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Frequently being logged out at random???

PostPosted: Sat Jan 09, 2021 9:12 am
by MackZatis
Anybody else having such an issue???

Never had this happen more than 1-2 times every 6 months or so. However since New Year, it has happened probably 10 or so times. Sometimes, it'll be in the short time between watching a trailer and going to another to watch, only to be logged out. Other times it'll happen if I'm away from the LP tabs open in my browser or even my computer all together for hours at a time, which could be accepted but it never acted like that before. Not to mention, I marked the "remember me" box so it shouldn't matter really....

*edit* I just checked the login page, & I'm not seeing a "remember me" or "stay logged in" option as I remember seeing before (I think I do at least, I could be wrong). However, also the login page looks different to me as well.

Support staff; can you shed any light on this for me. Cheers & Thanks

Re: Frequently being logged out at random???

PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 12:32 pm
by Kapwn
Hi, I checked your account and I do not quite understand your problem.

Do you get some error with your logouts? Like "Session expired" or anything?

It would be very weird if another tab opens just like that. Do you have some addons in your browser?

Re: Frequently being logged out at random???

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2021 6:32 am
by MackZatis
yes I do get "session expired" everytime. Yesterday it happened 3 times in 20 min. I have add-ons but not anything different that 1yr+ ago. Also I usually have multiple PB tabs opened at once, but again, have never had this issue before....
Bottom line, I'm not doing anything different than I have ever done, but am getting this different "result".

Re: Frequently being logged out at random???

PostPosted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 4:54 pm
by Kapwn
You might not have changed anything, but something might've changed on the sites.

Anyway, I have tried to change some things, hopefully you will not be getting that error now.

Please try to browse now.

Re: Frequently being logged out at random???

PostPosted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 5:59 am
by MackZatis
Kapwn wrote:You might not have changed anything, but something might've changed on the sites.

Anyway, I have tried to change some things, hopefully you will not be getting that error now.

Please try to browse now.

Yeah so you may or may not have done anything as far as I truly know. But for now, it hasn't happened since last reply. However, that kinda was the cycle of it for a while until I got too fed-up. It would be fine for stretches, then it would spazz out for a few days, then be all ok and over again.
But thanks for the replies and efforts none the less. In a few more days I'll go check the box "accept this answer" (without logging out event happening)