Sales Tax Costs Still Being Hidden

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Sales Tax Costs Still Being Hidden

Postby Ultra-Gape » Thu Oct 20, 2022 9:37 am

I am concerned that people making payments to this site are still being charged more than is displayed on screen. I totally understand that local sales taxes need to be added but there should be transparency about this.

Yesterday I took out a new studio membership (LVT Studio) and the actual amount charged to my credit card was 20% more than ever displayed on screen, and there was not even a warning about a local sales tax potentially being added on top. I expected that this probably would happen from what I've seen on this forum but many new members in particular won't be. I want to see this site continue to be successful and I worry about new members not unreasonably being put off by this, and honestly all customers deserve clarity over what they're agreeing to pay at the point they hit a buy button. I really hope steps to address this are being seriously looked into behind the scenes.

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