BOX subscription - that is different than a Studio Subscription.

With this type you have access to last 30 days of and get more videos every day.
If a new video comes up, you will get it while your membership is active. Also, you get access to more videos from the past. Every day counts +1 day into the past.

If you would buy the membership on 1st of June, you get access until 1st of May and every day you get more from the past - 30th of April, 29th of April etc.

The videos from this subscriptions are yours forever, you do not lose access to them.

Download cap globally is 500 scenes per month, but every studio can have their own cap. (NRX has 6 download per month for example)

The full access is only for limited time, scenes bought with tickets are forever.

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Re: Types of subscriptions clarification

Postby airwipe03 » Fri Sep 08, 2023 12:55 pm

Thank you sir. It seems like I was too fast in buying. I sent a few messages in the support chat, I hope to get some further help there.

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