Access to Pornworld not working?
Wed Jan 26, 2022 5:38 pm
by audioguy2387
Is there still unlimited access to the Pornworld studio with a monthly membership (vids and pic downloads)? When I try and access (and pay for upgrade membership, it says that the membership is already active but I'm unable to access any of the videos and pictures. Has the all access been removed?
Re: Access to Pornworld not working?
Thu Jan 27, 2022 12:59 pm
by Kapwn
SegPay has some problem with double memerships.
If you have a standard membership you SHOULD be able to purchase another membership (different type, PornWorld subscription), but SegPay will think you already have one and cannot have another.
I have tried talking to them, but they just do not understand the problem. Maybe you will have more luck explaining. In any case, you should be successful with a credit card if that is possible for you.
You can find the offer at, when you click on "add tkt" in the top right. You should be presented with all the main memberhip options.