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Number of Tickets Icon

PostPosted: Wed Aug 09, 2023 7:55 pm
by Dastroka
I know what your goal is & why you do it, but please remove the "small amout of tickets" icon attached near my user name. I've been a member of this site for years, and I'm well aware of the number of tickets that I have remaining and don't need a reminder from Pornbox. Farthemore it's my oppinion this is not customer friendly, it's RUDE!!

Re: Number of Tickets Icon

PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2023 12:35 am
by misangrenegra2
Dastroka wrote:I know what your goal is & why you do it, but please remove the "small amout of tickets" icon attached near my user name. I've been a member of this site for years, and I'm well aware of the number of tickets that I have remaining and don't need a reminder from Pornbox. Farthemore it's my oppinion this is not customer friendly, it's RUDE!!

Is just a marketing strategy, obviously the main function is notify that they have low TKTs to make them buy more. There aren't nothing wrong in that, if you are aware of that your number of TKTs is low, it shouldn't affect you a notify if you really doesn't want buy more.