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Bookmarking scenes

PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 7:16 pm
by dpconnoisseur1
Can you add a feature to allow users streaming the scenes to bookmark segments of the video and name them ? I used this feature on another site and couldn't believe how convenient it was to be able to save bookmarks of the exact segments of the scene you enjoyed. This just makes it easy to get back too without having to search the whole scene again.

Re: Bookmarking scenes

PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 8:26 pm
by misangrenegra2
dpconnoisseur1 wrote:Can you add a feature to allow users streaming the scenes to bookmark segments of the video and name them ? I used this feature on another site and couldn't believe how convenient it was to be able to save bookmarks of the exact segments of the scene you enjoyed. This just makes it easy to get back too without having to search the whole scene again.

I never thought about something like this but sound quite interesting.

Sometimes i wanted search some specific moments of scenes that i have watched (for gifs or for enjoy some parts) but but I had to look in the whole scene refreshing my memory.

+1 for this idea, is very interesting.

Re: Bookmarking scenes

PostPosted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 6:38 pm
by dpconnoisseur1
^Thanks for the support. The reason you gave above is exactly why I hope they consider adding it.