jamminjamessmith wrote:I feel like it was a bait and switch. When I signed up for Pi**vids there was no mention of Pornbox. As soon as I sign up I get rerouted to Pornox. All of the videos that were shown as videos I would get with my membership are now videos that I would have to pay for after already paying for a membership. So what is the point in paying for a high-priced membership? I definitely won't be resubscribing for another month. To be honest I would like my money back for this month. Pure deception. Not a good look
You receive tickets with your membership as well as 20% discount on other future purchases. You can use the tickets to buy scenes. Any scene at PornBox is purchasable with tickets, except a few that are only available in special membership packages.
The scenes you purchase this way are yours forever. You can download or stream them how many times you want.
Tickets are received monthly. Before your payment, there is a screen showing you information about the ticket system.
All scenes from pissvids are available only through pornbox.com