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Exceeded download limit?? after 2 downloads?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 3:19 pm
by wm88
This experience just gets worse, after finally passing attestation stuff, I downloaded 2 movies, tried to download a 3rd only to be told "you have exceeded your download limit", yet at the side of this box it says "you can download 3 videos today".

What is up with this?

When I signed up it clearly states "full access, unlimited downloads and streaming". Only when you have joined do you find out you have a ticketed PPM system with a limit of 5 downloads per day(but is actually 2)...?

Seems like a recipe for lots of chargebacks, telling people they can have unlimited access then revealing the truth once you have their money. It's like the porn internet in late 90's all over again.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 3:26 pm
by PC_82
wm88 wrote:This experience just gets worse. I downloaded 2 movies, tried to download a 3rd only to be told "you have exceeded your download limit", yet at the side of this box it says "you can download 3 videos today".

What is up with this?

When I signed up it clearly states "full access, unlimited downloads and streaming". Only when you have joined do you find out you have a ticketed PPM system with a limit of 5 downloads per day(but is actually 2)...?

Seems like a recipe for lots of chargebacks, telling people they can have unlimited access then revealing the truth once you have their money. It's like the porn internet in late 90's all over again.

are you a member before? because if your not you have this
are you only trying to download new stuff? because you can access all other content, and yes if your a new member that never bought before you need to download other scenes.. this is the law

email your user to support and notify them

PostPosted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 3:35 pm
by wm88
I have already seen the older movies before.

I joined legalporno to view latest movies and it clearly states "unlimited downloads and streaming" "full access"

This is simply not true. If this is the case, I will be asking for my money back. You cannot lie to people in order to get their money, then once you have it, tell them what you claimed to sell, is actually not the reality.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 4:04 pm
by PC_82
wm88 wrote:I have already seen the older movies before.

I joined legalporno to view latest movies and it clearly states "unlimited downloads and streaming" "full access"

This is simply not true. If this is the case, I will be asking for my money back. You cannot lie to people in order to get their money, then once you have it, tell them what you claimed to sell, is actually not the reality.

you seen the movies before except the new ones? can you send your user id to support so they can connect your accounts


PostPosted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 4:11 pm
by wm88
I don't keep a record of user id's of websites I've joined over the years, sorry. I was waiting to join legalporn after things settled down, but it seems not to be the case.

I'm enquiring as to why the promised "unlimited downloads" isn't available.

Your suggestion is to download the older ones, correct? some of which are almost 10 years old.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 4:19 pm
by PC_82
wm88 wrote:I don't keep a record of user id's of websites I've joined over the years, sorry. I was waiting to join legalporn after things settled down, but it seems not to be the case.

I'm enquiring as to why the promised "unlimited downloads" isn't available.

Your suggestion is to download the older ones, correct? some of which are almost 10 years old.

really?? there is tons of scenes 6 months to 2 years HD

listen we get a lot of hackers.. you sound suspicious, if you can find your user then all will be ok. send your user now to support so they can check...

we need your history if you have seen the older scenes.. why do you need to make this so hard? once you passed they checks its going to be ok. if you refuse then you can try again with a new user and again go thru the same shit. nothing is going to change, your bitching to a brick wall. you want the best content in the world then fucking pass the security check, you do it in the airports and in the banks and on paypal.. so its nothing new.

did you do attestation?? if you did then send the user to support and tell them to fuck off you passed this security measure.. they are wrong if you passed this!

tell them i spoke with you!



PostPosted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 4:53 pm
by PC_82
new system going up on guys that downloaded and made chargebacks, you will be centralized on a system from

here all companies that want protection from this we block such users

what this means is guys that did chargebacks on other sites will be blocked on all sites using this service


PostPosted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 5:08 pm
by wm88
lol, @ I sound suspiscious

Let's get something straight here. You are selling a product. I pulled out my credit card and paid £18.xx for "full access, unlimited downloads". Once I had paid this amount I was told I needed to pass further "Attestation" in order to access material which I did after 1 failed attempt through no fault of my own. So, just to confirm, I have passed Attestation 100% and am able to download 2 high level videos per day.

So I have given my credit card details twice now and the result is I still cannot download what I was promised prior to signing up and you have the nerve to tell me I'm the suspiscious one?

I have joined many websites over many years and never once have I joined a site so unprofessionally run. Now you are telling me I need to give support a user id that I don't even know exists? Just to prove I have watched some old sineplex movies?

Sorry, but that was not part of the deal I signed up with. I feel I should be able to choose which movies I wanted to download and I would rather watch newer evilutionplex movies than older sineplex movies.

