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Disabling "one click payment"

PostPosted: Thu Jan 02, 2020 4:04 pm
by Sir Noel
The payment system on here really scares me and frustrates me.

Twice now I have inadvertantly made payments, once for a month subscription to the "porn world" channel and two days ago now (on my other acct) I bought a video inadvertantly for money rather than tickets.
I don't want to see those cash options and I live in fear of misclicking the screen and buying Giorgios entire fucking catalogue for thousands of pounds!!
But the bigger fear is if my account ever got hacked. Even if you cancel your memberships your card details remain and anyone who hacks your account could spend thousands with no confirmation required.
This is a terribly unsafe system. I don't even want those bloody options and it seems like these are dangers you cannot even escape by leaving the site!

Re: Disabling "one click payment"

PostPosted: Thu Jan 02, 2020 4:33 pm
by misangrenegra2
Sir Noel wrote:The payment system on here really scares me and frustrates me.

Twice now I have inadvertantly made payments, once for a month subscription to the "porn world" channel and two days ago now (on my other acct) I bought a video inadvertantly for money rather than tickets.
I don't want to see those cash options and I live in fear of misclicking the screen and buying Giorgios entire fucking catalogue for thousands of pounds!!
But the bigger fear is if my account ever got hacked. Even if you cancel your memberships your card details remain and anyone who hacks your account could spend thousands with no confirmation required.
This is a terribly unsafe system. I don't even want those bloody options and it seems like these are dangers you cannot even escape by leaving the site!

Definitely LP needs to make some improvements here, some "How to XXXX" and add some new options.

About disabling the "one click payment" i'm totally agree with you, should be a clear option in our PornBox for that and some previous steps to make it safe, clearly will solve and avoid more problems like that. About if you dont have enough TKTs inmediately choose without any confirmation the payment with your credit card have no sense!

About your credit card, yes, remains saved in if you dont remove it. Basically when you make a payment(for membership, tokens), automatically your data are registered. Thats remind me that LP said they would add different kind of payments.

Dont be scare, If you want to change/add/remove your credit card simply go to the and do login with your email (the email that you use here in LP to login), they will send you instructions in your email to access to your private area, then go to the "My saved cards" section and you will can remove it easily.

LP please, make some easy instructions and add safe options for the costumers, this kind of things shouldnt happen

Re: Disabling "one click payment"  Topic is solved

PostPosted: Fri Jan 03, 2020 10:52 pm
by Sir Noel
Thank you for this advice, I have removed my cards. If i resubscribe or wish to make another payment I suppose i will have to go through the "remove card" process each time afterwards. How ridiculous.