I don't recall doing any chargebacks on porn websites because it seems in this day and age webmasters realise they cannot rip off customers anymore. I have contacted support, I have passed Attestation, if things stay as they are(ie, only being able to download 2 movies per day) then I will simply ask for a refund and take my money elsewhere.

I think that's pretty reasonable. I don't even know who you are, or you're affiliation with the site. This forum is not so clear, as to whether the current site is sineplex or legalporn.

The simple fact of the matter is this, on the join page it clearly states "full access, unlimited streaming and downloads" and that is what I would like please. Anything else is totally irrelevant as long as you have my money, which you do.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 6:07 pm
by PC_82
wm88 wrote:lol, @ I sound suspiscious

Let's get something straight here. You are selling a product. I pulled out my credit card and paid £18.xx for "full access, unlimited downloads". Once I had paid this amount I was told I needed to pass further "Attestation" in order to access material which I did after 1 failed attempt through no fault of my own. So, just to confirm, I have passed Attestation 100% and am able to download 2 high level videos per day.

So I have given my credit card details twice now and the result is I still cannot download what I was promised prior to signing up and you have the nerve to tell me I'm the suspiscious one?

I have joined many websites over many years and never once have I joined a site so unprofessionally run. Now you are telling me I need to give support a user id that I don't even know exists? Just to prove I have watched some old sineplex movies?

Sorry, but that was not part of the deal I signed up with. I feel I should be able to choose which movies I wanted to download and I would rather watch newer evilutionplex movies than older sineplex movies.

I don't recall doing any chargebacks on porn websites because it seems in this day and age webmasters realise they cannot rip off customers anymore. I have contacted support, I have passed Attestation, if things stay as they are(ie, only being able to download 2 movies per day) then I will simply ask for a refund and take my money elsewhere.

I think that's pretty reasonable. I don't even know who you are, or you're affiliation with the site. This forum is not so clear, as to whether the current site is sineplex or legalporn.

The simple fact of the matter is this, on the join page it clearly states "full access, unlimited streaming and downloads" and that is what I would like please. Anything else is totally irrelevant as long as you have my money, which you do.

ah good-- you passed it! so then they are wrong... please send your user to them asap!! if you did not contact support then this is more on your side, but if you passed attestation then they are wrong!!!

bug i am sure

PostPosted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 7:37 pm
by toneee
I'm not involved in this, but this sounds crazy to me. Because of hackers they need to know the history of the user.

lets say that i used to be a member of a site years ago, but havn't been a member for a long time but since they have excellent new content, I want to join up again, but I can't remember my old user name and password. So i use a new user id and password. Why do you care if the customer uses a new id. why is that suspicious. Shit i forget my passwords to shit all the time.

IF i joined for example with new user id and password they wouldn't give a shit as long as i'm paying. It makes no sense to be this touchy. People loose there wallets all the time along with their credit cards and so on.

so if people loose their passwords and sign up with new details what does it matter. why are you trying to spy on every thing the customer does. it seems to me your in the wrong here.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 9:07 pm
by wm88
Since i can't download, I tried to stream:

"You exceeded your watching limit."

What the fuck is this crap? do you guys ever go on other websites and see that these kind of amateur hour tactics haven't been in use for the last 10 years?

I can't waste my time on this anymore. What's the point in porn that you can't watch?? I would like my money refunded please. The content is really great but the website and delivery of the content, not to mention all the hoops you have to jump through without reward is really the worst I have experienced.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 11:53 pm
by Bradpyth
I've the same issue, 5dl a day and stops at 2 dl, the 3 remaining cannot be downloaded. I emailed the support last week and I think they will check it.

I'm I think one of the oldest member here along with Gapelover , so, I think this is some little bug in the programm...

Be patient guys, I see you're not understanding those anti hackers methods, but at least this permits to sineplex to continue with high quality level, whereas other studios that are pirated now produce mainly casual scenes and nothing top level... except the strongest companies like evil who are big enough to continue... other produce low quality bullshit... So maybe those limits are harrassing, but I think it's for good reasons!

PostPosted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 12:30 am
by utopiaa
i was able to download 3 scenes yesterday, but now i got the same problem even tought it says i still should have 2 downloads left. Luckily i can stream tought. ( fingers crossed )

ps: Scene 1674 dont work. says the requested video not found

PostPosted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 11:38 am
by Sir Noel
Yes, it seems this is one of many restrictions that sineplex don't inform you of until you have joined.
You basically get 15 downloads a week, not unlimited as advertised, nor even 5 a day as pornbox would lead you to believe. Of those 15 downloads, they are also then subjected to the daily limit of 5 perday AND premium scenes are limited to 2 per day (6 per week).
What categorises as 'premium' also seems to stretch back quite far, it certainly isn't just the latest stuff. I can forsee within a few days running out of HD scenes that don't class as premium and ending up in the same boat as you guys.

Another limit, not mentioned when you join, is that the 'unlimited streaming' actually means 'limited streaming'. You can stream a couple of films in a period and then you get the 'limit exceeded' box for a couple of days.

It IS definitely worth contacting support, they improved my service slightly (to 25 downloads a week and 3 premium per day) but really it has to be said that they are indulging in a bait and switch here, advertising one thing and then providing a lesser service.

Anyway, given how shit and ludicrously expensive sineplex was a couple of years ago this is still a big improvement (on paying £42.95 for about 8 scenes which is what they would have charged me under the old sineplex system).

PostPosted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 3:55 pm
by PC_82
toneee wrote:I'm not involved in this, but this sounds crazy to me. Because of hackers they need to know the history of the user.

lets say that i used to be a member of a site years ago, but havn't been a member for a long time but since they have excellent new content, I want to join up again, but I can't remember my old user name and password. So i use a new user id and password. Why do you care if the customer uses a new id. why is that suspicious. Shit i forget my passwords to shit all the time.

IF i joined for example with new user id and password they wouldn't give a shit as long as i'm paying. It makes no sense to be this touchy. People loose there wallets all the time along with their credit cards and so on.

so if people loose their passwords and sign up with new details what does it matter. why are you trying to spy on every thing the customer does. it seems to me your in the wrong here.

no its simple an email, old user and now you will be able to centralize everything, so this never happens again. i am sure it will be used on many other sites.. anyway all he had to do is pass attestation and done. if he cant remember his old user and pass or email.. ok then do the credit card verification.. thats it

PostPosted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 4:04 pm
by PC_82
sirnoelplum wrote:yes, it seems this is one of many restrictions that sineplex don't inform you of until you have joined.
You basically get 15 downloads a week, not unlimited as advertised, nor even 5 a day as pornbox would lead you to believe. Of those 15 downloads, they are also then subjected to the daily limit of 5 perday and premium scenes are limited to 2 per day (6 per week).
What categorises as 'premium' also seems to stretch back quite far, it certainly isn't just the latest stuff. I can forsee within a few days running out of hd scenes that don't class as premium and ending up in the same boat as you guys.

Another limit, not mentioned when you join, is that the 'unlimited streaming' actually means 'limited streaming'. You can stream a couple of films in a period and then you get the 'limit exceeded' box for a couple of days.

It is definitely worth contacting support, they improved my service slightly (to 25 downloads a week and 3 premium per day) but really it has to be said that they are indulging in a bait and switch here, advertising one thing and then providing a lesser service.

Anyway, given how shit and ludicrously expensive sineplex was a couple of years ago this is still a big improvement (on paying £42.95 for about 8 scenes which is what they would have charged me under the old sineplex system).

ok they fixed it-- 5 premium scenes daily and old scenes is unlimited... Also scenes that are older than one year are now not premium. Friday they update this... Sorry guys

PostPosted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 4:38 pm
by Sir Noel
i think that makes sense. You will retain people with regular new content, not by only allowing people to drip-feed downloading older content.

This is a good move i think.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 8:32 pm
by wm88
I'm told I've got a refund. Hopefully it goes through ok.

Seems a great shame to me to have such great content delivered in such a sub-standard way.

If nothing else, the wording on the join page needs to be changed. It's not unlimited, and it's not full access.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 3:01 am
by PC_82
wm88 wrote:I'm told I've got a refund. Hopefully it goes through ok.

Seems a great shame to me to have such great content delivered in such a sub-standard way.

If nothing else, the wording on the join page needs to be changed. It's not unlimited, and it's not full access.

it is unlimted.. there was a bug.. premium is 5 scenes per day and unlimited to other scenes.. but whatever, even 2 scenes premium and 3 older stuff was ok for now... what is strange that they cant replicate is your streaming is blocked, i asked them wtf on this they said they fixed it now

anyway enjoy the trailers they are good enough for lots of guys ;)

PostPosted: Fri May 03, 2013 6:09 pm
by wm88
Have things improved yet? I'd like to rejoin but I'll only do it if I can just download whatever I want, none of this limit shit and verication bollocks.

PostPosted: Fri May 03, 2013 6:16 pm
by magicpuppy
wm88 wrote:Have things improved yet? I'd like to rejoin but I'll only do it if I can just download whatever I want, none of this limit shit and verication bollocks.

Lol. Good luck with that mate. ;)

PostPosted: Fri May 03, 2013 7:06 pm
by PC_82
wm88 wrote:Have things improved yet? I'd like to rejoin but I'll only do it if I can just download whatever I want, none of this limit shit and verication bollocks.

verification is one time... after that you can download whatever..

if you want per scene buy tickets they wont expire for 90 days

if you already got whatever you wanted before better to buy tickets...

right now there is no way around the verification but you can download 5 new scenes per day and anything else not on newer than 6 months

PostPosted: Fri May 03, 2013 7:13 pm
by PC_82
magicpuppy wrote:Lol. Good luck with that mate. ;)

magicpuppy why you always around if you dont like the damn system. you always get what you want, and you never lost any money. your tickets never expired since you joined so what is your deal?

anyway dont buy their stuff - your are very outspoken its appreciated but come on... its not so bad, bugs.. are taken care of...

but your here not because sineplex follows everyone else rules and ideas. CANT COPY, DONT COPY, ORIGINAL CONTENT...

PostPosted: Fri May 03, 2013 9:43 pm
by wm88
Why can't you just have a website where you join, pay 1 price and be able to access all the content at all times, like nearly every other website out there?

I dunno, I keep checking here and it's like nothing changes. The websites look like free tube sites, the forum is called "usaeurobabelive" and this whole ticket/verication shit is still going on...

The porn is great but please hire a decent webmaster who can take all this jumbled up mess into something that is user friendly.

Do you see other sites have success with all these complicated systems? no.

PostPosted: Fri May 03, 2013 10:38 pm
by magicpuppy
PC_82 wrote:majicpupi why you always around if you dont like the damn system. you always get what you want, and you never lost any money. your tickets never expired since you joined so what is your deal?

Damn. Well this is awkward. I mean, I can't really argue with any of that lol. Fair enough.

On a separate note though: PC_82, can you please get whoever is in charge to fix the BTS video for KREME ON MY BLACK DICK scene #1550? It was available to watch here in the videos section of the forum awhile back before some forum upgrade made all of the BTS videos stop working. I've always wanted this particular bts video and was excited to see it as an option to download from MyPornBox. Unfortunately I get the "Video files aren't ready yet. Please, check this video later." message when I attempt to.

I've attached some screenshots just so you know which one I'm referring to. Thanks in advance!

PostPosted: Fri May 03, 2013 11:05 pm
by PC_82
magicpuppy wrote:Damn. Well this is awkward. I mean, I can't really argue with any of that lol. Fair enough.

On a separate note though: PC_82, can you please get whoever is in charge to fix the BTS video for KREME ON MY BLACK DICK scene #1550? It was available to watch here in the videos section of the forum awhile back before some forum upgrade made all of the BTS videos stop working. I've always wanted this particular bts video and was excited to see it as an option to download from MyPornBox. Unfortunately I get the "Video files aren't ready yet. Please, check this video later." message when I attempt to.

I've attached some screenshots just so you know which one I'm referring to. Thanks in advance!

ah ok ... i said this to them they said content managers did something wrong and they are redoing all bts selection so you can download
- they just fixed 3d and 2nd camera scenes

PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2013 3:36 pm
by magicpuppy
PC_82 wrote:ah ok ... i said this to them they said content managers did something wrong and they are redoing all bts selection so you can download
- they just fixed 3d and 2nd camera scenes

Are they STILL redoing the BTS selection? Or have they just given up altogether?

  Topic is solved

PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2013 3:40 pm
by PC_82
magicpuppy wrote:Are they STILL redoing the BTS selection? Or have they just given up altogether?

yeah wait its coming... very soon

PostPosted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 7:20 pm
by magicpuppy
magicpuppy wrote:On a separate note though: PC_82, can you please get whoever is in charge to fix the BTS video for KREME ON MY BLACK DICK scene #1550? It was available to watch here in the videos section of the forum awhile back before some forum upgrade made all of the BTS videos stop working. I've always wanted this particular bts video and was excited to see it as an option to download from MyPornBox. Unfortunately I get the "Video files aren't ready yet. Please, check this video later." message when I attempt to.

I've attached some screenshots just so you know which one I'm referring to. Thanks in advance!

Any update on what's going on with the BTS video for this scene?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 8:14 pm
by rimundinp
magicpuppy wrote:Any update on what's going on with the BTS video for this scene?

There is a way to see all the scenes that have BTS?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 8:47 pm
by magicpuppy
rimundinp wrote:There is a way to see all the scenes that have BTS?

A way? Yes. An easy way? No. Some of the scenes have BTS footage, but there's no way of knowing exactly which ones, unless you go through the extremely tedious process of checking each scene one at a time. They're supposed to be working on a BTS selection, but something tells me they are no closer to accomplishing this goal since the last time I asked.